in #steemchurch7 years ago


Titles of the Holy Spirit

An examination of the Scriptural disclosure on the Holy Spirit will demonstrate that He is no place given a formal name, for example, we have for the Second Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, yet is somewhat given spellbinding titles, of which the most widely recognized in Scripture and in like manner utilization is the Holy Spirit. As His Person is unadulterated spirit, to which no material is basic, He is uncovered in the Scriptures as the Spirit. The spellbinding descriptor holy is utilized to recognize Him from different spirits, which are animals.

An investigation of the references to the Holy Spirit by different titles in Scripture will uncover some critical realities. The fundamental words in the first are likewise utilized as a part of reference to substances other than the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, in any case, רוח is utilized more than one hundred times for the Holy Spirit. The matter of translation goes into the issue. Cummings records eighty-eight references to the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. The American Standard Version of the Bible by methods for beginning capital letters shows significantly more than this. Regardless, the examples are various and all around scattered all through the Old Testament. Cummings takes note of that the Pentateuch has fourteen references, none in Leviticus, that Isaiah and Ezekiel have fifteen each, and that the references are scattered all through twenty-two of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament. The succinct synopsis of Cummings on the importance of these references may well be cited:

"It is difficult to state that the sections increment in number, or in clearness, with any extraordinary normal for the books of Scripture. They appear to hold up under no unique connection to sequence, as they show up essentially in Isaiah (750 B.C.), in Ezekiel (590 B.C.), and in the books of Moses. Nor would we be able to follow any connection to the similarly spirituality of the books, however Isaiah stands so high in the rundown; for though Ezekiel stands to begin with, and Judges has seven, Psalms has just six, Deuteronomy just a single, and second Chronicles four. Yet, it is conceivable to perceive that every one of the enlivened authors has gotten some unique part of the Holy Spirit's individual or work, which is repeated in his pages. In Ezekiel, for example, it is the activity of the Holy Spirit in transporting the prophet real to the spots where he is required, which represents six of the sections out of fifteen. In Judges it is the in-breathing of boldness or quality which is implied in each one of the seven entries. In Exodus it is as the Spirit of astuteness that He is exceptionally and only respected. It is His office as the Giver of prophetic motivation which is most always talked about in the books of Samuel and the Chronicles. In Isaiah, and in the Psalms, the twofold instructing concerning Him is His association with the Messiah from one viewpoint, and what might be called His own characteristics, for example, being lamented, or vexed, by thanklessness or resistance, on the other."

In the New Testament, the references to the Holy Spirit are significantly more various. The New Testament word for the Spirit, πνεῦμα, is found in two hundred and sixty-two sections, as indicated by Cummings, scattered all through all the major New Testament books.16 To cite Cummings, "The Gospels contain fifty-six entries; the Acts of the Apostles, fifty-seven; St. Paul's Epistles, one hundred and thirteen; and alternate books, thirty-six."17 From these actualities, it might be unmistakably observed that there is reliable reference to the Holy Spirit from Gen 1:2 to Rev 22:17, and the derivation is plain that a consistent service of the Holy Spirit is kept up appropriate for every allotment. The titles of the Holy Spirit as generally made an interpretation of are liable to noteworthy order which outfits a fascinating foundation for the teaching.

Titles of the Holy Spirit Revealing His Relationships.

Of the numerous titles and varieties in reference to the Holy Spirit, sixteen uncover His relationship to alternate Persons of the Trinity. Eleven titles are discovered relating the Holy Spirit to the Father: (1) Spirit of God (Gen 1:2; Matt 3:16); (2) Spirit of the Lord (Luke 4:18); (3) Spirit of Our God (1 Cor 6:11); (4) His Spirit (Num 11:29); (5) Spirit of Jehovah (Judg 3:10); (6) Thy Spirit (Ps 139:7); (7) Spirit of the Lord God (Isa 61:1); (8) Spirit of your Father (Matt 10:20); (9) Spirit of the living God (2 Cor 3:3); (10) My Spirit (Gen 6:3); (11) Spirit of Him (Rom 8:11).

Five titles are discovered relating the Holy Spirit to the Son: (1) Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9; 1 Pet 1:11); (2) Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19); (3) Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7 Revised Version); (4) Spirit of His Son (Gal 4:6); (5) Spirit of the Lord (Acts 5:9; 8:39).

While there is some refinement in importance in the different titles, the central noteworthiness is to draw out the relationship of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Trinity, all avowing His divinity and parade.

Titles of the Holy Spirit Revealing His Attributes.

Copious disclosure is given in the titles of the Holy Spirit to reveal His characteristics. No less than seventeen of His titles demonstrate the celestial qualities of His Person.

  1. The solidarity of the Spirit is uncovered in the title, One Spirit (Eph 4:4).
  2. Perfection is the ramifications of the title, Seven Spirits (Rev 1:4; 3:1).
  3. The personality of the Holy Spirit and the Essence of the Trinity is avowed in the title, The Lord the Spirit (2 Cor 3:18).
  4. The unending length of time of the Spirit is found in the title, Eternal Spirit (Heb 9:14).
  5. Spirit of Glory means His transcendence just like the same as the Father and the Son (1 Pet 4:14).
  6. Spirit of Life certifies the interminable existence of the Spirit (Rom 8:2). Three titles assert the blessedness of the Spirit:
  7. Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:4), a conceivable reference to the holy human spirit of Christ;
  8. Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost (Ps 51:11; Matt 1:20; Luke 11:13), the most formal title of the Spirit and most regularly utilized;
  9. Holy One (1 John 2:20).
    Five of the titles of the Holy Spirit allude to some degree to Him as the creator of disclosure and astuteness:
  10. Spirit of Wisdom (Exod 28:3; Eph 1:7);
  11. Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isa 11:2);
  12. Spirit of Counsel and Might (Isa 11:2);
  13. Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2);
  14. Spirit of Truth (John 14:17). The amazing quality of the Spirit is demonstrated
  15. in the title, Free Spirit (Ps 51:12). The trait of effortlessness is found in two titles,
  16. Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29), and
  17. Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zech 12:10).

Titles of the Holy Spirit Revealing His Works.

A considerable lot of the titles alluded to as showing His qualities likewise hint His works. In the discourse of the titles uncovering His traits, it might be seen that the Spirit of Glory (1 Pet 4:14) participates in a work to convey the holy people to transcendence. The Spirit of Life (Rom 8:2) is the operator of recovery. The Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:14), the Holy Spirit (Matt 1:20), and the Holy One (1 John 2:20) is our sanctifier. The Spirit of shrewdness (Eph 1:17), the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2) talk about the few services of God in educating, directing and fortifying the holy person. The Spirit of Truth (John 14:17) has a comparable thought. The Spirit as one who shows elegance is uncovered in the titles, Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29), and the Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zech 12:10).

Notwithstanding these, two different titles are given the Holy Spirit, insisting His works.

  1. The Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:15) has reference to His disclosure of our selection as children.
  2. The Spirit of Faith (2 Cor 4:13), while maybe unoriginal, and for this situation not alluding to the Holy Spirit all things considered, if conceded as a source of perspective, it demonstrates the service of the Spirit in delivering confidence in us.

Another title of the Holy Spirit, which does not include the name spirit, be that as it may, is that of Comforter, from παράκλητος, which means, as indicated by Thayer, when utilized as a part of its most stretched out sense. "an aide, succorer, aider, right hand; so of the Holy Spirit bound to replace Christ with the apostles."18 It is discovered every now and again in the New Testament (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7). It uncovers the Holy Spirit as one who is constantly prepared to help the Christian.

The numerous titles of the Holy Spirit with their complex implications talk smoothly of the marvels of His Person and the miracles of His qualities. The numerous angles uncovered talk about His vast Person, square with in power and wonderfulness with the Father and the Son.



Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Psalms 51:11 KJV

The holy spirit is our comforter and he's the spirit of God that dwells in us as Christians!

The holy spirit is our guide,our comforter and our helper. He leads us and shows us the path to follow. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot brother femi for this great revelation of the holy spirit!

God bless u for attending #steemchurch

It may be noted that the Holy Spirit possesses the essential of mind or intelligence. The Scriptures explicitly affirm that the Holy Spirit exercises a moral and sovereign will comparable to that of the other Persons of the Trinity. In connection with the sovereign bestowal of spiritual gifts on men, the Spirit is said to accomplish this “as he will” (1 Cor 12:11). The essential of mind or intelligence is further confirmed by His works. His works indicate intelligence, knowledge, and the normal functions of personality.

As children of God, we the the holy spirit to help us live the right way everyday day of our lives.
Thanks for sharing

excellent publication, we must always trust in God, whatever happens. let's walk by the hand of the Lord

I think the most commonly referred title the bible used is "the comforter". This term alone summarizes all the Holy spirit is, to us.

Ya no argument. What he is to you is not what he is to me. He works base on circumstances and office. The Prophets call him the secret revealer. God bless you for attending #steemchurch

Great post... As a Christian we must be spirit filled.

Fantastic and well thought out post.

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