Words Have Power

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Santiago 3

3 My brothers, do not become teachers many of you, knowing that we will receive greater condemnation.

2 Because we all offend many times. If anyone does not offend in word, this is a perfect man, capable also of restraining the whole body.

3 Behold, we brake the mouth of the horses to obey us, and we direct all their body.

4 Look also at the ships; although they are so big, and carried by impetuous winds, they are governed with a very small rudder where the ruler wants them.

5 So also the tongue is a small member, but it boasts of great things. Behold, how big a forest kindles a small fire!

6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of evil. The tongue is placed between our members, and it contaminates the whole body, and inflames the wheel of creation, and it is itself inflamed by hell.

7 For every nature of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of beings of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by human nature;

8 But no man can tame the tongue, which is an evil that can not be restrained, full of deadly poison.

9 With it we bless God and the Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God.

10 Blessing and cursing proceed from the same mouth. My brothers, this should not be like this.

11 Does a fountain pour sweet and bitter water through the same opening?

12 My brethren, can the fig tree produce olives, or the figs? So also no source can give salty and sweet water.

The text talks about the responsibility of the speaker, what speaks, what speaks. Everything we talk about can be used against ourselves. We must bear in mind before speaking, especially when we do not understand what we are talking about.

It seems that Santiago is talking about teachers, teachers, people who often teach the impulse to speak, puts these teachers in danger, perhaps because they are not prepared properly. We must remember that teaching is a very big responsibility. There are people who do not prepare themselves and stay on the surface of what they are talking about, thinking that people are foolish and accept everything, there are people who think everything and put their opinion in everything irresponsibly, the result of miscommunication It may bring harm.

Santiago that shows that of all the mistakes that we commit the most serious are those of the language, those who speak without taking more risks than those who speak little. When we are able to master our language, we certainly have the strength to dominate other things.

Putting a brake on the mouth of an animal and making it obey is relatively easy, but putting a brake on our mouth is not easy, although possible, it could be controlled in other things until we control others, but we have many difficulties in controlling David said:
"I kept my ways, that I should not sin with my tongue, I will keep my mouth with a bridle, when the wicked is before me" (Psalm 39: 1).

Small pieces control a large ship, a person who controls their tongue can do the same against their own destemperos impulses.

The tongue is a small organ that the glory of many things that aim to ignite a problem that causes the tragedy "many have been destroyed because of slander, so many ministries were already undone by the evil of someone." Just as a spark of phosphorus can turn on a back, irresponsible word can cause a war.

There are infernal words that destroy feelings, health, friendships, a hellish word, sometimes dirty one life throughout its existence, words are powerful to build and destroy.

God has empowered man to tame nature, animals, everyone, manages to be tamed by man, but that dominating man can not master, but God can master the language of any man and even more. Put them totally at your service
with language they are faithful, but at the same time, mistreat human beings. This is the great inconsistency of the language, James said that, although that is the reality of human nature, Christians should strive to avoid. The inconsistency of expression is not convenient for Christians of the church is the people of God in the world to transform the world so that each believer needs to have dominion to master their words, so that they are always a source of life and blessing and never a source of curse.


Based on this teaching, we can conclude that the bad ones, bring negative consequences in the meeting of the Saints. God bless you Kris.


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