The Forgiveness of God in us
Good morning to all steemit users, to @sirknight, may God bless you.
On this occasion I want to talk a little about the forgiveness of God in us, to start this little reflection we will read the following biblical quote:
Blessed is he whose transgression has been forgiven, and his sin covered. Blessed is the man to whom Jehovah does not blame for iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit. While I kept silent, my bones grew old in my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand grew heavy on me; It became my greenness in summer dryness. My sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said: I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah; And you forgave the evil of my sin.Psalm 32: 1-5
As we all know the word blessed means 3 happy times, another definition is: happy that one or blessed.
If we go to the first verse we see that it says "Blessed is he whose transgression has been forgiven, and covered his sin." We see that all that person who after committing some sin of any kind (since all sins are equal before God) they are forgiven and their sins have been erased, in other words, the record of that sin or sins is no longer counted, because when God forgives he forgets all that evil that we have committed when we ask for forgiveness in spirit and in truth repenting and trying not to fall into that same sin anymore.

Just like when I brought the woman who was in adultery before the teacher and He forgive her of his sin but also told her not to sin anymore, not to fall into the sin that had her bound. John 8: 1-11
Later the word says:
Hebrews 8:12
Because I will be propitious to their injustices, And I will never again remember their sins and their iniquities.
Three cases can happen in particular:
- When man has committed a sin to such a degree that he regrets his heart and never again falls into that sin, God gives him the victory and rises from his evil way to then see the transformation in his life becoming a faithful and true testimony of the miracle that God has done.

- A person says he has repented of his bad way but he does it from the mouth outwards in his heart and soul they are still wrapped in that sin, and in a short time he returns to commit the same (or worse) evil and he comes feeling repented but repeats the same story over and over again until he no longer feels the slightest guilt of what he does every day in his life to such an extent, that the enemy catches him and does what he wants for perdition of their life.
- Another case is that he gets upset but he feels that he is not worthy of forgiveness and he blows his breasts again and again without committing any sin, but in his mind he feels that he has not yet been forgiven, in this case for me They have not truly sought God because when we feel that He forgives us we can feel the sweet embrace of the Lord to our soul and therefore the strength to continue.

1 John 1: 9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We can also notice in the first biblical passage that says "I declared to you my sin, and I did not cover my iniquity, I said: I will confess my transgressions to the Lord, and you have forgiven the iniquity of my sin."
We see that both verses announce the wonder of God to forgive our faults when we are sincere in front of his presence to confess our mistakes (because as we will hide our sins if He is omnipotent) and repent from our heart, in this way we will reach mercy because He is Merciful to forgive us and leave all this evil to walk back, asking in their strength to get up to be every day more clean and holy in front of his presence, watching and praying at all times so that we will not fall into temptation.
His mercy is great and he is faithful to forgive, I hope that this small reflection is a great blessing for all in his day to day.
Thank God for allowing me to write more about this portal and to @sirknight, be a blessing to many.
Whenever we fail, by disobeying one of God's commandments, we sin against Him. Whenever we hurt another person, we not only sin against them, but also against God.
Hi @joanrr, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @darlenys and @darlenyspor don't exist on Steem. Maybe you made some typos ?
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