in #steemchurch6 years ago



In this political area that is lived in Venezuela at the moment, two conditions of the population can be noticed. A population that has very different opinions about what really happens in the country.

You can notice the condition of each person, in any part of the country, and this condition does not refer to the educational, training, or social level.

It refers to an attention and a demonstration of love that they received at some point in these 20 years of the revolutionary process.

It means that they received care, help and affection, actions that they had never received by any previous government.
It refers to the gratitude they feel for having received support and having been made visible by a president.

It means that at some point it was necessary to take charge of a massive population to seek their support and this process was carried out without using force.

Well, it is known that when threatening a person, this threat generates fear and fear forces the person to obey and obeying will be submitted.

Submit is a verb that indicates the action of oppressing, bending or dominating another. The consequences of this verb are known as submission or submission.

This submission implies the subordination of own decisions to those of other people. In politics the notion of submitting is related to conquest and domination.

In the world there are two types of people who are allowed to submit and those who do not like to submit.

Normally, we see these actions within the military sphere. That is why when a person submits to various practices it is because he accepts it or is forced to do so. And this action is recurrent in the military field.

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, Submissive is an adjective and means that it is someone who lets himself be dominated by the force of circumstances or by other people, accepting, without question, his authority and his will.

Nowadays technology has allowed the art of subjection to exist and it is applied a lot in the area of ​​politics.
The rulers learn to dominate and subdue the peoples of the world.

The rulers have changed their tactics of domination of a population, they know that they should not attack, because this would lead the people to rebellion, therefore, to an act of revolution, or change. For this reason the politician has modified his actions and goes to the threat and the threat produces fear and fear allows you to submit.

The US has been threatening Venezuela with a military intervention, he wants to scare us, but he has made a mistake once again. This fear has made the adrenaline rise to Venezuelans to fight for their homeland.

Fear changed the Venezuelan, this fear policy did not work for the US and the Venezuelans reversed the feeling of fear to be dominated by courage and not allow to be subdued.

At some point I read, that politics could be qualified as "The art of giving fear to obey you"
When Donald Trump threatens the people of Venezuela he is unfounded to achieve his goals. And the objectives of the US is to control the political system of the country and thus keep our mineral wealth.

That is why the United States threatens the different rulers of the world, infuses fear with any action and this headquarters, thanks to the fear that it had, allowing the one who subdues to achieve this way, very comfortably, its objectives.

Therefore, when they manage to threaten a population or a president they generate fear and can get people to do what they want. So you can say that if you vote, you will be left alone and you will not receive support from any country; It is the same as saying that if you do not vote you will be left alone and you will not receive support from any country.

With the fear that they infused you, they achieve what they want. The US applied the policy of fear in this invasión campaign in Venezuela.

And so this campaign is full of lies that induce fear, like the Marines have already reached the border, or the Venezuelan military is recruiting the teenagers and taking them away. That Maduro is a dictator, that his executive train are the most millionaires in the world, that they have yachts in the Miami marina.

Then a part of the population that does not support the government, is upset and afraid, and prefers to support military intervention because it will be safe and wants to end the dictatorship.

But, they did apply measures of economic blockade and expropriation of Venezuelan assets in other parts of the world, also affecting the country's economy.

Wanting to drown the Venezuelan in their most primary need as is to feed themselves, or to be cured of an illness, then, they induce fear because we will die of hunger or lack of medicines.

They also induced fear with the terrorists: Hezbollah and Colombian guerrillas, plus false news, indicating that Maduro was related to these groups, so that the people decide to support the military intervention, an intervention that will surely affect them in all areas, be family, housing, food, security and endless facts that generates an invasion.

This information is transmitted there in the US, that people innocently, will approve the invasion of Venezuela because they want to remove the dictator who is starving a people, and represents an unusual threat to his country.

They are afraid of the damage that we Venezuelans can do to them, because they have told them so, it is better to end the threat and continue to live happily there, because they will end the ultimatum and their fears are over, but on the other hand, they invade Venezuela here.

The fear policy is used to put the same population of the country threatened to support its own destruction. And convince them that the actions to take are necessary.

So a part of the Venezuelan population supports an invasion, sure that the invasion will be good and they will be unharmed and will end once and for all, their fear, of not being able to buy food or buy the medicine they need.

Accepting this invasion they are submitting to what the dominant says, the one that submits: The USA. He has lied to you and the unfounded fear is so great that it does not allow you to think about the consequences of the invasion action.

You submit because you are afraid, and submitting is not bad when you think that everything will end and it will be better to be at home with the fridge full, with the TV on, and it does not matter if the country is destroyed, if they take the oil, if they have killed to many civilians, although you do not know if that person who will be at home is you.

I read an article by Juan Pérez Ventura about "How the world works" and he said in that article: "It is fear that prevents us from reacting. We do not say it, but deep down we know it. Those above have found the perfect weapon. Those below can not help it. We are very afraid "

To my Venezuelan compatriots, we know what manipulation, lies and fear are, and we can decide if we want to be subjugated or NOT ALLOW US TO SUBMIT US.

In this whole diatribe, we can also stay calm and dedicate ourselves to pray, if we believe much in God, we can do it. Then we pray, for our safety, for our families, for the equanimity of the people and for peace in the country.

We trust in God, because we know that our lives and our security are in him. We have faith so that everything goes in favor of the people of Venezuela.

Whatever God decides, so it will be.

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