Building Families
"With wisdom the house is built, and with intelligence it is signed" Proverbs 24.3
We live in a time of chaos in families. The world, the flesh and the devil have destroyed many homes. The world has changed family values and denies the principles of the Word of God. Man has to separate what God has united. And the devil has destroyed many families with their lies.
In the midst of so much destruction, it seems that the work of building never ends. We need to always be restoring something that has been shaken. We can not stop rebuilding families.
How to build the family?
1- Built by God: Matthew 7,24-27
The family was created by God (Genesis 1:27 and 28) and therefore the Lord is the first interested to bless and build the family. The wise man builds his house on the rock that is the Word of God.
A family built on the Word of God can not be moved because its faith is based on God.
God builds his family!
2- Closed Al Mal: Ex 12,21-23
When the people of God left Egypt, they celebrated the Passover and the blood of the lamb was passed on the doors of the houses protecting them from all evil. Death did not reach the homes of God's people because their homes were sealed by God. God closed the door of the ark to protect Noah's family (Genesis 7:16).
We can not leave our home unprotected. We need to close our house against all evil influence. This protection comes through "Jesus, who delivers us from wrath to come" (that Thessalonians 1:10). We can close our house of all evils through the life of prayer.
Close your house for all evil!
3- Joy Place: Lucas and 22 15.8.9
The woman who lost the drachma was sad, but did not give up until she found it again (verse 8.9). The father of the prodigal son also celebrated the return of his son at home (v. 22). This shows us that a home restored by God is a happy place.
When God restores our life, we rejoice (Psalm 126.2). God wants to transform all things in our lives and give us His peace in our hearts. The Lord wishes that the family be happy with life (Ps 128,1-6).
Your house is a place of joy!
4- Full of Light: Matthew 5,15-16
Jesus said that light must be above everything in our house. God made the separation between light and darkness and saw that the light was good (Genesis 1,4). Many families are in the dark because the hatred has darkened the family environment for one does not see the other (I John 2,9).
Light brings the environment well. A dark place is full of doubts and fear. So our homes must be enlightened by the Word of God (Ps 119,105). Our life must be a light, from our house to the world (Matthew 5:14).
Let the light of God shine in your home!
5- Place the Word of God: Deuteronomy 6,6-9
The people of God had the habit of transmitting the Word of God from generation to generation. In this way the stories and teachings of the Scriptures were taught through oral tradition before writing. Each family was responsible for teaching their children and that is why the house was naturally a place to learn the Word of God.
We need to rescue this custom of making our house an environment of teaching, preaching and praising God. Children must be educated by their parents in the first place. If there is no example within the home, the children do not learn.
Make your home a place of the Word of God!
6- Witness Location: I Pedro 3.1
The apostle Peter oriented Christian women to give a good testimony of life to their husbands. Encourage even without words, but through the procedure we can testify about our faith.
Many Christians pray and preach only within the church, forgetting that inside the home is the first place they should do that. The first place we must testify is inside the house.

Witness life in your home!
7- place Prayer: I Peter 3.7
The apostle Peter also exhorts men to live in prayer. Explain that man should have love and consideration for his wife, needs to seek spiritual discernment and never stop praying.
Many times we let domestic problems interrupt our prayers. We stop praying, but we do not stop criticizing, complaining or fighting. But in reality we must do the opposite: continue to pray and stop with the problems.
Your house is a place of prayer! God builds his family!
Psalm 127,1 "If the Lord does not build the house in vain, those who build it work."
Many people are trying to build their homes in vain because they forget to seek help from God. We must trust in our work and everything we do in the Lord's hands (Psalm 90.17). Only with the help of God the house is built.
Ask God to build your home closing to all evil, bringing joy, filling with light, ministering the Word of God, giving testimony of life and always praying.
Do not let anything destroy your family!
Hi @marciabon!
At SteemChurch, we encourage the construction of a good Family!
It is taking care of young children with all patience, even if the day has been difficult. It is talking to your spouse after a strenuous day of work, yours or the other. It is to import with the sad look of the son, without thinking that sadness will resolve itself. It is to disconnect the television or remove the eyes from the cell phone and remain present in the house of the grandparents.
Valuable teaching that we can not forget! The construction of strong families is synonymous with strong society! Blessings @marcibon