in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello everyone, Greetings to steemchurch, I guess we are all doing in fine.
I be starting a series I call

Pottage Vs Birthright

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One very interesting story from the bible about
Jacob and Esau, there are lots of lessons to be learnt from this story pls sit back and enjoy


Passion is a very strong feeling of love or hatred. It is in your passion that lays your portion. Where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be (Matthew 6:21). Thus, in this part two, we shall critically analyze the heart drive (passion) of the two boys Esau and Jacob. As have been said passion could either be good or bad. I shall be emphasizing on where lies their passion. That is, what their heart was craving after.

See, in this life, nothing just happen. One must first have a plan or a goal before such a one begins to pursue it. Everyone is seeking for something whether consciously or sub-consciously. If you are to succeed, then you are planning to fail. It is either you are seeking good or bad, success or failure.

Now, let's embark on a prophetic overview of their passion.
And Jacob sod Pottage: and Esau came rom the eld and he was aint.
Genesis 25:29

Jacob cooked pottage. Some other translation called it stew. See, he was at home but not been idle. He had something to offer. Although, Esau being a man of the field and full of strength, Jacob had what it takes to submit his strength to him.

It was said, "...Esau came from the field and he was faint". He was a man known for hunting adventure. As had been said, he does have a kill and eat mentality. His concern was for today without making recourse for tomorrow. Now, one day, he came from the field without a game (animal). He came dejected and worn out. See, there is an adage that says, every day is not Christmas. You see, he always returns from the field with at least a game. Unfortunately, the contrary was the case on this set day. His expectation was dashed and so, he had no option than to faint (worn out).

Beloved, are you not so narrowly minded? Do you just put all your eggs in one basket? Does it bother you to make provision for the rainy day? Do you have a consumer's mentality or kill and eat mentality? So, many a believer becomes faint who seemed to have placed all their trust in a particular thing or person, when such a thing or person fails.
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What does it mean to '...come from the field?'The field according to scripture is associated with fruitfulness, harvest and what have you. Now, to come from the field means to come from a place of fruitfulness and harvest, or to go to a place of fruitfulness and harvest. See, Esau went to a place of fruitfulness and harvest, but came back unfruitful and without harvest. Was it that he did not work or labour? May I tell you that he was a hardworking man? But, it was very unfortunate that with all his labours, he had nothing to show of.

Beloved, it is a pity that some of us are in the midst of plenty and yet we are suffering. We seem to walk around fruitfulness but we don't get of it. God has not called us to live an unfruitful life. It is not even his will for your fruitfulness to be periodic or seasonal.

The scripture began to gravitate along this line when it thus said:
...Be instant in season, out ofseason.
11 Timothy 4:2

It follows that the act of productivity or fruitfulness is not seasonal. Be continuous; keep prospering harvesting, and fruitful within and without the season of it. Thus, be ever productive. Glory!

Dear, doesn't it sound ridiculous for someone to be thirsty at the bank of the river? How can you be wallowing in poverty when God has provided for your prosperity (11 Corinthians 8:9)? You cannot afford to be carnal in Canaan. You cannot now lose your title in Titus. See, you must be efficient in Ephesians. How can you be lukewarm in Luke? Now, join the chariot of the prosperous in John, in order to be active in Acts. For I see you being numbered among the great in Numbers.

In the same vein, the field could also speak of vineyard. That is, the work of the Master. Jesus Christ began to buttress this point when He thus said

Lift up your eyes, and look on the field, for
they are white already to harvest.
John 4: 35

It therefore follows that the field calls in for service and fruitfulness. Dear, begin to work out your all round prosperity in the field. You don't spell weakness in the field. Keep doing tirelessly the work of the Master. For in so doing, you will reap the harvest

Stay in tuned for EP 2 tomorrow and leave your comment and contributions below and also questions.

God bless you

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