RE: The Force Of Commitment | Creativity Is Not About The Schools You Have Attended
problems facing religious minded people today is that while lip service is given to God, many are not TRULY committed to Him. This lack of commitment is seen in a variety of ways:· No growth in Bible knowledge.· Not attending worship services on a regular basis.· No giving of their means back to God.· Easily discouraged spiritually.· More important things than GodWe, if we truly want to go to heaven, MUST make a true commitment to God. Failure to do so jeopardizes our soul The Purpose of this message is to determine what the BIBLE says about what it means to be COMMITTED TO GOD.· To many young people commitment is getting "Turned on to Jesus", "Getting high on Jesus", going to some religious rally, some baptism of the Holy Spirit, or something of a spiritual flavor that is exciting.· Commitment in the denominational world means getting involved in social action, marching for some cause, writing letters to a Senator on some social or moral issue.· The word COMMITMENT has a much deeper meaning in the New Testament