STEEMCHURCH:"Cleave Steadfastly Unto Me..."

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Following Jesus’ way of life in this World Will not happen without conflicts. Walking after the Man, whom the citizens of this world vowed not to have Him rule over them; on whom they shouted: "Away with Him; crucify him...” will certainly not be without Opposition from the world. There must be dissuasions and interference from within and without. All I am saying here is that following Jesus lifestyle is not what you expect every man to cheer you up about. You will rather receive punches and insults, discouragement, castigation and neglect from men and even “brethren” who seem to settle on this side of Jordan...
Hence, there is need to ’cleave’. Cleaving means to hold tightly unto; to draw closely unto, without an inch of separation in between. It is to get glued to Him, such that no matter the contrary wind, it cannot separate, it only blows you together with Him. To cleave also implies to leave all else. I get the picture of a man who is wholly and totally holding (with both hands) unto Iesus’ principles. He has set his mind and his mental abilities to consider nothing else apart from Jesus’ own word. In the midst of sarcasm, criticism and blackmail; he ‘ refuses to give up. He remains. glued to Christ’s own precepts... Even when all else departs and he seems to be lonely in following Jesus instructions, he lets go all others, in order to hold fast unto Christand His words.., saying
’to whom shall I go? Thou hast the word of eternal life’ (Jn 6 :68)
If you do not cleave steadfastly. you will soon leave gaps in between you and Him. The whole world is against this Man. They called Him Beelzebub; they took Him to the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, to cast Him out headlong. Following Him closely may attract the same stones on your head. Unless you cleave steadfastly, the world will put you asunder from Him. Several brethren have accepted to follow Him only from afar today.
They have allowed the world system to come in between. They have painted His principles with the colours of the. world system. They are now in between half-worldly and half-Christly...
But hear the verdict of the Master:
”I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot... so then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth" (Rev 3:15,16)
He has no time for the "in between”.
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He is obviously the only one that can save us from troubles

We need to genuinely hold steadfastly unto Him


At the end of our sojourning we'll discover He cleaves firmly to us than we do to Him. He does this by act of His tender mercies.

Jude 1:24 KJV

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.

Though the world rejects us, He will never depart from us. He revealed before time that we will undergo diverse tribulation but admonished us to be of good countenance because "He have overcome the world." This same victory he asserted us that *"He gave us His peace in midst of this perverse and crooked world.""

Great piece Winnie.

We must create full intimacy with God, is all we need as a Christian

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