No,dont end your life, don't break that marriage! Try not to get some distance from God, it isn't over until the point when it is over,.As long as despite everything you have life all isn't lost! God,your maker is still on His position of royalty, He will turn it around for you. Companion, I don't have the foggiest idea about that you are going through yet I strikingly say to you for the sake of the Lord, don't give up,help is around corner!!()![IMG_20180519_105313_884.JPG]
Have you waited so long for Mr. Or miss right and you are now tired of waiting? Don't give up, I've seen others start their marital life well after 40 and are not only happy but are even blessed with children! Delay is not denial,dont compare yourself with others,He has a program for your life which He will unfold very soon if you will patiently wait for Him(mathew 19 v 26)
Have you been looking so long for a job?, it seems every door you knocked is been short against you and there appears to be no hope? Take courage, go ahead, the next door you knock will open for you, just don't give up.your help is in the Lord,He will not fail you!(Psalm 37 Vs 4-5)
Does it look like there is no helper for you? You have made all possible contact, even strong connection that have always worked for you have dissapointed! God will connect you, don't give up! Drop your calculations and let him lead you to the next contact (Isaiah 41 Vs 10)
Are you cumbered with loads of debts,bills to settle with nothing in your account? Are you afraid the landlord will send you packing or your children driven out of school? Is the creditor giving you no rest? Cast your burden upon Him,He has settled worst cases; He is the El-shaddai the God that is more than enough,the Jehovah-jireh the God whose supply never upon Him once more and He will open His treasure house to you(Phillipians 4 Vs 19)
Are you worried,troubled and anxious about situations around you? That court case, that problems with the authorities in your place of work or institution that may result in a sack or rustication? Call upon Him, the heart of the king is in His hands, He will turn the situation in your favour. (Psalm 46 Vs 1)(Isaiah 41 Vs 10)