Living in Love: My Rituals - My beliefs, My Actions

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

My rituals circumvents round anything that leads to my personal development, which in return, affects the growth of the community positively.

"Nemo dat quod non habet!"

Sourced from Pixabay, CCO Liscenced

I've learned from experience that we have differences. The lenses from which everyone sees and then interpret things varies.

But on the other hand, we shouldn't allow these disparities that exists within us threaten the bond that binds us together as one.

It's in this same spirit that the words of the Holy book says:

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. Yes, the body has many different parts. If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?

The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. Source

Just as every part of the body is one and of equal status, we too must respect our differences and major on our similarities.

It's this concept that inspires my rituals.

In the spirit of love, I am a kind of person that likes to engage with the community, network with people, make new friends and wants to get things done, things that will serve as a springboard to the growth of those around me too.

Note the keywords: "love and community". That's the angle from which I am viewing my rituals from. They are my daily activities and everything I do is catalyzed by those keywords.

I am happy writing these words not because I want to be rewarded some tokens but because it I feel fulfilled expressing myself with them.

I could just be crazy to the extent that I choose to participate in a contest only because I want to engage.

The engagement I'm talking about isn't limited to the blockchain, blogging and replying comments, it extends to building a family and being an asset to others increase.

Volunteering is my ritual

Personally, I don't like to make public my little act of services. I could go to an orphanage home and spend my last penny without telling no one.

As a punctualist, I could go for a meeting, meet everyone untidy, pick up my broom and have there swept while I wait for the arrival of others.

I do this more often as a student which I am of course. I like to see things done, everywhere neat and tidied. Before the lecture kicks off, I spend few minutes dusting the chairs.

My volunteering experience began when I met a secondary girl who was preparing to write her WAEC. Her parents couldn't afford to pay for extra lessons for her in preparation for the exams. I volunteered to help out since I graduated from the science department. I taught her, majoring on the courses that she performed poorly in.

I extended this service while waiting for admission into the University by going to nearby secondary schools and teaching students, organising extra classes for them like I did for my classmates back then.

Till now, such vision hasn't terminated. I still do the same for my course mates now that I'm the higher institution, organizing free tutorials for them, knowing that our level of assimilation differs and method of learning varies. Well, I get no financial reward for that.

You ritual isn't worth it if you aren't fulfilled.

The feeling of joy seeing other students pass their exams is the best reward I can get, it ushers me into this realm of fulfillment.

This is just a piece of who I am and they indirectly tell you what my rituals are, or probably the reverse depending on how you see it.

Sometimes I will look at the moon with awe and reflect on the beauty of the creation. So I always want to contribute to this beauty.

I don't judge people or use negative words on them; frown at people sending me links on my dm for upvote... in Eminem words "I like to trade shoes".

This is my ritual, to promote peace, keep helping when it's within my capacity, spreading love, empathizing with others, learning new things that won't just help me but also affect those around me.

If we all chose to individually play our role in self and community development in love and peace, general growth becomes inevitable.

This my entry for Wine of the Week. What Are Your Important Rituals? You can read all about it here.

Quoting Immortal Tongue:

This Is Not A Contest; It Is A Way Of Life
Its Not About What You 'Can' Get But What You 'Can' Give In all its Facet

This was posted from my Whaleshares blog below


Inspirational & Wavy!


Thank you Mo, so you are here too...

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