The family as a fundamental axis in the formation of values in the child

In a society convulsed by violence, dishonesty, irresponsibility, theft in all its dimensions, family disintegration, divorces, abortions protagonists are mostly young people; where the Individualism and little participation of the community in social problems, children abandoned by their parents, dysfunctional homes where the ideal family should be composed of (father, mother, brothers, grandparents, uncles, cousins) mostly not exists and the reality is that homes especially in the lower classes are constituted in various ways, marriages, single mothers, father-children, concubines; we could then think, that we are facing a social system Venezuelan modeling antivalores?
The sociocultural changes have been very accelerated especially in the second half of the 20th century either induced by science and technology or by valuation crisis in the generally young populations that do not find a way of integration in the social system; this has brought as a consequence political, economic changes, educational and social issues creating uncertainties and instabilities especially in the family as a social structure
We have to ask ourselves what role does the family play in this? The family should assume the role as the fundamental unit of human life; it's around her where They rotate most of the rites of life: birth, baptism, first communion rites of adolescence the entrance to the school, the marriage the divorce the disease and the death and it is precisely in her where the individual molds the entire moral structure that will govern his conduct and his life.
The family is the reference of life of each person in our society; they are structures complex where the emotions of individuals are poured, are philosophies of life in where affective, valórales bonds are maintained and where they are put to the test human conflicts. In the bosom of the family, basic processes are produced: expression of feelings, adequate or inadequate, the personality of the individual and behavior patterns; all this is learned in family dynamics and those that
learn to teach their children, more or less the same.
The family is also a center of spiritual expression (inside the super structuring of development). When their integration is positive, within them generate the most intimate values of the spirit: love, kindness, and a whole series of ethical expressions and personal happiness; but at the same time if this is not the case Family is the center of man's greatest suffering and discomfort.
The members of a family tend to resemble each other, not only phenotypically but behaviorally In order to give answers supported in the bibliography with regard to the importance of the family as a social structure, in the formation of values in the child problematic situation of this type of study and the justification; likewise the objectives and the methodology to be used. A general theoretical vision is developed about the social development of the child and family concepts emphasizing the family popular Venezuelan and finally we try to relate how they influence these two visions in the formation of man's values
As a man of God is our responsibility, to take the family down the narrow road, I am the father of two princesses and control what they see on television, Internet. Of course we always pray together as a family.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful publication.