What to do when the last hope dies?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings and Blessings beloved of SteemChurch


Today we are going to talk about the widow of Nain, a fact reported only in the Gospel of Luke 7: 11-17. This being one of the 35 miracles of Jesus here on earth.

11 And it came to pass afterwards, that he went to the city called Nain, and many of his disciples went with him, and a great multitude.

12 When he came near the gate of the city, behold, they carried to bury a dead man, the only son of his mother, who was a widow; and there were many people from the city with her.

13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said to her, "Do not cry.

14 And approaching, he touched the coffin; and those who carried it stopped. And he said: Young man, I tell you, get up.

15 Then he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And he gave it to his mother.

16 And all were afraid, and glorified God, saying, A great prophet has risen among us; and: God has visited his people.

17 And his fame spread throughout all Judea, and throughout all the region round about. Luke 7: 11-17

Besides being the first of the three miracles related in the Gospels, where Jesus turns someone back to life. The other two were (the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus) and (the resurrection of Lazarus).

There is a very famous proverb in our country that says "Hope is the last thing that is lost", however, it suddenly happened in the life of this widow and her last hope came to die, and now? What to do?

Are we exempt from the SUDDEN happening in our lives? Or is it that the last hope has already died?

Nain is a small town in the region of Galilee and its meaning is "charming" or "elegant". Which is about 50 km from the city of Capernaum.

City in which Jesus had just done a great miracle healing a servant of a centurion.

And the next day, Jesus took the road to Nain because he knew that there in this small city someone needed his help.

The Bible does not say his name, but only calls as the widow of Nain.

When we study the Old Testament and the history of past centuries, we see that the great dream of every Hebrew woman was to marry a good man, and they have a male child, since this would continue in the offspring of their father.


Dream Fulfilled

Then we can affirm that this woman had managed to realize her great dream. Although the Bible does not detail its history, we perceive that she had a husband and only one son.

But something happened, we do not know what, but her husband, who had the responsibility to bring food and support the house came to die.

And now this woman, a widow and with her only son, would have to turn around in order to survive.

But all was not lost, after losing her husband, but she still had her last hope, her only child.

Because the expectation was to grow and become a good person, a good worker, someone respected and that would bear good fruit.

That through this this woman, mother and widow could have a more comfortable and balanced life, without worrying about what she was going to eat or drink.

Her hope was to see her son succeed so that she too could enjoy those benefits.

The Son of the Widow of Naim

But "SUDDENLY" something unexpected happened, unforeseen. Something that was completely out of his plans and that would never have crossed his mind.

His only son who was also his last hope came to pass away!

And now, what would become of that woman? Widowed and childless, she risked spending the rest of her days begging, if she did not have a close relative who could help her.

There was not much shelter and consolation for a widow, and with the death of her son now she was alone. She cried thinking about the day of tomorrow, and remembered that her life was perfect before.

For a Jew, to marry and have a son was a dream and she had realized it, but now it's all gone ...

What would be of his plans that were interrupted by the "DE REPENTO" of life? His future was compromised and fated to failure.


Dreams Are Broken

This is our life, we make plans, we set our goals and objectives, we have dreams and we want them to be fulfilled in our lives,

But something happens in the middle of the road and now we are alone and with one last hope. People abandoned us, or maybe we lost everything we had.

Who knows what marriage is going from bad to worse, the news of the disease, or something that leads to our dream.

But we still do not literally lose everything, there is still a last chance in us, a last hope!

For that disease there is a treatment a probability of cure, although little but there is still the last hope.

There still exists in the background that feeling that the marriage is going to happen again, that the fights are over, or who knows the spouse who left home, that they are reconciled.

Even alone, abandoned by society or even by the family. In the bottom there is still in us that hope that we are going to turn around, there is still one last hope.

I can get a new job or maybe start a business. Then we began to gather the boxes, to clean the wounds, to shake the dust and we started slowly to get up.

The reconstruction in the placement, that the faith that now things will work for us.

And many times things start to flow, we begin to have and see the first results and we go back to dream that dream that we had dreamed before ...


When Jesus sees the pain of the woman and how sad her situation is, she is deeply moved. With tenderness and with a confidence that transmits confidence, he says: "Do not cry anymore". But he does not limit himself to saying that. He approaches the funeral stretcher and touches it, returns hope to the child's mother!
Our hope is guaranteed in Jesus Christ!


Amen beloved Steam Church, that is the is all our hope, our beloved Jesus Christ.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. Our hope is placed in Christ Jesus.

Amen friend blessings for you

Thank you @lorennys for sharing this wonderful spiritual message. Our hope is in the Lord's and He will never let us down when we place our hopes on Him.

Amen brother he is faithful and true, thank you for reading, blessings

"Behold, I am with you every day until the consummation of the ages." We as the Church were chosen to announce the hope that exists in Christ Jesus before the world that lost the expectation of better days.

This is my dear @albaa, we are not alone and we must announce to those who have lost hope that while we are in God we should not be discouraged, on the contrary we should trust those days better, blessings

No es fácil permanecer creyendo en lo que DIOS un día nos prometió que nos daría, ya que somos humanos.

Pero cuando pensamos en todo lo que DIOS nos ha dado y todo lo que DIOS ha hecho y que sobretodo nunca ha fallado, es cuando recobramos nuestras fuerzas y volvemos a creer que lo que él nos ha prometido.... vendrá y llegará, pase el tiempo que pase.

Después de todo, nuestro deseo o petición, seguro que es mucho menos que resucitar un muerto, no?

Recordemos, la fe viene por el oir... leamos su palabra.

DIOS les bendiga!

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