in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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Fear is a universal problem, and it is as old as the garden.
The moment that Adam and eve disobeyed God, fear set in. Unlike before the fall when the couple freely fellowshiped with God, they ran for cover out of fear the next time their guest showed up.
There is no comprehensive cure for the problem of fear, except what Eliza e. Hewitt recognized. The fact that Jesus saves is the only panacea to our fears and doubts. On a number of occassions, the disciples of Jesus literally became paranoid. However, the master would always drive their fears away by giving them assurance of his presence.
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Today, Jesus is still going around stopping people's fears, and commanding his peace instead. He can take care of what you most dread.
The origin of fear could be traced back to the fall of man.
Since then a whole range of other factors are known to trigger fear in people. Drawing from the examples of the disciples of Jesus, we see a number of things that threw them into panic. At one time Jesus said,

"Let us cross over to the other side "
*(Mark 4:35)*

On that trip the wind was so vehement against them that they cried out for fear.
So, inclement weather or unpleasant life experiences could be at the root of what we fear.
The passage before us shows the context of another thing that worried the disciples. This time too, they were in the boat; the only difference being the fact that Jesus was not physically present with them and it was night. Jesus walked on water to join them. The preceding verses showed their reactions.

'Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went on them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying "it is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear"
*(verses 25-26)*

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Here, misinterpretation of what they saw triggered their fear. Till today many are still troubled due to wrong interpretation of the issues of life. Many things that cause fear on the surface are actually divine solution coming to us! Regardless of how their fear came, Jesus always spoke a word of assurance to them. A word from Jesus is a sure cure for all fears!.

Have you ever ever looked back on the hard times in your life and thought,
“I don’t know how I would have made it through that if I hadn’t worried?”
Nobody reflects on their past and concludes,
“Money sure was tight, but worry really pulled me through.”
“Junior High was difficult. I only wish I could have worried more.”
“The diagnosis was frightening, but then I got all my friends to worry with me.”
If we all took just a few seconds right now and worried about making car payments, paying off the mortgage, being without insurance or anything, we’re wouldn’t live one second longer.
I haven’t checked this with the doctors yet, but I don’t think they will ever stand at the bedside and say,
*“Well, sir, it doesn’t look any good.and all we can do at this point is worry and panic.

Reasons why you shouldnt be afraid

  1. We will not die apart from God’s gracious decree for his children.
    (James 4:15; Matthew 10:29–30; Deuteronomy 32:39).

  2. Curses and divination do not hold sway against God’s people, no matter what (Numbers 23:23).

  3. The plans of terrorists and hostile nations do not succeed apart from our gracious God almighty (Psalm 33:10; Isaiah 8:9–10).

  4. Man cannot harm us beyond God’s gracious will/desire for us all (Psalm 118:6; Psalm 56:11).

  5. Our God promises to protect his own from all that is not finally good for them (Psalm 91:14).


God is mightier than whatever we may face. Over whatever happens in this world around us all. He gives us the power to live courageously, boldly, fearlessly in this life of ours, when many things that surround us would tell us to be afraid.

His truth whispers strong and sure to the deepest core of our hearts: “Do not fear.”

We have to show we trust him and listen to his words.

God's truth is everlasting!.
It will be ever present in times when we may find ourselves to be scared.

Fear is dangerous. Fear of men can make us not serve God properly.

And also, one who constantly worries and is frustrated by the misguided pursuits of life cannot be a happy person. This is why worrying is more harmful than helpful.

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Worrying is a spirit that doesn't come from God almighty.
We need to be bold in times of distraught.
Because God is ever willing to help us.

In those dark moments when fear stalks its victims and whispers irrational thoughts, God’s Word is a light, speaking peace and unfolding the truth.

The unfolding of your words gives light (Psalm 119:130, NIV). Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105, NIV)

God's word is a light and a helper in times when we need help the most.
God is always a comforter.

fear Is man's greatest enemy, it undermines the ability of a person to be able to accomplish something, and this fear is a tool used by the devil to cripple and put man into bondage, the bible has warned us not to fear, because fear also disables our faith and believe in God

We should not allow fear to take hold of our lives because fear is absent of faith

God is mightier than whatever we may stand up to. Over whatever happens in this world around every one of us. He empowers us to live nobly, emphatically, intrepidly in this life of our own, when various things that envelop us would train us to be uneasy.

Fear hinders our dreams abd greatest visions from coming to pass, it holds us back from the light.The bible says God has not given us the spirit of fear but that of a sound mind.we should pray for Gods life changing grace to eliminate the works of the devil upon our lives through fear

Let us rebuke the spirit of fear, because the apirit of fear comes from the devil.
Thanks for sharing the wonderdul post.

Thanks @juderoyal for this message. God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

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