#STEEMCHURCH: Give me 5 minutes a day and I'll give you a happier, more successful life.

in #steemchurch7 years ago


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Hello fellow steemians today I want to tell you a story about a certain man who was very worried and afraid about a business deal that he had to make the next day. He was nervous that his business that he had worked so tirelessly and so long for was going to fail if he didn’t successfully conclude the deal.


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Peale gave him an affirmation to repeat from the Bible. As he repeated it, his fear went away. Not only that, he went to the meeting the next day in high spirit and confidence. He won the deal that he needed and wanted to more importantly, he learned to have confidence instead of fear.
I say affirmations every blessed day. If you want to strengthen your prayer-faith, or just have a happier life, I highly advice daily affirmations. They really work wonders.

I have found that counting my blessings in the morning is a great way to start the day in a joyous mood. It makes me stronger mentally and emotionally and I am able to focus better at work. I work much faster when I am in a good mental state.


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Here is the quote from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking (Originally called The Power of Faith):
After speaking to a convention of businessmen in a city auditorium, I was on the stage greeting people when a man approached me and with a peculiar intensity of manner asked, “May I talk with you about a matter of desperate importance to me?”
I asked him to remain until the others had gone, then we went backstage and sat down.
“I’m in this town to handle the most important business deal of my life,” he explained. “If I succeed, it means everything to me. If I fail, I’m done for.”
I suggested that he relax a little, that nothing is quite that final. If he succeed, that is fine. If he didn’t, well, tomorrow is another day.
“I have a terrible disbelief in myself,” he said dejectedly. “I have no confidence. I just don’t believe I can put it over. I am very discouraged and depressed. In fact,” he lamented, “I’m just about sunk. Here I am, forty years old. Why is it that all my life I have been tormented by inferiority feelings, by lack of confidence, by self-doubt? I listened to your speech tonight in which you talked about the power of positive thinking, and I want to ask how I can get some faith in myself.”
“There are two steps to take,” I replied. “First, it is important to discover why you have these feelings of no power. That requires analysis and will take time. We must approach the maladies of our emotional life as a physician probes to find something wrong physically. This cannot be done immediately, certainly not in our brief interview tonight, and it may require treatment to reach a permanent solution. But to pull you through this immediate problem I shall give you a formula which will work if you use it.

“As you walk down the street tonight I suggest that you repeat certain words which I shall give you. Say them over several times after you get into bed. When you awaken tomorrow, repeat them three times before arising. On the way to your important appointment say them three additional times. Do this with an attitude of faith and you will receive sufficient strength and ability to deal with this problem. Later, if you wish, we can go into an analysis of your basic problem, but whatever we come up with following that study, the formula which I am now going to give you can be a large factor in the eventual cure.”
Following is the affirmation which I gave him—“ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4: 13) He was unfamiliar with these words so I wrote them on a card and had him read them over three times aloud.
“Now, follow that prescription, and I am sure things will come out all right.” He pulled himself up, stood quietly for a moment, then said with considerable feeling, “O.K., Doctor. O.K.”
I watched him square his shoulders and walk out into the night. He seemed a pathetic figure, and yet the way he carried himself as he disappeared showed that faith was already at work in his mind. Subsequently he reported that this simple formula “did wonders” for him and added, “It seems incredible that a few words from the Bible could do so much for a person.”


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The man later had a study made of the causes for his inferiority character. They were cleared away by scientific counseling and by the practice of religious faith . He was later taught how to have strong faith; was given particular directions to follow.

With time he acquired a very strong, steady, reasonable confidence. He never stops to express shock at the way in which things work for him now. His personality has taken on a positive, not negative, character so that he no longer repulse success, but, on the opposite, draws it to him. He now has an authentic confidence in his own powers.
There are various causes of inferiority feelings, and not a few stem from childhood. I know that is not only that man that's not having the confidence and faith. There a lot of people out there who don't believe in themselves, some even try to lose their lives because they think they are failures. If you give your life to Christ things will turn around, your fear will turn into confidence. Your doubt will turn into trust.
Let's believe in God, and leave the rest in hands of God almighty, he is in control of everything on earth, God will give you the hope and confidence to go through this journey on earth. Your life will never be the same.

It's @jakemore from #teamghana. Thanks for reading.


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