Winners Of The Giveaway!!
There were alot of entries, but after the advice given by @druids being a man of experience, after much scrutiny i got 4 candidates who were true to their words and had nothing in their wallet to participate, also people who were eager to be part of the bingo,and parishioners who lacked the funds.
Though there were more entries but it was obvious alot of them were only interested in getting the sbd for keeps, it was either they had more than enough sbd/steem in their wallet and were only interested in siphoning more or they only ever participate in giveaways and have no connections with @steemchurch neither are they willing, because their wallet proves me right, it hurt my heart that even some parisioners were part of this sham, anyways it is not my right to judge no one, please let the above winners participate in the steemchurch bingo @scb, because there is a greater chance of winning 50steem and we are aiding in the delagation to our Ghana brothers, so there is a purpose for the games.
God bless you all as you participate and may his favour shower on you .
Special thanks to @adedoyinwealth for taking her time out to explain the procedures and to rebuff any claims that this is gambling, your actions don't go unnoticed, you are blessed.
Here's how to participate:
Follow @scb [scb simply means "steemchurch bingo]
Get your unique code from [every account has a unique code,all you have to do is input your name at that site and all your details including your unique number shows]E.g
Note:The unique code is usually in numbers(123456) and if you encounter any problem keep trying it is probably just network issues
To enter, send 1 Steem or 1 SBD to @scb with the following memo:
Bingo Round 2 / @(your name) / (your unique ID)
eg. Bingo Round 2/ @jedaijudith / 123456
Thats all! Check @scb daily to see if your unique numbers tally with the numbers drawn daily, if you have any questions kindly comment below.
Thanks to apostle @darlenys for her support so far, you are a pillar and i am grateful for a leader like you
@charleswealth your id is 569,043

Thank You very much.😭
@jephtha your id is 934,759

Wao! @jedaijudith
I really appreciate your efforts.
Thanks for the SBD. I optioned in for BINGO, what a priviledge
Wow, you are an amazing woman indeed.
Thank You for helping those in need.
It was the least I could do.
#Steemchurch is a Family of Love and I'm glad to be a member of the family.
Thanks so much @adedoyinwealth
You are very welcome Sis.
@temitolab your id is 933,074

@eromose-le your id is 930,462

nices information thanks for sharing this posts
Thank You very much @jedaijudith.
I just checked my wallet now and I am so happy.
Thank you for putting a smile on my face.You just made my day.
BINGO games all the way.
Am glad i could, urw!!
Nice one, JJ. 4 more persons joined the SC bingo thanks to you.

Keep up the good work.
Great information. thanks for sharing.keep it up