Jesus said:STEEMCHURCH___ "I am the good shepherd....."

in #steemchurch7 years ago

what is a sheep and who is a shepherd....

A sheep is that domestic animal,quadrupedal, ruminant mammal typically kept as livestock. Like most ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla.

The shepherd is he who is dedicated and always ready to provide for the sheep in both the time of good or bad situation.
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The sheep does do what it wish to do by its self unless it takes order from the Shepherd, if the sheep decides to do that it will end up doing things that will hurt him.
The Lord Christ through out his stay showed that he is a good shepherd and this form the basis of our semorn today.

Jesus said: "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them. This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd. This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father."

john 10:11-18

This words which he gave to his fellowers was great and this show how much he love the world and how much he is willing to die for our sake.
He the Lord Jesus Christ didn't just came to the world for his selfish reason or to gain interest but he came to die for us and to clean us from our sins.

A man ones said my sheep is sick and I don't know what to do.
Do I use the sheep for a sacrifice or do I gift it out or do I eat it. A neighbour said , Mr why not treat this sheep since you are the owner and the Shepherd, all you mentioned is not worthy of you cannot give it out because its not fit.

Christ the Shepherd

This story have a lesson in it
--christ will never give up on his sheep's.
--his life us focussed on doing the things that will please the sheep's.
-- he provides food for the sheeps.
-- he provide shelter for them.
--he is always ready to protect the sheep's from danger.
In all these Christ has always act as agood Shepherd in our lives by providing to us all we need and all we desires in both good and bad conditions.

for the israelites

In the old testament the lord showed that he is the good Shepherd.

And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. And I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the ravines, and in all the inhabited places of the country. I will feed them with good pasture, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing land. There they shall lie down in good grazing land, and on rich pasture they shall feed on the mountains of Israel. I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel 34:13-15

God manifested him self to the Israelites by showing that he us the only one who can provide for them in the time of their needs and in the days of their sorrows.
This is to show how much he cares about his sheep's and how much he is ready to do anything for his people.
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will he find the sheep?

He the lord with his fearless mind will always be there to protect the sheep's from the hands of the enemy because the major aim of the enemy or predictors is to devour the sheep and leave the shepherd hopeless.
With his power as the fearless shepherd he will always be there and he will always fight for the sheep in times of danger and he would not run away to leave the sheep's in the hands of the evil one.
He is ready t search for the lost sheep and bring it back when ever the sheep is missing and they would be joy when ever he finds the lost sheep.
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Always dedicate your life to Christ and make him your king and your savour and he will always be there for you.

Thank you so much




Thanks for your contribution.

We definitely want to be sheeps as members of SteemChurch, and not like goats that are difficult to be controlled.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Every soul needs to see what our Lord Jesus always offer us as believers.Let all come to Jesus for he is the master shepherd....
Christ the Shepherd
--christ will never give up on his fellowers
--his life us focussed on doing the things that will please the followers
-- he provides food for the followers
-- he provide shelter for them.
--he is always ready to protect the sheep's from danger.
In all these Christ has always act as agood Shepherd in our lives by providing to us all we need and all we desires in both good and bad conditions.

That is the qualities of Christ been our shepherd "This story have a lesson in it
--christ will never give up on his sheep's.
--his life us focussed on doing the things that will please the sheep's.
-- he provides food for the sheeps.
-- he provide shelter for them.
--he is always ready to protect the sheep's from danger.
In all these Christ has always act as agood Shepherd in our lives by providing to us all we need and all we desires in both good and bad conditions."

Thanks for explaining how Jesus serves as a shepherd. He guides all servants of God that is willing to be guided. Have a great day ahead!

This is why we have assurance of salvation for we have a good sheperd. There is no shepherd greater than our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who could lay down his life for us.

Jesus as the shepherd is our father, and we are the, sheep, in the parable of the lost sheep, he went after a sheep that was lost and left the remaining, this of course is to prove that even if were lost the love of Jesus will never forsake us, until we are finally saved, he's the good shepherd.

debt of gratitude is in order for clarifying how Jesus fills in as a shepherd. He directs all hirelings of God that will be guided. Have an awesome day ahead!

our Lord is always a good shepherd that is mindful of His sheep but we find out that some times we are not good sheep as we are expected to be.

our Lord is searching for who he will keep leading and who will always obey Him.
he is always faithful in meeting us at any point of our needs as a good shepherd will do to His sheep.

May God give us the grace to always be a good sheep

Thanks for sharing this.
Glory be to God that gave us His only begotten son lord Jesus to always lead us as shepherd to we the sheep in His flock.

God is always committed to lead us as a shepherd but many are not ready to yield to the leading of the shepherd.

We love to say "The Lord is my shepherd" but not all that is willing to do as an obedient sheep in order to enjoy the fullness of His provisions

The Lord is our Shepherd and His sheep know His voice.
We should all be like sheep and not like goats.

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