in #steemchurch6 years ago


The mind functions like a muscle; if it is not stimulated it atrophies, so the mind must be used and properly fed, and I say again, it works like a muscle, if it is not used, it atrophies. There are people who do not use the mind but are guided by what they feel; they act on impulse according to what they feel and do not think. But in the Bible we find that what is felt is not important but what is thought. We read in:

Proverbs 23: 7

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
“Eat and drink!” he says to you,
But his heart is not with you.

This means that, according to how a person thinks it is; In other words, people are how they think, or, what you think determines who you are. There is a significant unity between what you think and what you are; not for what you feel but for what you think. So it's very important to think.

Today I want to talk to you about the term meditate, and this has to do with thoughts. Is it good to meditate? There are some who meditate on how to kill the mother-in-law or how to get revenge; There are those who meditate on how evil God is. Meditating is good when one uses right thoughts and good wishes; It is bad, when we meditate evil. To meditate is to think carefully about something, it can be bad or good. If I am thinking carefully and carefully about something or someone, then I am meditating. Defining it in another way, meditating, is a practice in which the individual trains the mind.



Some do not like to think, but the mind must be trained. Something more interesting is that, meditating induces a mode of consciousness. That is, the person voluntarily induces a certain state of consciousness about himself. Some have a rotten conscience; others have a very sensitive conscience and we have to see when the conscience is sensibly good and when it is bad. Everything has to do with the mind. Our life identifies us through what we think. In reality, what we think leads us to do what we do, what determines who we are. What do you usually think? If you live bitter or sad, that has to do with things that you think are mixed with what you feel. The life of thoughts in the Bible is very important; the word of God does not say that man should leave his feelings, rather he says in :
Isaiah 55: 7

Let the wicked forsake their ways
and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them,
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

The Bible gives a predominant place to the life of thoughts, so we say that there is life in our thoughts or there is death. Where should one meditate or when can one meditate? Is there a special place to do it? Can you meditate while you are doing some task? Yes! Can you meditate in your bed? Yes! Sometimes we are meditating and we do not even realize it; for example, you go on the bus and everyone sees you as a good face, but you are meditating on how you can strangle a certain person. With a wire or with a rope? It is a very common question to meditate. But there is a meditation that is superior and another that is disastrous. To meditate is to exercise in thoughts, is to exercise with thoughts.

Would you like things to improve substantially in your life? People expect things to change or times to improve, but the truth is that our life develops according to our thoughts. What you are living is not the fault of others because you have the capacity to move forward in spite of others. God has given you faculties; and one is not how his father and mother did it, as did his neighborhood or the little country in which he lives. One is how you think! As one thinks, it is. It means that, in order for my life to change substantially for the better, I have to substantially change my thoughts for the better. My correct thoughts will help me improve my situation and my future. If you keep thinking how you are doing now, things will continue to be the same. There can not be changes if you do not change your thoughts! Things will change when you change your thoughts; Things are going to be better, when your thoughts are better.

There are people who have wrong meditations moved by bad thoughts and feelings, then, some are dedicated to meditate on their misfortunes. Since I was born I have not done more than suffer! My mom did not want me! My dad did not hug me! They have not done anything to overcome that pain and live meditating on it all the time. Your dad never hugged you, never showed you affection, and he died. Apparently you will be unhappy all your life ... But you can change something inside you despite the external circumstances and despite what you have experienced in the past!

Once thieves entered my house and if I did not give that problem to God, every day I would suffer thinking that thieves were coming to my house again. I would walk meditating on evil. And there are people who live meditating about a circumstance that they have lived; if they are assaulted, if they are killed. Of course you can take something, but you can not walk down the street like a deranged. Of course, someone can point you with a revolver and even worse shoot yourself provoking damage, but you can not be meditating on the evil all day. You can not be meditating on misfortune; you should not live thinking about scarcity. You have to have good thoughts. God has given you thoughts to prosper. The Bible says that God has given you the ability to make wealth.

Do not have incorrect thoughts ..!


I do not know how you think, but I think what the Bible says. I say that God has given me the faculty to make wealth and work within that thought. I do not fear for tomorrow, that I will be left without work, that I will not have money, that my wife will leave me because I am unemployed. So some do elaborations of failure. Our meditations must be correct so that our thoughts are affirmed and our life is victorious; that we go forward without fear towards the future and without clinging to the pains of the past. There are other types of bad meditations such as yoga, transcendental meditation, Hindu meditations, etc. Some are very extreme in the sense that they lead you to eliminate the thoughts of your mind, they take you to put the mind in white. It is dangerous to put the mind in the blank because that undermines something essential that God has given to human beings as consciousness, self-control, the conscious state. If I put my mind blank, I leave my conscious state and immerse myself in a state of unconsciousness, releasing the free will that God has given me, giving room to demons that get into my head and produce thoughts, feelings and desires of others. to me. Do not get involved in that! To stop thinking about things that distress you, some meditations bring some relief, but it is deceptive. There are people who live tormented by fears, or some negative feeling. Then you sit for two hours thinking that you are a butterfly, you concentrate on that and you see yourself flying from flower to flower. Well, better to think that you are a butterfly flying in freedom and enjoying the flowers, and not think that you are a butterfly that is given a shovel and killed. God wants you to live in a conscious state and make conscious decisions. You will not be able to excuse yourself before God by telling him that you were unconscious when you did it. You should not drink alcohol because alcohol takes you out of your conscious state. People who are drunk say and do things that they do not cheer up when they are not drunk. They lose their self-control and the demons take over those people who, because of alcohol, become violent and say things that they would not say or crazy in a conscious state. Let's say that certain meditations are more or less like being drunk. You stop being in control of your life and God wants you to have control. When the Holy Spirit comes to your life it gives you self-control. When a person is drugged, he also leaves his conscious state. Meditation introduces you into an altered state of consciousness. God loves you with all five senses alert; He wants your thoughts to generate blessing and to do well. And God wants you to meditate on his word.


There are meditations that are perverse and wrong and we must learn to get out of our minds those thoughts of failure, of anguish and of rejection. I have to meditate on those things that will get me out of my wrong thoughts and introduce me to the right thoughts. The thoughts of God have the life of God. Jesus said: "My words are Spirit and they are life." Words make up thoughts. When Jesus spoke, he spoke the word of God and the Spirit of God entered into people. The thoughts of God come from his word and that word of God has spiritual life, and the spiritual life is the very life of God operating in you. God enters you through his word and his thoughts. What should I meditate on then? I must meditate on the truth!

Sophocles, Greek philosopher, said that truth defeats reason. You can have extraordinary reasoning with extraordinary logic and convince anyone, but if you do not speak the truth, you are cheating. The truth is essential. And Jesus declared: "I am the truth." The logic of man is nothing compared to the truth and the truth is not diffuse; the truth is a person and that person is Christ. In Jesus is the truth of God; in Him are the thoughts of God, his power and his glory. And the Lord wants to send us his Spirit so that we can have his presence.

How sad when we spend time looking at novels that make us think dumbstruck; sad when we crossed the street looking at the cell phone. People know more about the applications of the cell phone than their family and look more at the cell phone screen than the face of their spouse or their children. All the things we focus on generate thoughts in us. To meditate means to exercise our mind and our thoughts in those things in which we concentrate. If the Bible bores you, I see you badly. Where are you going to get it right? Where are you going to draw strength and power from God? The strength, power and life of God are in the word of God; which will teach you what you have to meditate on. We read in :

Psalm 104: 31-34

31 May the glory of the Lord endure forever;
may the Lord rejoice in his works—
32 he who looks at the earth, and it trembles,
who touches the mountains, and they smoke.

33 I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
34 May my meditation be pleasing to him,
as I rejoice in the Lord.

This means that you wake up and the first thought that comes to you is important since it speaks of your priorities, as some concern, things that afflict you or demand attention from you. The first thought suggests something that was spinning in your unconscious while you were sleeping. So you wake up in the morning and the first thought that comes to you is the Lord, then you say: "Blessed be your name! I love you God! " Do not wake up thinking about what you are going to eat today, or about the debt that worries you; before opening your eyes, may your first thought be God. Your God is bigger than your problems! The center of your satisfaction should be God and not your problem. And if you are aware of the God you have, you start your day praising him and enlarging his name. "Sweet will be my meditation on him; I will rejoice in Jehovah. " This is meditating on God.

Do you want it to go well?

May your meditation be God! Meditate on the truth because some circumstances tell you that God forgot you. If you know the Bible, you will say: "I know that you never forget me. As your word says, I am in the palm of your hand. " You meditate truth. There are circumstances that cry out to you that God is unfair because you should not be living what you are living. But you who know the truth, wake up in the morning and tell God: "Lord, you are righteous." And that gives you peace. Your faith in God and in his truth is the beginning of the growth of blessing, of prosperity and the solution of your problems. How do you expect God to do justice when your thoughts scream in your head that He is unjust and does not wind up with you? You think badly and speak evil of the Lord. God is as He says that He is not as you think He is, nor how others think He is. God is who says that it is in his word, the Bible; and He declared that He has extended His mercy on you.

I meditate on God and meditate on his works and his works are magnificent, and have been made for us. He put us on earth on all creation and in eternity we will be kings and priests of the Most High God. The Bible says we will be on the angels. The angels are servants of God on our behalf and we are children of God, princes of the King. God has thought to make you prince and princess to reign together with Christ in eternity. Wonderful is the Lord and wonderful are his works! Meditating on the truth of God makes you a good person and makes you walk with Him. God does not reveal his heart to those who do not love him. Would you open your heart to someone who treats you badly and talks badly about you? God either! Who thinks well of Him and loves Him; who delights in his works, God reveals his truths. That's why it's nice to walk with God. And it is good that your first thought in the morning and the last one before sleeping is for God.

He is righteous even though sometimes you think he is not. God is perfect. He is Holy and he who recognizes his holiness, recognizes the truth about Him. How demons should be twisted when we declare that God is Holy, Holy, Holy! Hell shudders when you express your love to God and worship him! Those of us who love God destroy the enemy's forces by praising the Lord. We open our mouth to publish the truth of God. He is big! God is powerful! He is love! God is merciful! Through this message you are meditating on God and his greatness, and the Lord is washing your heart.

Psalm 77:12:

I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

What do you remember and grieve you from the past? One day I was on the verge of death, but God delivered me; and meditating on what the Lord did in me, I speak of his deeds and I rejoice in Him. I was lying down and suddenly I began to feel a very deep pain in my chest. At that time we did not have a job, we did not have money or medical coverage, and I could not stand the pain that was becoming more and more acute. I started to despair because I did not know what to do or where to go. Suddenly I threw myself on the ground and asked my wife to pray because I felt that I was dying. When I saw that I was dying I said to the Lord: "God, if I am going to die here, I will die praising you". And I began to declare: "Glory to God! Hallelujah! "In an instant the pain disappeared. I never made myself seen by that subject nor asked what it would have been. But I never forgot that I was on the verge of death and God delivered me. But I do not remember that as a moment of affliction, but I remember that God was with me and he kept me so that I could do the work that I am doing today. Do not bring bitter and sad things to memory. Count the works that God has done in you!

When I went to the city of Caracas, a woman approached me and told me that many years ago, her husband had abandoned her and there was no way that she could recover. The woman had a root of bitterness that could not sleep and then began to listen to the radio program that we had at dawn. She told me: "You know I was so bad and I heard him say: You, woman, you can not live because you have not been able to forgive the man who left you. You have to forgive! " The woman heard that and entered conviction of sin, then knelt down and began to pray for forgiveness to God and decided at that time to forgive her husband. He says that the oppression left him in an instant and this was more than twenty years ago, and I just found out. Hopefully one day you can say:

"When I received this message my life changed. I believed and stopped talking with bitterness and hatred, I left resentment and began to live a life of praise and gratitude to God. That day I understood that the Lord is great, good and powerful. I understood that He was in my favor. I understood that he sent his beloved Son, who died on the cross of Calvary for me because I was condemned. Jesus gave his life for me to save me! Great and wonderful are the works of Jehovah! I will rejoice and rejoice in Him! ".


One day he closed his chest to his youngest daughter who had months of life, was in a bad situation, without work, without money or medical coverage. That night he took his daughter and began to walk from one place to another praying for her. It was something almost unconscious what he was doing, but he was trusting and hoping that God was going to heal his daughter. He walked with his daughter in his arms, feeling how difficult it was to breathe, from one side of the room to the other all night, suddenly he began to breathe better every time. Today her daughter serves God and sometimes when she sees her, she remembers what had happened that night. And he does not remember with bitterness what happened or think that God behaved badly. He remembers that and I praise God because He saved his daughter from death to rejoice him, me and all those around her. That little girl always says when she gets home: "Here came the joy of the house!" Blessed be the name of the Lord!
What we eat every day is thanks to the sun that God gave us; that is the fruit of the great love and great mercy of the Lord upon us. Do not say that God is unjust when you deserved eternal condemnation and He sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross of Calvary so that your sins are forgiven, so that your guilt is removed and you go from a state of condemnation to eternal salvation. How are you going to think that God does not remember you! How can you think that God is unjust! Stop being a negative and complaining person. The Lord says to you today: "Meditate on me, meditate on my works and you will see wonderful results". ##### Psalm 119: 27 says :

Cause me to understand the way of your precepts,
that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.

The commandments of God are wonderful.

In Psalm 1 we read:

1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

Wise is the person who meditates on the law of God. And today you have learned that you must meditate on God, meditate on his works and his commandments. Earlier I said that Sophocles affirmed that truth defeats reason. And Jesus declared: "I am the truth." The law of God, the word of God, is the truth, and it overcomes everything. I'm sure more than one has to ask God's forgiveness for complaining so much; I'm sure there are people who hurry him to God: "When are you going to do it? Why do not you do it? "There are those who still hold grudges and resentments in their hearts.

You need to meditate on the truth of God, on everything that is good, on everything that is just, on everything that is honest. Do not spend so much time with your cell phone, on TV shows or things that distract you. Invest time in meditating on God, in reading his word and praising him. If the Word of God bores you, ask Him to transform your heart. King David considered that the word of God was the maximum that he aspired to. How sweet are your words to my taste! More than honey to my mouth". David delighted in the law of God and was never defeated in war. The God of David is also your God. David's delight was not the victories he conquered in the wars, but God was the one who trained his hands for battle. The most exalted of David was that he never tired of blessing the name of the Lord.

Do you want to have a successful life? Do not trust your reasoning because they make you lose. Your reasoning is superb. Better delight yourself in God, lean on the Lord and walk with Him. Meditate every day on his wonders, recognize his greatness and praise him.

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Greetings God bless you. JJPL.


The mind is a place where things starts to first exist, before they come to reality.
This is what makes our thoughts very powerful.
It can determine if we would be successful or not.
Let us think positively always.
Thanks for sharing this.

I think the same, I will be following you, God bless you.

Only thought makes man a successful one, and this thought should be of God's thought. This message is very powerful

Upvoted & resteemed

Thank you God bless you.