2011 Bell Ringing
Joey Arnold was a Salvation Army Bell Ringer in November & December, in Hawaii in 2007, in Portland, Oregon, in 2010, and in Cornelius & Hillsboro, in 2011. However, Joey was terminated twice, first in 2007, allegedly for being too different, dancing, ringing, too much, too differently, too strangely, too artistically, too oddly, perhaps, or that is what I was told as I am Joey. From like 2006-2011, approximately, I'm guessing, pretty much, around those years, my Facebook (FB) was @joeyarnold in November, my URL address for Facebook was https://www.facebook.com/joeyarnold
And then it was @joeyarnold7 in December and then I tried to get @joeyarnold back that month or maybe in 2012 but Facebook said no for like security reasons or whatever, even tho it was mine and I just wanted it back around 2011. I love the number 7 but then felt that a number may be too confusing for some people to remember. Like, if I told people my username, and said Joey Arnold Seven, would people type in @joeyarnold7 or @joeyarnoldseven or what? I felt concerned. I also lost @joeyarnold7 as I was trying to swap it with a page I had. Another one was like @joeyarnold4 and @joeyarnoldtv and there were others, too, over the years. I've had @joeyarnoldvn since like 2013 through to 2018, this current year.
Ben Stein Versus Jim Carrey
So, I was told people called up The Salvation Army, on the Big Island, or something, and maybe they complained about me. I was trying to be a little entertaining. Some people were expecting, more so, Ben Stein as a ringer and less so somebody like Jim Carrey in the Mask.
Somebody Stop Me
In 2011, something similar happened as I was ringing at the Cornelius Wal-Mart for the Tualatin Valley Corps (TVC). Some people must have called TVC and complained, like 2007, and TVC relocated me to ring at Albertsons near a small airport in Hillsboro. In 2010, I rung at Macy's at the Clackamas Town Center. I was not reported. My bucket made over $200 USD/day in 2010, usually. The people at Macy's were wealthier, happier, generally, while at the other places, more sickly, odd. Plus, I opened doors for people as some of the doors at Macy's were not automatic.
Alphabet, Google, YouTube, terminated my Ojawall channel and blog in 2017. With the help of the Wayback Machine, I found bits and pieces of my Ojawall blog which contains conversations I've had and archived from Facebook. Here is some of that, some on the Bell Ringing, and a bit on the Idol Meat Debate, as follows:
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Salvation Army Illegally Fires a Bell Ringer.
Joey Arnold posted to Raquel Onsurez (Solorio)
I never walked away from the kettle.
An hour ago ·
Raquel Onsurez: Hmmm Joey
30 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: Your mom told me I did.
29 minutes ago ·
Raquel Onsurez: Oh I don't know what she said lol
29 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: I am mad at you.
28 minutes ago ·
Raquel Onsurez: Why?
27 minutes ago ·
Raquel Onsurez: Whatever..lol
27 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: For spreading untrue rumors.
23 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: I did my job description.
18 minutes ago ·
Raquel Onsurez: Well leaving it unattended was wrong Joey. But I understand your point.
10 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: I never left it unattended.
8 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: Again, stop the untrue rumors.
8 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: Do I need to draw you a picture? I never changed my position.
8 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold: Like any other good bell-ringer, I rung my bell right next to my kettle, the whole time, perfectly flawlessly, & I was able to go above & beyond the call of duty. I actually engaged people in conversation as they came and went.
6 minutes ago ·
Can I Get Them Fired?
Joey Arnold: I went to a store today and the bell ringer did not greet me. Should I call The Salvation Army so they can fire that person or not? Because that is something that I did with every single person.
5 minutes ago ·
Banning Merry Christmas?
Joey Arnold: Should I call The Salvation Army & complain as soon as a bell-ringer says "Merry Christmas?" If a bunch of atheists called in, would The Salvation Army fire the bell ringer for saying Merry Christmas? We are talking about complaints? Complaint-systems, like this one, are dangerous ones.
Craigslist Flagging
For example, people are having trouble with posting ads on Craigs List because other people are flagging them (complaining) which leads to the postings being deleting. Even some of mine were deleted.
2 seconds ago: Unable to post comment. Try Again
Raquel Onsurez: Post something cool on my wall! Hows bell ringing?
2 minutes ago
Joey Arnold: bell ringing contains mixed emotions
1 minute ago
Raquel Onsurez: How r u Joey?
Post something on my wall: I love ur sense of humor.
Joey Arnold: u busy this weekend?
December 15
Raquel Onsurez: message me if you want to talk. I did not spread rumors. I told my mom exactly what you said she asked who got fired because I read you post outloud
Cart Express
Joey Arnold: I rung my bell. I greeted people. One day, for an hour, I pulled out shopping carts for people coming into the store. I walked two steps to pull out the carts while closely watching the kettle that was in the double doors with me. I remained ringing and standing right next to my kettle the whole time. I was only several feet or less away from my kettle, at the farthest.
No Doors
Last year, I opened doors for people. I had no doors to open. Everybody loved my door service, & even Emmanuel was ok with it when I asked him about it.
Break Time
I was also pulling out carts during my break. I combined my two fifteen minutes break with my lunch break. I only needed a real bathroom-break break at around 4pm just for about eight minutes.
Beyond the call of duty.
I would also ring minutes before my 10am shift, and continue past when they would pick up the kettle. This means I was only getting paid for 8.30 hours, but I was actually ringing longer than that. Which means I went above & beyond the call of duty. I did much more than any bell ringer I have ever seen.
Discontinued Carting
I also discontinued the cart service. I only did that one day.
2 seconds ago
Beyond the Breaking Point
Joey Arnold: I told them that I was only ringing the bell for 8.30 hours. But I was really ringing longer than that. Which means I volunteered the additional time & saved them money in doing so.
Facebook Complaint System
Emmanuel never asked me what happened. He assumes that complaints are accurate. The security cameras will say otherwise.
Posted by Ojawall at 1:26 PM
No comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Idol Meat.
Xiomara Reyes Kyle
i eat the most unhealthy food ever..lol
· · Yesterday at 9:14pm ·
2 people like this.
David Ortiz And youre a veggie lol
Yesterday at 9:23pm ·
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Joey Arnold You are what you eat. Oh Oatmeal.
Yesterday at 9:58pm ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle lol i know im the most unhealthy veggie ever!!
14 hours ago ·
David Ortiz: You might as well eat meat lol
14 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle Nope..I'm saved from all the meat diseases..and anyways I'm not veggie to be healthy I'm veggie cuz I hate animal cruelty
10 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Meat has diseases?
10 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle animal cruelty sucks...just sayin
6 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold Some of it is propaganda lies.
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle Ofcourse meat has diseases.ex: mad cow disease..a lot of meat if not cooked well..get parasites..go in ur stomach causes diseases
6 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold If a farmer killed a cow of his. Say the cow did not suffer. Say it was a quick death. Say he made you a hamburger from that same cow. Say it was cooked right. Say it had no diseases in it. Say everything was done right. Say it was healthy. Say that the meat has nutrients that can help your body. Knowing all of that, would you eat the meat or what would you do and why?
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i would not eat it
6 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle go xio !
6 hours ago ·
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Xiomara Reyes Kyle iv'e already grown accustom to not having meat in my diet..i simply wouldn't eat it now because it does not cause me to have appetite for meat
6 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold There is no reason not to eat that cow. I gave you a hypothetical situation that may not exist in real life. If the cow was tortured then don't eat it. If the cow had diseases then don't eat it. If meat is bad for you or for people then don't eat it. But in the scenario that I gave you, nothing was bad in it. Farther more, in my example, not eating the cow is then a bad thing because you miss out on some things that God gave you. God made the cow so that you can eat it. If you don't eat the cow you disobey God.
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle yes the reason why is that a i dont have an appetite for cows
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle if there something that i dont like to eat or that simply does not interest my stomach or taste buds then i wont eat it
6 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Not eating meat is safer (to an extent).
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle im not disobeying God in real life..in your hypothetical scenerio i probably would be..but god doesnt judge me if i meat or not..what i eat has nothing to do with my salvation..he doesnt care about my diet or stomach he cares about my heart
6 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i agree with you but evreypne has there wn choice of life styles and opinions..not everyone has to d what society says
5 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle go xio !
5 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold God tells us to be good steward of this world and everything within this world. That includes our bodies. God says that we are His temples. We should be mindful of what we eat, drink.
Eating is not suppose to be a pleasure only for our taste buds. It is suppose to be a duty. Like the parables of the lost talents that Jesus talks about. And the quote from Spider Man, that much power brings and demands much responsibilities.
For example, salmon & some fish has omega 3 & 6 vitamins which reduces inflammation. and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.
Omega-3 fatty acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
N−3 fatty acids (popularly referred to as ω−3 fatty acids or omega-3 fatty acids...See More
5 hours ago ·
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Xiomara Reyes Kyle some ppl are not good stewards and beat and explode Gods creation and for that reason is that i became vegetarian
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle theres plenty of vitamins i take that cover those protiens i need
5 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold I am not talking about salvation. Disobeying God is not always directly connected to salvation. Salvation is a deeper issue than simply our activities. Salvation is not something that we are to earn. Obedience to God enables that growth, that fellowship, maturity, opportunities, but it doesn't contribute to salvation. Ephesians 2:7-10.
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle he doesnt command me to eat meat its something i can survive without many ppl have im sure he doesnt care if i eat or if i dont he has better things to care about
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle according to my conviction and between God and i. i dont feel like im doing anything wrong
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Your logic follows that you are vegetarian because people sin, fall short, that people aren't perfect, etc......
5 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle go xio. there is absolutely no reason to feel the need to eat meat. holding to your convictions is a perfectly acceptable reaction to human failings, those abstentations are called fasting. if you wish to fast in protest agaisnt human cruelty - go for it. dont listen to the haters
5 hours ago ·
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Xiomara Reyes Kyle Amen
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold You may not feel like you are wrong. But if you believe that you are not perfect then you have to believe that it is possible to make a mistake about a conviction. However, God commanded Israel to not eat certain kinds of meat. But I think people eat too much meat.
In Daniel 1 they placed a ten day bet against the King's meat & food. They only ate vegetables & water for ten days and came out the other side stronger & better than the people that were eating the king's meat & food. So meat can be very bad too.
Bible Gateway passage: Daniel 1 - New International Version
Daniels Training in Babylon In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of ...See More
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold @ Dave Kyle, a person's conviction can be anything. It really depends on the person, the conviction, the variables, and it mostly depends on if the convictions are grounded from eternal principles or not.
For example, Hitler held true to his convictions.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Fasting is kind of unrelated to this.
5 hours ago ·
5 hours ago ·
5 hours ago ·
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I never said that your convictions were wrong.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I said that there is a possibility.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I never said God commands people to be addicted to meat.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I am not against your choices.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I am just questioning your motives.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I am questioning your heart.
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle you impied that my convictions could be wrong or my feelings about my conviction could be wrong, shouldnt have even gone there, you are no one to make that assumption
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Do my words include Daniel chapter one?
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle and im answering all your questions to the best of my ability i will always stand my ground for my cause because i know what i stand for
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Fasting is meant to be more spiritual. You can physically fast from food, the internet, etc. But it needs to be for the right reasons, motives, heart. Fasting from meat can be an excellent alternative to many bad things.
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Why don't I know anything? Why are you so quick to judge who I am and what I know?
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold You are assuming that you know what my words mean. Hitler had conviction that led him to do bad things. I am saying that we are to trust the God behind our conviction and pray that our convictions are connected to God more than it is connected to other things.
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle my motive for fasting is to protest humans greediness towards Gods creation, he commanded us to take care of it not exploit it and corrupt it..hoping that God will chang eppls hearts and they will stop harming animals for no reason, mybe creating awerness in my community about treating Gods creation with love and really taking care of it not just exploiting it and abusing it in the many ways that this world does
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle fasting doesnt always have to be spiritual show me a verse that says fasting is only meant for spiritual things
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I am trying to say that we should not worship our convictions more than we are to trust in God instead who is the author to convictions.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says that we are to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts & to not lean into our own understandings of things so that God may direct our path.
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i dont believ im worshipping my conviction i simply dont eat meat..what are ways that i am worshipping my conviction?
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle thats my favorite verse..i completely understand it..has nothing to do with me being vegetarian
5 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle eatng meat does not affect the plans that GOD has for me, does not cuase me lean on my own understand eating meat has nothing to do with any spiritual matters
5 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Don't take my words so personal. I was not saying, "You're conviction is so bad and so wrong and we should wear Lady Gaga meat dresses." I was speaking more universal because I am always hearing people saying, "The Devil told me to do this or that," or that God told them to do something. Or whatever. And sometimes people make the mistakes. But I never said you made the mistakes. I am just saying, "Be careful because it is a dangerous world out there." God's voice is usually a whisper and not always a voice in the thunder.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle he directs me fine even if i dont eat meat , maybe sometimes i dont follow what he says or i stall , eating meat is not the culprit
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle you keep indirectly implying or assuming things, you are inderectly or directly saying that i am doing what u assume im doing
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle neither God or the devil told me to not eat meat , i chose not to eat meat period, nothing to it, just a choice
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle you never said becareful, you beacreful to say what you mean and mean what you say
4 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle go xio !
4 hours ago ·
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Xiomara Reyes Kyle if you meant it as in becareful that hould of come out a long time ago
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Proverbs 3:5-6 talks about trusting God. It has to do with trusting God with all matters of our lives. In what we do, say, think, eat, drink, etc. I mentioned the verse to say that even I don't always fully trust God in all things. When we don't trust God fully, we can sometimes make mistakes in our convictions, in what we do, say, think, eat, drink, etc.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i trus the fact that God is with me, guides me protects me, fine, even if i dont eat meat..eating meat not eating meat has nothing to do with anything your syaing , eating food period has no spiritual ties, fasting can have spiritual ties, but food is just a material a necessity that our earthly body needs..only thing that GOD cares about is our HEART
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I never said that you worship your convictions. Only God knows what is in a person's heart. But I was trying to say that people can begin to trust their perception, their theology, their ideas, their views, more than they worship God who is the founder of all truth. So it goes back to Proverbs 3:5-6 again. & it goes to back to Psalms 119:11 which says we are to hide thy Word in our hearts so that we may not sin against Him & Joshua 1:8 talks about that, too.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i totally agree when you say that God has to be in everything that we do, yes i do, even in my choice of not eating meat, i unclude God, he blesses my Food wether it has meT IN IT OR NOT
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle I am trying to say that we should not worship our convictions more than we are to trust in God instead who is the author to convictions."
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle this is what you said^^^^
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle why should even be saying that unless you think im doing that. thats my point , you keep saying all these things, as supposedly warnings but it just seems but you think i might be doing these things you should warn me
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Your fasting protest against animal cruelty might just be a worthy cause. I once met some animal protest people in Portland, Oregon in 2009 & that is when I wrote & played this song (in this video) for them after learning of such crimes: Joey Arnold -
Animals Are Dying
Animals Are Dying! Music Video! Starring Joey Arnold!
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=269514431234 http://www.facebook.com/no...See More
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle i totally agree with once again those verses have nothing to with me not eating meat, careful with taking verses out of there context
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I never said that these verses are directly connected to what you are eating because it has to do with deeper issues that affect what we do, say, think.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle in any ways i dont see how these verses woulld make me wanna eat meat again or tell me hmm maybe you should eat meat again xio
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I warn you of things that you may or may not be doing. Things that may someday happen. Or things that other people may or may not start doing as a result from your own actions. It is the butterfly effect, the domino effect, the snowball effect. One thing can affect another thing. Everything is connected. You have to connect the dots and just be wise about things.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle it seems like you are trying to convince me that i should eat meat, your words have gone farther than questioning my motives, your words say i think that you should eat and let me try to convince you bu throwin verses and liks to show you that im right
4 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle you go girl...
4 hours ago ·
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Xiomara Reyes Kyle many ppl bring the bible out to me and all me that the bible doesnt say to not eat meat, the bible always also doesnt say that you HAVE to eat meat. it just comes down to that God cares about my heart not my earthly actions, my slavation is the most important thing, my relationship to God is the most important thing, eating meat does not put a barrier between me and God i myself can put barriers by not seeking him but being vegetarian has no effcet on our relationship.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle many ppl bring the bible out to me and all me that the bible doesnt say to not eat meat, the bible always also doesnt say that you HAVE to eat meat. it just comes down to that God cares about my heart not my earthly actions, my slavation is the most important thing, my relationship to God is the most important thing, eating meat does not put a barrier between me and God i myself can put barriers by not seeking him but being vegetarian has no effcet on our relationship.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle many ppl bring the bible out to me and all me that the bible doesnt say to not eat meat, the bible always also doesnt say that you HAVE to eat meat. it just comes down to that God cares about my heart not my earthly actions, my slavation is the most important thing, my relationship to God is the most important thing, eating meat does not put a barrier between me and God i myself can put barriers by not seeking him but being vegetarian has no effcet on our relationship.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle many ppl bring the bible out to me and all me that the bible doesnt say to not eat meat, the bible always also doesnt say that you HAVE to eat meat. it just comes down to that God cares about my heart not my earthly actions, my slavation is the most important thing, my relationship to God is the most important thing, eating meat does not put a barrier between me and God i myself can put barriers by not seeking him but being vegetarian has no effcet on our relationship.
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold The verses are not there to support one exact thing. The verses are to address the deeper issues. I have mixed feelings about whether or not I should even eat meat sometimes. I get scared thinking about because sometimes I go without eating and sometimes I eat it. But you are missing the point of my verses. You should realize that if you are in God's will then you would be fine with the verses I gave you. There were a bunch of verses I could have gave you. But if you are doing the right things in the right ways for the right reasons for Jesus then those verses and the whole Bible agrees fully with your fasting protest of meat.
I have never said that a fasting protest against meat is evil. I already told you about the Old Testament. Israel didn't eat certain kinds of meat. I told you about Daniel and his friends. Adam and Eve probably didn't eat meat at first. Not eating meat can be healthier and better.
The verses are not to take my side.
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold @ Dave Kyle, you think I am wrong?
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Do you believe in eternal security? Because I do.
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Raquel Onsurez is vegetarian, too!
4 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle I think if you are going to have a conviction - do it. quit trying to justify it. it isnt sinful, it isnt harmful, and there isnt even a shred of disobedience attached to it. what it is , is a believer, xio, excersicing her moral judgement and making a stand against the abuse of Gods creation. just because i eat meat does not mean that xio should. because she doesnt does not mean I should. she is true to her moral code, her convictions, and her God. we need to let her have at it, and support her in it. not every choice made by man is a salvation issue, some choices simply reflect the society that we live in, and have no other meaning.
4 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold Do you believe in absolute truth? Or is truth relative and different per person?
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold What can I do to lose my salvation?
4 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle absolute truth is just what it says. eating or not eating meat, unless the choice is one of faith, is not going to affect salvation one iota. no more than eating brocoli is good and cauliflower is bad. eating meat is simply a food cjhoice - unless you believe that it is sinful, then you had best not eat it. but since that is not xio, it does not apply
4 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold Eating or not eating meat may or may not affect salvation but can it affect something else at all ever?
4 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Either you believe in absolute truth or you do not. You seem to believe that some things are a matter of absolute truth of eternal principles that are universal and unchangeable.
But you counterdict your belief by mentioning the variables of faith. Faith is not meant to be a toy. Faith is suppose to be directly connected to absolute truth. But how can it be absolute if it is different for each person? What if my conviction and faith lead to me to kill people? Then you would tell me that I was wrong. Which means that conviction and faith has to be connected to absolute truth.
If I were to believe in relativism then my faith can be anything. So, to say that things are a matter of faith is to not say much unless if it directly connected to unchanging truth.
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle not*
4 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle then it is none of your concern and you should worry bout it or question it period
4 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle there are consequences for all actions that humanity takes. in this particular case, eating or not eating meat, leaving out those choices made in faith, the only repercussion is that Xio has a healthier colon than I do, but I get to eat the Florentine steak at Macaroni Grill. YWHW's design is such that a human being can eat a no meat diet with no ill effects. our adaptability is such that we can sdjust to many different operating parameters with no loss of efficiency or health. if xio has decided to not eat meat, and she has pointedly said that she hasn't, becasue of a faith decision, then eating meat would cause her to sin. that is if she felt that obeying God meant not eating meat, then to eat meat would violate that faith. that is the only circumstance that would realisticcally affect anything to a degree worthy of attention. but again, this is Xios moral choice based on her reaction to the sin in the world. the reasoning behind it is the same reasoning that instituted the salvation army - "do something"
4 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold Your references of Romans 14 reminds me of a bunch of mixed feelings that I have. Which causes me to question what you are saying about it to some extent or something like that.
Romans 14:2 says One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
Meat was also offered up to idols. So you would need faith to eat the meat by trusting that God is not going to curse you for eating idolatry meat. Meat can be healthy if you eat a small portion of it. But I confuse to eat pork and some of the not so good meat.
I usually hate eating meat for many reasons.
Bible Gateway passage: Romans 14 - New International Version
The Weak and the Strong - Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling...See More
3 hours ago ·
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Joey Arnold I am not against vegetarians. I was only trying to say that meat is not always a bad thing. Meat is usually a bad thing for many reason and that is why God gave you that conviction.
3 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold I believe eating pork is probably sin usually.
3 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle if you beleive that pork is against Gods wishes then you should refrain from eating it, since at that point it is a sin. however, you need to observe that portion of romans that tells us those faith decisions are to be between you and God. only
3 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold @ Dave Kyle, I believe that your hermeneutics of Romans 14 is hugely flawed in that logic because you just described the concept of relativism which is fundamentally incongruent to the fabrics of absolute truth. Because Romans 14 is not just talking about preference, like a choice between a flavor of ice-cream because it is in the context and connection to meat offered up to idols which makes it a specific situation for a specific case and concept.
3 hours ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle I don't agree that because I don't eat meat my faith is weak..my faith is pretty strong..I know where and on who I put my faith in
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Your faith probably is strong. I never said I thought your faith is weak. I only quoted Romans 14:2 that says some people have weak faith because they think that eating idolatry meat is going to send them to Hell. Paul wrote that we should not eat meat when we are around those people because we want to be a little nice and sensitive and understanding of them regardless of their weakness. It is called grace towards them.
Romans 14 deals with a specific case.
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold This conversation is not just about you.
2 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle Uh...no.try expanding your reading a little. But nice try throwing all those fancy words at it.
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Are you saying it is not about idolatry meat?
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold Dave, please don't make fun of me.
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold http://www.icgarea4.com/articles.php?a=30
Difficult Scriptures - Romans 14:1-6
Read regularly posted articles about various subjects in world events
2 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle It has m
2 hours ago ·
Joey Arnold You are taking a passage and you are trying to apply it to a more current situation. The process of application is a tough one. Just be careful when doing it.
2 hours ago ·
Dave Kyle It has nothing to do with making fun of you. Being legalistic you are spending too much time on inconsequential garbage. Paul tells us in romans that matters of eating and faith are between you and God. If you in faith think you shpuldnt eat something, then by all means dont. But that is a discussion between you and God. If it isnt a matter of faith, then you are being devisive and you need to give it up. You arguments are based on an inaccurate interpretation of scripture, and as you are questioning the moral stance of another believer, you are just being mean. Give it up. There is no idolatry meat involved in this discusion. There is no reason to devalue another believer over a moot point. And before you say it, yes you are.
about an hour ago ·
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Joey Arnold You are wrong. Many pastors preach that this is what the passage means. You may have just heard this from somebody else. Who told you what to believe about this Romans 14 chapter? Or did you choose to believe this after reading this in your own personal SOAPs or quiet time bible study?
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Dave, you have to look at what Paul was really talking about. You have to dig deeper. There is such a thing as idolatry meat. Have you not heard of it? Do you not know history? Do I have to get out some history books and show you what Paul was referencing? You are being mean because you think that faith can be anything.
You are trying to sing a song about faith.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Who is devaluing who? You devalued me.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Faith is developed between you and God. However, faith is also evident through works. Just read the book of James on that. Faith produces works, actions. Faith produces a relationship between you and God, but only if it is genuine and only if it is rooted and directly connected with God's Word, God's wisdom, God's principles to how we are to live and everything.
about an hour ago ·
Dave Kyle I read and make up my own mind. Focus now. The meat in 14 is not in any way shape or form connected with not eating meat in the 21st century. I eat all meat. Not everyone says that. Read the rest of romans and you will see that your discusion with us is inappropriate. It is rightly between you and God. Your faith issue is something you should talk with your pastor about, not going to the internet.
about an hour ago ·
· 1
Joey Arnold Faith is not simply just a matter between you and God because the result of a mature Christian is that of a public matter because the mature Christian will produce good works. Meaning that it becomes something we can all see. Faith is the mustard seed and the works that it produces is a giant tree.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold I have read the book of Romans many times.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold I have been in bible studies for months on just Romans.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold You are misunderstanding what I know about the Bible.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Faith starts with confessing that you not only sin, but that you are a sinner in need of salvation. You confess, you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay a debt we cannot pay, that He was buried, & rose again on the third day to seal the deal. You confess, you believe, and then you ask Jesus to save you so that you can follow Him, to be like Him, to be conformed into His image, likeness.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold You discredit the internet.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold You seem to discredit the need and concept and the process of the act of application.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Why can't you read history?
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold I mean, there are history books out there.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Why am I deemed inaccurate for knowing history?
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Your desire to separate my words concerning Romans 14 and the implied conversation here is one that makes me really worried. First of all, did you call me a legalist?
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold The connection between the first century and this 21st century can only occur through application. That is the whole point. You seem to have switch several things around. What you say about how faith is a thing between just you and God and that is something I hear a lot even in the circles of The Salvation Army USA and it is one that I am against to some extent for the implications or dangers around such definitions or methodology.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold You are so racist, stereotypical, closed-minded.
about an hour ago ·
Dave Kyle does this mean you are going to shut up?
about an hour ago ·
· 1
Joey Arnold It means that you need to listen.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold It means you need to think about it.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold You are against my words about idol meat because somebody brain washed you to think otherwise.
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold I feel convicted to talk here from God. That is my faith between me and God. If I were to shut up I would have to compromise and I would have to go against my own convictions, my own faith between me and God that is urging me to share truth with others. Are you asking me to go against my own convictions?
about an hour ago ·
Joey Arnold Don't water down Romans 14.
58 minutes ago ·
Dave Kyle dude, you are an embarrasment. your whole fascination with inconsequential things is precisely the reason people laugh when you witness. it is the reason people dont like christians - because people like you obsess about things that really dont matter, the concept of idol meat is fine - but no one practices it. track with me here - NO ONE. it is a dead issue. if you want to conversate about what Christ has done with the new covenant fine. but there is a reason that it is the new covenant - track with me here THE OLD ONE IS DEAD. it is in the book, read the whoile thing, dont just picjk the parts that you can use to browbeat people with. i get so tired of having to apologise to non believers because of people like you. grow up, shut up and read the whole book. talk to me when you can do something other than resurrect rules that - track with me here - ARENT HELPFUL. remember the part of being edifying the body? THIS ISNT IT> you whole point - IT ISNT IT. there is no idol meat, we stopped that years ago/. about the same time we stopped child sacrifice. critical thinking genius - you should try it, instead of running your mouth.
50 minutes ago ·
Dave Kyle peace out
50 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold When do I witness?
49 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold How do you know if I witness?
49 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You are making fun of me.
49 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You are making unfair assumptions.
49 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I never said that idol meat is an issue for today.
48 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I was saying that Paul was talking about idol meat, which means that there is more to Romans 14 than just us and our faith.
48 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I am not making an argument for or against the new or old covenant, exactly, because that is not the point of what I was trying to say, so you seem to not get what I am trying to say then.
47 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You are missing the point and you are not taking the time required to hear my side of the story. The Bible says to be quick to listen and slow to speak and you seem to not hear me out.
46 minutes ago ·
Dave Kyle you are crazier than a craphouse mouse. if you are talking about your walk with the Lord - you are witnessing. it isnt romans 14 you need to worry about romans 20 and romans 12. leave 14 alone. the concept applies to today yes - but not in the manner in which you are tyring to use it. for eating meat - it doesnt apply. ever. and BTW i am the rascist, stereotypical, close minded one, and i can figure this stuff out. maybe you should try it.
44 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold How many times do I have to say that I never said that idol meat still exist. I mentioned it so that you could remember the context better because you seem to want to skip to your sermon about faith before fully digesting the original intent of the passage as it was written to a certain audience back then.
44 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Not just talking about meat.
42 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold What do you think I am trying to do with Romans 14 and the topic of meat? I don't get it.
41 minutes ago ·
Dave Kyle last time. romans 14 does not apply to this. ever. you cannot use irrelavent passages to support whatever wierd theory you have about eating meat. it does not apply. not now, not tomorrow, not ever. if you want to support your argument use another scripture. and BTW, the whole discusio is about eating. track with me here - THAT IS WHAT WE WRE TALKING ABOUT.
41 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold When I used the words racist and stereotypical and closed minded, you seem to miss what I was trying to say. You are jumping to the conclusion that my words are just fighting words that I am just mad and upset and that I hate people or something. You cannot take my words too personally like that. You have to look at what I am trying to say with the words I use.
40 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You seem to miss the point of the Old Testament too.
39 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Do I have to say again that I am not against vegetarians?
39 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You guys seem to still think that I am against people who don't eat meat and I am not.
38 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold My argument is about a much deeper issue.
38 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Can you read my words?
37 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I am not trying to support something.
37 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I am not just exactly for or against meat.
37 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Dave Kyle, you cannot cut up the Bible and say that certain things cannot help you in your walk with God.
36 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold What is my crazy theory?
36 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I speak of no weird theory.
36 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I only mentioned several different facts.
35 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Vegetables are good for you.
35 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Farther more, most Americans eat too much wheat in their diet. That is not in the Bible exactly but it is just a simple fact that too much of something is usually bad.
34 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I strongly believe that Xiomara Reyes Kyle can be a crucial role-model on several different levels, in her stand against animal cruelty, and in taking care of her body, in living life to the fullest because she is taking care of it.
33 minutes ago ·
Xiomara Reyes Kyle I agree with dave..you are acting and speaking as legalist..many times you have used the bible verses out of context..one min ur on one side the next ur on another side..you can keep commenting all you want. But I don't take or bother to even recognize ur knowledge about the bible because I think you have misenterpreted it.. ask God for the correct dissernment sometimes its ok to be wrong you don't always have to be right..you have tried so hard to be the winning man..that you have now made yourself look dumb and ur words have no credit to me..thank u but no thank u for your input this was all a big waste of all of our time..GOODBYE
33 minutes ago ·
· 1
Xiomara Reyes Kyle GOd bless
32 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold This has nothing to do with legalism.
32 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You miss the reason why I quote different verses and you assume that it is out of context but it is not that simple.
31 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I do not understand what I have said that could be so bad.
31 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Proverbs 3:5-6 talks about trusting God.
30 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold How is that out of context?
30 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You even agree with me about that.
30 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold When I mentioned Proverbs 3:5-6, about trusting God, you cannot just think that I am using that to say that people have to eat meat. I never said that anybody have to eat meat.
29 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold The reason why you do not like my interpretation of the Bible is because I go against the curve and the theology of The Salvation Army USA and I am more Baptist than you.
28 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I mentioned that God told Israel not to eat certain meat. That is in the Bible. You cannot be against that. God was telling them not to eat some meat. I am not using that to say that we are not to eat meat just because of that.
27 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I mentioned that Daniel and his men didn't eat meat and they became healthier than the people who ate meat. How can you be against that?
26 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I mentioned Romans 14 and it says that the weaker brother will not eat meat because the meat was being offered up to idols. That is the context.
25 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You can take Romans 14 and try to apply it to modern issues if you would like and these modern issues will probably be unrelated to the idol meat issue.
24 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold But I do not understand how you are against my words?
24 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I come here and I give you some credit and after saying that I support your stand against animal cruelty, you still choose to disagree with the fact that I fully agree with what you are doing, and you agree with what you are doing but you do not agree with my support and approval of what you are doing.
23 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I don't get that.
22 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold It frustrates me.
22 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I only said that meat has vitamins.
21 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold That is it.
21 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold The verses I mention has nothing to do with trying to legalize forced consuming of meat.
21 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I went to three years of Bible College.
20 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold The Pharisees believed in legalism to some extent.
20 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Do you even know what legalism is?
20 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Romans 6 talks about grace. It says, "Shall we sin that grace may abound? God forbid."
19 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Early on I said God made meat.
18 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Why am I looking dumb?
18 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I am asking questions.
18 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold I am trying to understand these things better.
17 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Legalists believe that you can lose your salvation.
17 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold The Salvation Army USA believes that people can lose their salvation. That makes them legalists. Because it mocks grace. For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself for it is a gift from and of God. Ephesians 2:7-10. Specifically Ephesians 2:8-9.
15 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold You seem to misunderstand sin too.
15 minutes ago ·
2 minutes ago ·
Joey Arnold Sin is not just the violation of known laws, of the ten commandments, or the golden rule, or whatever laws that we are to follow, because the law (as explained in Romans) is meant to be a mirror so that we can see that we sin, that we are sinners, that we have dirt on our face, which means that the issue is much deeper.
Unable to post comment. Try Again
Sin Mirror
Sin is not just the violation of known laws, of the ten commandments, or the golden rule, or whatever laws that we are to follow, because the law (as explained in Romans) is meant to be a mirror so that we can see that we sin, that we are sinners, that we have dirt on our face, which means that the issue is much deeper.
Unable to post comment. Try Again because Xiomara Reyes Kyle blocked you for standing up for what you believe in which is what she believes in to some extent. What a sad day. Joey Arnold or Joey Arnold tried complimenting this girl and he gets blocked and slammed in the face for speaking his mind. That is not fair.
I do not understand why these things happen.
Posted by Ojawall at 11:04 PM No comments:
2011 Bell Ringing
Published in September of 2018 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Timeline: 2011 Bell Ringing
2011-11-08 Tuesday Idol Meat Debate: Joey, David Ortez, Xio, Dave Kyle
2011-12-19 Monday: Facebook Bell Ringing Debate: Joe & Ra
2016-12-19: Ojawall.Blogspot.com | Web.Archive.org
2018-09-13 Thursday 10:22 AM LMS | 2011 Bell Ringing
Published at 12:52 AM Friday
howdy there Oatmeal! so you were a bell ringer for the Salvation Army..that's a great cause but why did you choose to do that? do they pay well? I don't understand why they didn't like you sometimes.
Grew up around them.
Me and my siblings grew up in Oregon in the 80's and 90's, and we attended different churches, Bible clubs, Bible camps, youth groups, and that included Word Of Life and Salvation Army children clubs and camps. Our youngest sibling, our younger sister, Crystal, was born in 1990 and she encouraged me to work at Salvation Army's Camp Kuratli in 2007 which led me to meet Rob Noland, the director of Revolution Hawaii. I felt led to go to Hawaii. So, one thing led to another thing, and so on and so forth.
Revolution Hawaii
The Salvation Army (specifically, Rob) started Revolution Hawaii, an annual mission trip, AKA vocational missionary training war college, in 2006. So, I attended their 2nd year, 2007-2008. During the Christmas season, we were sent out to different islands, different parts, of Hawaii. So, me and Jeff Walters, went off to the Big Island to do ministry and to Get Your Joy On (GYJO) in a crazy music video we made for fun.
Get Your Joy On (GYJO)
One of the things we did there was bell ringing.
In 2007, like I said, they had me bell ringing. But then something must have happened. Maybe people complained. Then, they assigned me to the Giving Tree at like a mall where we let people pick off names of kids off the Christmas Tree to buy presents for.
Bell Ringing
They pay minimum wage which was maybe around $10 USD/hour in 2007 and maybe more in 2010 and 2011, or something like that. You are paid to put on the red apron, go to a place, a store, grab the red money kettle (bucket) from customer service, or wherever the store may have it, grab the stand from behind a vending machine, the carts, or wherever, put the kettle on the stand.
Like a London Guard, stand there. Don't move.
Stand there, ring the bell, smile, greet people, and then return the stand and kettle at the end of the day or pass the bell on to the next ringer at the end of your shift.
A normal shift lasts about 6 hours hours.
They usually split the day into two parts and one ringer will get the first half and the other ringer will relieve the ringer and take over for the remaining time. The bell ringers begin to ring when the stores open and they stop when the stores close, generally, which tends to be from 8 AM to 7 PM, Monday to Friday, around 13 hours a day minus an hour or less for lunch and for a break or two. A bell ringer may work 5 or 6 days a week, from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, generally.
Salvation Army
2011-11-20 - Sunday - 03:16 PM - 20th of November of 2011 | 36 Photos
Portland PDX
2011-11-25 - Friday - 05:07 PM - 25th of November of 2011 - I was in Portland, Oregon. I was on the MAX Train. | 123 Photos - I went back to the apartment building where I lived to help my African friend install an Ubuntu operating system onto his computers. He lived in Alder Housing Apartments. I lived there as well from 2008-2011.
2011 November 25th Friday 5pm Part II - Part 2
My Room
2011-12-21 - Wednesday - 03:50 PM - 21st of December of 2011 | 38 Photos
Janet Bailey
2011-11-27 - Sunday - 03:20 PM - I Uploaded this photo of Janet Bailey | At the set of Ugly Clover. Ugly Clovers really are beautiful. At the TVC Salvation Army church in Hillsboro, Oregon. This was the corps we attended as kids as well the previous decade. I was on the piano freestyling about clovers. Janet was there for a second to help. There might been a video but I think YouTube took that from me. | Album | 188 Photos
Christmas 2011
2011-12-26 - Monday - 12:14 AM - 26th of December of 2011
Mike & Joe
2011-12-24 - Saturday - 03:03 AM | Album | 183 Photos
2011-10-13 - Thursday - 07:48 PM - Daddy Dinner