in #steemchurch6 years ago

From the past few days, I have been treating the topic on Giving and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we have been enlightened on the subject.

It is my humble prayer for you that you would be able to apply the principles that I have discussed under the topic to the glorification of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This would be my final lesson on the subject under discussion but it won't be the end of the learning process on Giving.

Today I would like us to look at just one importance of tithing. Even though there are numerous importance of tithing, I just want us to discuss only one important of it and I believe by the end of the lesson, you would be truly enlightened and be blessed.


Just as I said earlier, there are alot of importance to tithing, especially spiritual. But I would be discussing only one of them and that is what I call say no to financial pests.


In other words, one importance of tithing is that;
when you tithe, you are guarding against any form of attack on your finances.

Economic hardships, unemployment rates, high costs of living and the rapid increase in the prices of commodities etc, have placed a heavy burden on our financial budget, such that we hardly make space for the giving of tithe on our expenditure roll or list.

Giving a tenth of our income freely to God has become the most difficult expenditure to accept than all the others that swallows the remaining 90 percent of our income.
We tend to believe that the tenth or 10 percent can go a long way to do us more good in solving our financial burden that just giving it to God for free as tithe.

This is a very big problem for most Christians in our generation. But the profit that we get anytime we are able to let go of what belongs to God, is more than what we can ask for.

First and foremost, let us briefly define what a pest is.

According to the Oxford dictionary, a pest is a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.

Take notice of the following characteristics of pests from the above definition, i.e. they are destructive not constructive, while secondly too, they attack not defend.

So in a nutshell, pests do not do anything good to your crops or animals or efforts including your finances. Pests are there to attack and to destroy, nothing more nothing less.

The bible tells us in the book of the prophet Malachi chapter 3, verse11 that God said;

"Your crops will be abundant, for I (God) will guard them (crops) from insects (pests) and diseases.
Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe......."

The strength and abundance of your finances depends on the good yield of your crops, in this case your work.
So if pests attacks your crops then it means that you cannot harvest in it's season or you will not have the required harvest.

And if you do not get the required harvest, your finances will diminish and will never grow.
This is what God is trying to tell us to avoid. He wants his children to harvest plenty and get more financial backing but our finances will only be strong if our crops (works/jobs) are free from spiritual attacks from pests.

The undeniable fact is that, only God can guard against these pests that attacks our financial sources. No one else nor anything can guard them.
But before God will descend to guard against these pests, unless we give our tithe.

Many Christians are financially handicapped or suffering stunted growth in their finances but think that their hard workings and overtimes can improve it, yet it never did.

I am not in anyway suggesting that hardworking does not pay, No! Hardworking indeed pays off but to get equivalent profit or income from your sweat, then you need somebody who would stand in the gap and guard your efforts or field from the destructors and attackers.
But the only person who can do that job of protection is Jehovah.

So my dear reader, the only way left for you to get your finances back on track is tithing. After trying all the methods given to you from your financial experts, one thing is still lacking that you haven't done yet and that is tithing.

You see, you can apply all those methods given to you from your financial experts but if pests keep attacking your financial sources, then you will never have a solid finances.

"You will need to control those pests.


Tithing gives you the power to control financial pests.

Start tithing today and God will start controlling your financial pests immediately. Do not be deceived because our sweats alone does not guarantee us financial freedom, we need the hand of God's intervention.

Deuteronomy 8:18 tells us

“Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

Beloved, I urge you today to tithe your way out of poverty, financial crisis and lack.

Its an honour sharing this message with you. If you enjoyed it then keep visiting my blog @henryyeboah for more interesting article.
God bless you.

From #steemchurch, @sc-g




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Liebe Grüße, Sabrina ʕ-́ᴥ́ᴥ̀ʔ ---> @sabrinaswelt

God bless you bro for your teaching on tithing

Without a doubt Tithing enables you to control budgetary pests.thanks for sharing such an educative post

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