Blessing to be Understood

The Gift of Wisdom 

In order to obtain the highest wisdom, provided by God for the edification of his work, it is necessary to cry out for it and ask for it from the heart and with the best intentions.

James: 1: 5 And if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 


Proverbs 1: 7 7 The principle of wisdom is the fear of Jehovah; The foolish despise wisdom and teaching.

How to get enough wisdom to live without error or sin. Biblical wisdom is a very useful life tool and in which we find all the answers to our questions and concerns. The bible, the word of God, the gospels, here is the infinite and merciful wisdom of the father of heaven. Anyone can share wisdom through preaching, because wisdom is not something that is already obtained, but those who acquire it abundantly have the duty to share it. 


Jesus paid our sorrows and all the believers in him can be saved and this honor can be benefited, only accepting him as our savior, and this is a gift obtained by divine wisdom, and that is why we are in the obligation to share that divine wisdom with all the people in the world who do not know her, who do not know the son of God and his act of love to give us eternal life, granting us salvation. 

The word and the commands of the father make man wise and fearful of the designs of Jehovah, since he already takes into account the amount of responsibilities that must be had and the consequences that each action must take, whether good or bad.

That is why we must nourish our spirit with the word of God because "Man shall not live by bread alone, but also by every word that comes from the lips of God."


The wisdom of God is necessary in the Christian's life, it will lead us to the fear of God, and it will show us the right path.
Good post Sister.



I always ask God for wisdom ... to face the situations of this world and more for this serious crisis that we live every day.

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