in #steemchurch6 years ago

Philippians 2:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 so that at the name of Jesus [a]every knee shall bow [in submission], of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

Using the name of Jesus and having a revelation of the power implicit in Him are two different things,even the mere teaching of the power that is in his name is not enough.


No one alone gets this revelation, this alone can be given by the Holy Spirit.
John 16:13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].

It is the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the truth contained in his powerful name,the word of God reveals to us that we are saved in his name, we receive baptism also in his name ,the sick are healed by that glorious name and demons are fleeing almighty name.


In the book of facts we can see how powerfully our brothers used the name of Jesus I remember that in chapter 3:1-6 Peter with John entered the temple there was a man begging for alms, he was lame from birth, they just told him to look at us in the name of Jesus get up and walk, what a precious revelation there is in the book of Acts.

When we pray in his precious name we present to the Father all that Jesus has done for us this is a wonderful truth as if he himself were praying as if he were asking ,John 16:24
24 Until now you have not asked [the Father] for anything in My name; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy may be full and complete.


Every believer has a legal right to use the name of Jesus as a result of his or her new birth, but to use it with power depends on genuine communion with Him Father and a life of holiness in this lies the revelation of his name that :

1 John 2:6
6 whoever says he lives in Christ [that is, whoever says he has accepted Him as God and Savior] ought [as a moral obligation] to walk and conduct himself just as He walked and conducted Himself.


let us walk with Christ, so that He may be the one giving
the necessary revelation using His holy name. thanks for sharing
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Thank you STEEMCHURCH, it is beautiful to be able to share the Word of God with all of you.

Just the way the holy spirit helped some of Jesus' disciples get a better understanding of the scriptures, we can be sure of that today. God gives his holy spirit freely to his servants that requests for it. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading it is a privilege that the Lord gives us to share His powerful word.

we must have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, his name is above all names He is in us once we decide to walk with him.

There's power in the name of Jesus. God has given us a name that is above all other names which is Jesus and by mentioning this powerful name ,all knees and power must tremble and bow both in heaven and earth and even under the earth

This same name Jesus when we ask anything through it with believe in our heart ,we will surely receive for the glory of God

Indeed, the name of the lord is a strong tower , the righteous runneth to him and they are save. The name of the lord is a name above all others name. By the mention of his name all power shall bow.
Thanks for sharing this post.

When the human mind makes bold to speak of the Name of Jesus, and of its praise, it finds itself deficient; the tongue cleaves to the palate of the mouth and all speech dries up. Indeed, this Name is so great, so much more profound than the very oceans, that no human intellect is fully capable of expounding it; this is why Saint Isidore says “the spoken Name is like a well of wisdom that makes things known to us”. Now it is the nature of names to specify that which is named, and the Name of Jesus instructs us in an incomprehensible manner. Who is able to explain the incomprehensible? Is it possible to reveal the infinite? And what man can possibly express in mere words the meaning of the Incarnation—God-man? This is what David the prophet expresses when he says to the Lord in Psalm 48: “according to Thy Name O Lord, so also is Thy praise”, which is to say that the very Name itself is Thou, a giving praise O Lord. But who is able to explain this—The Name—which thing in and of itself gives praise to God? Who can be found so full of grace and virtue as to proclaim this praise in an appropriate manner? Absolutely no one, unless his lips be “circumcised”. Thus it was that when Isaiah (6) was raised up in the contemplation of the vision of the King of Glory, before speaking of Jesus whom he referred to as Emmanuel, and before speaking of the Virginal Conception, acknowledged his speech to be unworthy. It was only after he experienced the mystery of the Seraphim, after he felt the burning coal upon his lips and was purged and spiritually circumcised, that he announced the Virginal Conception and the Name of the Son, disclosing to us in these t p things, a most sacred mystery. Come, therefore, O Jesus Christ, minister of our spiritual circumcision, touch my lips, take away my iniquity, purge my affections, illuminate my mind, eliminate my imperfections, move my tongue and make my speech and action such that, for the glory of Thy Name, it may burst forth with the burning heat of Thy charity, mixed with the flame of Thy piety. Grant that I might taste the great sweetness of Thy Name not merely on my lips, but even more that I might find refreshment and delight from it in my interior soul. For just as water gushing forth from a fountain forms at first a gentle and narrow stream that murmurs softly and sweetly, but later grows into a broad and deep river, so also the Name of Jesus seems at first to be a small sound, a phrase easily spoken, but is at the same time pregnant with meaning and overflows with a superabundance of ineffable grace. All that God has ordained for the salvation of mankind is encompassed and comprehended in the Name of Jesus. The Name is variously translated by Saint Jerome as “Savior”, “Deliverer”, “Benefactor”, “Salvation” and “He who saves us from sin, delivers us from evil and confers on us both grace and an abundance of glory”. He is proclaimed “Savior” first of all because it is He who saves us from sin: as the angel declared unto Joseph (Matt. 2): “and His Name shall be called Jesus, and He shall save His people from their sins”. Second, He is so proclaimed because He frees us from our enemies to whom we are subject; as Zaccharias (Luke 1) says: “He saves us from our enemies and from the hand of those who hate us”. Third, He is called the “fullness of salvation” because He confers on us grace. Thus it is that David, who had lost that salvation by sinning, says in Psalm 51: “give us the joy of Thy salvation”. Fourth, He is called “Salvator” because of the abundance of His glory, and hence Jacob says in Genesis (49): “I await thy salvation O Lord”, which is to say, the glory already promised. All this and much more that is lofty and stupendous is encompassed mysteriously in the blessed Name of Jesus.

There's energy for the sake of Jesus. God has given us a name that is most importantly different names which is Jesus and by saying this capable name ,all knees and power must tremble and bow both in paradise and earth and even under the earth

This same name Jesus when we ask anything through it with have confidence in our heart ,we will definitely get for the greatness of God.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, `these' shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come.

His name is great and powerful as the Bible says: In his name demons will be cast out and in the name of Jesus we can heal, free, bind and loose. Amen for this wonderful word

No other name like the name of Jesus Christ. He's worthy of glory, honor, power and adoration

In the name of Jesus there's power; power to be healed, liberated from shackles and to be saved.
According to Romans 10:13, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Thanks for sharing!
Kind regards.