touching bottom in my life.

Throughout the life cycle, we are continually exposed to situations of helplessness, of anguish, of intense pain, of damaging loneliness, of losses, of frustrations that are often accompanied by imbalances Emotional Faced with situations that often overwhelm us by not having the slightest control over them, we feel helpless, and we say to ourselves - "we can not do nothing, since it does not depend on us "-. This feeling can generate a reaction of demotivation, discouragement and depression.

Certainly we can not choose the external circumstances that we have to live,but what we can, what depends on us is the attitude, that is, the way of reacting to those events.
Did your work end?
Is your relationship over?
Did not you receive the attention or the What did you expect?
Did you feel cheated or betrayed?
you lost everything? Do you feel dissatisfied?
You feel "touching bottom", and it is from there where you look back, again and again Once inside, it will allow us to discover what is imperishable In us.
I will now bring a passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew, in which Jesus is calm and confident, so that he sleeps, while the disciples are falling prey to fear and anguish, until they can no longer and they "hit bottom" and decide to wake him up.
"On that day he said to them, already late in the afternoon: Let's go to the other side of the lake. When he had climbed aboard the ship, his disciples followed him. And they gave themselves to the sea. While they were sailing, he fell asleep. A storm came over the lake, which the waves covered the ship, and approaching they awakened him, saying: Lord, save us, we perish. He said to them: Why do you fear, men of little faith? Then he got up, sent the wind and said to the sea: Quiet, mute. And the wind quieted and complete calm became ".
The journey to "the other shore" is nothing more than a journey to be deeper than you are. We confuse the deep "I" with our name, and our form, and with the history associated with it. The essence itself, the innermost "I" is the consciousness itself, made of love, and that is what can not be lost. This explains why Jesus was not afraid to perish, he knew that consciousness itself he never dies, only the form.
Matthew tells us how Jesus ordered the winds to stop and the storm ceased. Our fears, the inner ghosts, the catastrophic anticipations that they grip us, the resentment, the pride, the pain that we cling to let it go, they mute before the basic trust in life. Disappear when we allow ourselves to "touch bottom" and be there. Anything you accept It will fully take you to a state of peace. Eckhart tells us that when we allow and observe a negative emotion, it is like putting light. Such so that the energy that sustains it diminishes and ends up disappearing. Yes you accept one thing expecting it to change, it is that you do not accept it.
To accept it consists in accepting as it is. What happened, happened, and you have to let go, you have to let go. Release the resentment and pain. Do not stay attached to him. Let go, let go, detach, is the way in which the wind mutes and the sea calms down.