The impossible: The defeat and death

in #steemchurch7 years ago

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It is very common to hear today that the resurrection of Christ is a myth or a legend, or in a scenario totally contrary to faith, which is an idea constructed by man.
Let's analyze the following: the story of the people of Israel gathered in the Torah, tells us, from generation to generation, that God revealed himself to Abraham (Father of the Faith, Patriarch), speaks to him, with which any human being understands then that God is a person, from which it follows that Abraham recognizes him as a person. I wonder:

Is there any religion other than the one to which God has been revealed?

Follow the history of this people narrating the many interventions of God in favor of his people, either through chosen men like Moses and the prophets or through direct intervention.


Each of them had the peculiarity of having been personally related to God, had a personal contact with the divinity, conceived as Omnipotence, Omniciency and Omnipresence (everything can, everything knows and is always present). God does not stop at making himself known by any means.
These great men in one way or another announced the coming of a Savior, Prince of Peace, the King of all nations. This message was understood by the people as the advent of another man, they never imagined it in any other way. They are still waiting for it today.

Where is the incomprehensible?

God's will is to restore his original status or condition as a creature, moreover, the condition of a son. That is to say, man is not an object, it is not a created thing, it is a person loved and destined to enjoy the divinity.
But there are certain requirements: to fulfill the Law (ten commandments). Is there any human capable of it? The human condition, by its nature, is imperfect, which makes it susceptible to missing any of these commandments.
The secret: Man has God, he who considers Almighty and who is in favor of his salvation. However, now and before, what is missing is to believe .

Need for God made Man

Well, God wanted to become man, without losing his divine condition, and dwell among men. Let them see it, touch it, let it be heard, all men, not just some but all. And was born of Mary the Virgin.
Let us observe that Christ becomes a sign of how man can be saved, in the following sense: if man is capable of possessing something divine in himself, then he is capable of fulfilling the Law. Man needs God to fulfill the Law. Law. But Christ, giving a new form to the fulfillment of the Law, says: The law is summarized to Love God and love your neighbor .
Now it is no longer fulfilling, now it is loving. The question returns again: are we capable of loving until we give our lives for our friends? This is the final act of the life of Jesus, it is the maximum expression of the Love of God.

If Jesus died then, did God die?

This is what happens in the thinking of the modern world: Do not believe in the existence of God, and if for some reason he accepts this idea, then man questions the work of God because it does not adapt to his own plans. Much less accepts the resurrection of Christ. With the death of Christ, who dies? Did God die? No. The man died, the incapable human condition died. With the resurrection of Christ then, who rises? The new man is resurrected. The image of the risen Christ is the image of the new man, capable and wrapped up in the condition of a son.
Just because we are considered as God's image and likeness, we have a unique dignity.
One reads between lines, in the various media of information and communication, an idea that floats in the thinking of modern man: the construction of a universal religion. If this is the intention, then as they would argue the fact of that "universal religion" is man's invention, that his god, if he were to postulate, is created by man.
After 2018 years Christianity remains based on: The resurrection of Christ, the Power and Love of God and the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Does this say something to us?
He is loved and repeted.
Greetings from Venezuela.

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