IT WAS a flagrant injustice. Although the handsome young man had not committed any crime, he was locked in a dungeon, lyingly accused of attempted rape. It was not, however, the first abuse he suffered. Years before, Jose who so called had suffered the betrayal of his own brothers, who almost came to kill him when he was 17 years old. Then he was sold as a slave in a foreign country, where he rejected the insinuations of his master's wife, who, to the scornful verse, invented the false accusation that took him to jail. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no one to intercede for him.

However, Jehovah, the God "lover of justice and right", observed such abuses in intervened in order to correct them, maneuvering the events so that finally Jose was freed (Psalm 33: 5). What is more, the man who was thrown into a "prison hole" ended up in a position of great responsibility and high honor (Genesis 40: 15, 41: 41-43, Psalm 10: 17-18). In the end he was linked and made use of his high position for the advancement of the divine purpose (Genesis 54: 5-8).


What is justice?

Man usually conceives of justice as the mere impartial application of the law. The book Ethics: theory and application states that "justice is co-centered with the law, with the obligation, rights and duties, and measures their concessions according to equality and merit." However, in the case of Jehovah it implies more than the cold compliance with the rules due to fidelity to duty or obligations.

In the Bible they are used as synonyms of "justice" and "right" (Amos 5:24).
Therefore, when the Scriptures say that the creator is righteous, they indicate that he does what is right and just, and that he acts always, without bias (Romans 2:11). In fact, it is inconceivable that it proceeds otherwise. The faithful Elihu pointed out: "Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!" (Job 34:10) Indeed, it is impossible for Jehovah to work unjustly. Why? For two important reasons.

1). God is holy. It is infinitely pure and straight, which prevents it from acting unfairly. The sanctity of our Heavenly Father is a powerful reason to trust that he never mistreated his children. This was the reason to trust Jesus, who on his last night of life on earth prayed: "Holy Father" watch over the disciples because of your own name "(John 17:11). The formula "Holy Father" applies exclusively to Jehovah, and it is the same since no human father can be compared in holiness.Christ had full faith that his disciples would be safe in the hands of the Father who is distinguished by the absolute purity and the Complete separation from all sin (Matthew 23: 9).

2). Altruistic love is proper to the nature of the Most High and moves him to treat everyone with righteousness. In change injustice in its various forms including racism, discrimination and favoritism, is often the result of greed and selfishness, vices contrary to love. The Bible guarantees us the following about the God of love: "Jehovah is just who loves the righteous acts" (Psalm 11: 7). He himself says about his person: "I, Jehovah, often know that he delights to act according to law, that is, in righteousness" (Jeremiah 9:24).


The Mercy and the Perfect Justice of God

The justice of Jehovah, like the other facets of his unique personality, is perfect, without any deficiency. Moses exalted the Creator with these words: "The Rock is perfect, because all its ways are justice, God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice, righteous and just" (Deuteronomy 32: 3-4). All expression of his justice is balanced neither very indulgent nor very severe.
There is a very close relationship between this quality of the Most High and his mercy. Psalm 116: 5 says: "The Lord is a witness and a righteous man, and our God is One who shows mercy." Yes, he is just and merciful at the same time. These attributes are not contradictory. His exercise of mercy does not diminish his justice, as if it were very severe. Rather, he usually expresses both qualities simultaneously and even in the same action. Let's see an example.
All human beings have harmed sin, so we deserve capital punishment (Romans 5:12). But Jehovah does not take pleasure in the death of sinners: he is "a God of acts of forgiveness, benevolent and merciful" (Nehemiah 9:17). However, his sanctity does not allow him to approve injustice. So how could I deal with mercy to sinful people by nature? We find the answer in one of the most precious truths of the scriptures: the rescue he has provided for the salvation of mankind.


Jehovah's Justice is Comforting

Jehovah's justice is not a cold quality that inspires rejection, but it is daring and brings us closer to him. As the Bible clearly indicates, it is an attribute characterized by compassion. Let's discuss some of the encouraging ways in which you exercise it.
The perfect justice of the Almighty moves him to be true, to be loyal to his servants. The psalmist David was able to see for himself this facet of divine rectitude. To what conclusion did his own experience and the study of God's ways take him? "Jehovah is a lover of righteousness, and he will not leave those who are loyal to him, they will be kept until an indefinite time," I declare (Psalm 37:28). What a comforting guarantee! Not for a moment would he abandon his loyal ones. Therefore, we can trust that he will be close to us and take good care of us, because his justice guarantees it (Proverbs 2: 7-8).


Does not exempt from punishment

Someone may ask: "If Jehovah does not approve anything contrary to righteousness, what explains the unjust suffering and corrupt practices that plague today's society?" The injustices that abound in this evil world do not call into question divine righteousness, because they are due to the sin we have inherited from Adam. In a world where imperfect human beings choose their own ways of sin, abuses are frequent, although it will not be so for much longer (Deuteronomy 32: 5).

Although Jehovah shows great mercy to those who approach him with sincerity, he does not tolerate indefinitely a situation that gives rise to reproach to his holy name (Psalm 74:10, 22, 23). No one can mock the God of justice, stubborn sinners will not protect them from the condemnatory judgment that their behavior increases.



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