Being a Dad and New Perspective

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Being a new dad has been such an amazing experience. Each day raising my son and watching him learn and accomplish something new is incredible. There is no other experience like it in the world and as hard as I try to describe it, it remains a futile effort.

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Loving a Son/Daughter


Loving a son or daughter (here on out referred to as a son just because I only have a son currently) is the most frustrating thing in the world. This small person who can't communicate very clearly will be loving, hugging and giving you kisses at one minute and throwing himself on the ground and throwing a fit the next. It's amazing that no matter how he's acting, the love I have for him doesn't change (well maybe a little, but it's much easier to love someone who is loving you back).

To imagine what God must have felt like knowing that he was sending his son to be a sacrifice on the cross is something I can't comprehend. I hear people talk about not wanting to have kids in "the world today" due to all the violence. Imagine sending your kid off to someplace knowing that he would not only be murdered, but tortured in a very gruesome way.

Admiring your Son


Not a day goes by that I don't admire my son, whether it's him accomplishing something he couldn't do the day before or telling the truth when you ask him something. It may not seem like much, but going down a slide he didn't want to go down the day before, climbing a ladder he wasn't strong enough to climb, or being honest when he did something wrong is truly amazing to watch unfold before your eyes. Watching him overcome his struggles is something you don't get to experience much outside of being a parent.

Not only did God get to watch his son go through all these struggles, Jesus also had all sorts of others tests to endure. I can only imagine the pride that God felt as he watched his son grow-up. To go through all those struggles and temptations of Satan and others and come out unscathed is more than impressive. It's something we will never be able to comprehend in our lifetimes to live a sinless life.

In Conclusion

Being a dad for 2 1/2 years gives me an entirely different understanding and perspective of John 3:16. I still can't comprehend what it was like to know how you're son was/is going to die and knowingly allow him to go through that, but the love for God had for his son, I get a better understanding each day. To truly love someone no matter what. What it means to give grace.


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There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.

Warm regards


Thanks brother. Beautiful what you just said and I completely agree.

There is Nothing more beautiful than the fact that we show immense love to the gifts God has given us

Childrens are a huge blessing from God

Nice share



Thanks for the resteem and children are definitely a blessing!

Lead your children to the right way and when the grow up they shall never depart from it.
The lord has given the man the role of being the head if the family he should always be read to take the responsibility of everything in the house.

God has made it so great that we all as either men or women we be responsible for every thing we do on earth .
A Godly man is supposed to protect his family and make sure that his family are led to the right part and Godly way too.
Christ who is the head of the family has given the man a right to always take care of his family
By providing them with shelter , clothes and food and also build the spiritual life which is always the will of God.

a Godly man never leaves his family to perish

Great words. He is the leader and the protector of the family and while the husband is the head and the leader of the family the wife is the neck and controls where the head goes :P. Jokes aside thanks for stopping by and the comment.

Children are Gift from heaven, I'm not yet a father, but I know being a father is one big important thing in life, how you have to train your kids in the right way to follow, so that they won't fall in to the wrong part, how to train them, and how to always be there for them when they need you the most. Mainly looking at what our earthly father pass through for us will give you knowledge of what our Heavenly Father also pass through. God is great for giving us to our earthly father as gift and it's good we make both proud by walking and working in a righteous ways of Christ Jesus and accomplishing our goals. Thanks for sharing this post, redeemed also

God bless you.

Get ready because kids are going to change your life and in more ways than you expect. Get as much sleep as you can now because you'll never be able to get enough sleep again.

Great post.

Not a day goes by that I don't admire my son

As a dad myself, I love this idea. Sadly, I think it is all too easy for many of us to focus so much more on what our kids don't do right or are still unable to do for themselves. Negatives seem to have a louder voice in our ear. It is so great for his development and your state of mind to stay centered on admiration and gratitude.

Good work!

My wife struggles with this a bunch with people asking her why he hasn't hit certain milestones yet? I tell her all the time who cares, as long as it's not an issue and he's just a slow developer.

I remind her all the time how lucky we are to have a smart, healthy, and energetic son.

Great perspective! Your son is blessed to have you.

Being a dad requires that you take a look at how God has Ben a father figure to us. Studying the scripture would make you a lot in becoming a good father. A father with a different perspective is the best. But godly character should be exercised

A father knows how important his child is to him. My son also teaches many things through different gestures. When all the fatigue is gone, after seeing the face at home after the end of the work.

We taught our son how to sign more. Probably one of the best choices we ever made. We tried to teach him more signs that didn't really take, but teaching him how to sign more has been extremely helpful.

Nice writeup @gniksivart i love title as it portrays the love Gid has towards us and how her accept us inspire of our unworthiness... Indeed God is good

What was your favorite part of the write-up.

Being a dad is like having a whole new life..... Thanks

fatherhood is another level and it take a sober heart and a wise sould to raise the children that God has given us, keep doing the good work

Thanks for the encouragement!

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