Steemchurch-Praises to the king
They were always in the temple, praising and blessing God.
Luke 24:53

The invitation to praise God is like a golden thread that runs through the entire Bible. Praise was present in creation, when the angels rejoiced (Job 38: 7); He filled the heart of the grateful people after the miraculous journey through the Red Sea (Exodus 15), and we see it every time God liberates his people.
When Jesus was born, suddenly there was a multitude of angels praising God (Luke 2:13). And just after His ascension to heaven, His disciples, filled with joy, gathered in the temple to praise and bless God.
Praise is linked to the manifestation of God's presence. Express the joy we feel when we recognize the great, the holy, the just that is God, and how much he loves us. Joy arises spontaneously from our hearts when we are occupied with it, when we are aware that it listens and responds to prayer.
Praise is produced by the joy of recognizing the grace of God, by our gratitude and our admiration.

We must never forget that we were created for the praise of our beloved Lord, He is the only one worthy of it.

@kenlys, nada de lo que hacemos es mas poderoso o de mayor trascendencia que alabar a Dios, cada vez que le alabamos y adoramos, su presencia cambia nuestros corazones y permite que el espiritu santo, nos moldee, en lo que Él quiere hacernos
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