STEEMCHURCH: Growing to the stature and fullness of our creator
Impossible to go through life; without a friendship causing disappointment, without suffering a health break, without a love leaving us, without anyone in the family dies, without making a mistake in a business.
We grow when there is no void of hope, no weakening of will, no loss of faith.
We grow when we accept our mistakes, when we fail and get up
One grows when he forgets the past and builds our future in faith and believes in God's purpose for us.
It grows when it is overcome, valued, and knows how to bear fruit.
we grow when we set goals, avoiding prejudices and negative comments, when we give examples without caring about the jokes.

One grows when one is strong by character, sustained by formation, sensitive by temperament ... And human by birth!
One grows by helping others, knowing himself and giving life more than he receives. One grows when one plants so as not to retreat ...
One grows, when it defends itself as an eagle so as not to stop flying ...
We grow when we wait and trust our creator!

Psalm 71: 5
Because you are my hope; Oh Lord GOD, you are my confidence from my youth.
Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD there is sure confidence and the children will take refuge.
Ephesians 4:15
But following the truth in love, let us grow in everything in that which is the head, that is, Christ.