The Steem Church has workers with a heart of flesh

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Greetings and Blessings to all, in my career as a Christian I have learned some things, among them the urgency in the churches to stop workers with a heart of flesh that can really feel the need that their flock can present.

Thank God for the leaders of Steemchurch, full men and women of Espiruto Santo, ready at all times to reach out to their parishioners.

@sirknight: Founder of Steemchurch
@darlenys01: Apostle of Steemchurch
@ricci01: leader of @sc-v
@emiliocabrera: leader of @sc-v-sucre
@Uyobong: Leader of @sc-n
@biggsam: Leader of @sc-g
@mhm-philippines: Leader of @sc-philippines

Ezekiel 36:26

"I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you, and I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.

As for brotherly charity, you do not need me to write you, since you yourselves are instructed by God to love one another; BECAUSE, CONSOLE ONE TO OTHERS WITH THESE WORDS. Therefore, exhort one another and edify each other, as you also do.

For we too were once foolish, disobedient, misguided, serving various lusts and delights, living in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. First, exhort one another every day, during the time that is called today, so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. And let us consider one another, to stimulate charity and good works.

In Paul's considerations, the Church was, just as for me, it is, "one" could be in Thessalonica, Corinth, Philippi, Jerusalem, Galilee, Macedonia, Ephesus - anywhere, even in the house of a family, there could be the Church of the Lord as the Body of Christ that is. Paul was not sectarian. No. Far from this. Paul considered Jehovah's Church to be the Lord's - and he, Paul, a mere steward of the ministry who had been caught by the Lord on the road to Damascus.

From then on, and to start walking the New Way (Hb 10:20), he became blind. (Acts 9: 8). The unbelieving man that GOD had "plans" in his life, simply fell, and went blind. Gaius, because he needed to get up with other perspectives of life. That is, converted, and consequently, meek, understandable, kind, humble and henceforth, holy. Blind, because from then on, he as an apostle of the Lord would have to see the world and people with "new eyes" - as well as through the author of Psalm 133: 1-3 (NIV): "How good and pleasant when the brothers together in harmony! It is like good oil on the head, running down the beard, the beard of Aaron, to the edge of his garments.It is like the dew of Hermon when it descends on the mountains of Zion, there the Lord grants the blessing of life forever, now in Christ, the heart of stone, became the heart of flesh.

From then on, Paul with a "New Vision" begins to understand the content of the Word of God and the need that each believer has to be consoled with it. Paul understood that in the Word of the Lord was the lenario who would console the hearts of all believers in CHRIST and even his own. However, he prioritized the conversion of unbelievers to Christ. There is no way to disprove that Paul was the greatest history of the missionary church.

He reaffirms: Only Paul, via the Church, as being exclusive of Jehovah. The brothers gathered where they were; known to him or not, they were all considered by him as servants of Jehovah. Reason this, that led him to make the above recommendations: COMFORT THE OTHERS TO THESE WORDS.

He saw the needs of people as if they were his. So much that he sacrifices his own life to save the life of another. Pablo was like that. Like CHRIST, before observing the faults of the people, he attempted for their needs. He was trying, but in the desire to help them get closer to Christ. He saw death in imminence, but he did not complain, or he justified himself. He once wrote to Galatians 4:19, in these terms: My children, for whom I again feel the pains of childbirth, until Christ is formed in you!

Paradoxically, a man with labor pains. For this allusion of Paul we have an obvious understanding: Paul, conceived, was pregnant to generate children in the faith, saved by Christ Jesus. Then, with that pregnancy, someone was being generated - generated by the anointing of the SPIRIT of the LORD that lived in him, by JESUS ​​CHRIST, to belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Then, as the birth of that new child was closer to the pains, they intensified until birth. Paul felt birth pains for sinners. Therefore, as a mother, who had previously suffered to generate the child, with the sufferings derived from pregnancy, now that the child was born, she takes care of that child. Loving him, comforting him, suffering for him, feeding him with what is best in his house.

Conclude with this text with the recommendations of another apostle Peter in his First Letter 5: 1-4: To the presbyters (bishops or pastors) who are among you, I admonish, that I am also a priest with them, and a witness of the afflictions of Christ and participant of the glory that is to be revealed: feed the flock of God that is among you, taking care of him, not by force, but voluntarily; not for clumsy greed, but for clever encouragement; nor as having dominion over the inheritance of God, but serving as an example to the flock. And when the Supreme Pastor appears, you will attain the incorruptible crown of glory.

This dominion over which Peter emphasized, is something very dangerous for the workers who minister to the Lord's sheep, becoming imperceptible to those who practice it, and very remarkable for those around them.

The tendency of man is to want to dominate everything, including the flock of the Lord when he ministers over him.

Proud to be part of this community of PEACE AND LOVE


Only the sovereign grace of God can do that.
Jesus Christ came to remove the heart of stone it and replace it with a new heart and a new spirit.
Thanks for sharing @krisbrazon

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