Matthew 6:12

Forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us- Forgiveness is the most beautiful thing that a person can have and more if he knows about God, it is a way of ancestor when he makes an error, with the purpose of amending the damage that task. Knowing how to recognize when we fail and asking for forgiveness is of a courageous person, so that God can give us what we ask.
God also forgives our offenses, as long as we are truly repentant of heart, remember that we can not deceive God. He knows us before the foundation of our mother's womb. He knows our thoughts and feelings. It is wise to recognize when we fail or we are wrong. For me to ask my father who is in heaven to forgive me for my sins it is necessary that I have forgiven before. So he can work in my life.

Luke 7.47 I am aware that there are very great faults that are difficult to be forgiven; It is in this case that only the love of God can come and help us. Forgiving does not mean that you feel humiliated on the contrary, to forgive is a courageous person full of courage. It is experiencing a very great union with God who so loved the world that he sent his only Son to come to reconcile us with him and with ourselves.
Forgiving allows you to liberate yourself and if we are honest with ourselves we are also honest with God. King David when he examined himself and summed it up in Psalm 51 when he said: Wash me of my iniquities and cleanse me of my sins. Believe in me, O God, a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. The sacrifices of God are the spirit broken to the heart concribed and humiliated.

While there are collective sins, however, everything begins in the heart of each individual man / woman. The first step is to recognize my own human frailty, my own sin: "Against you I sinned, I committed the evil you hate," David says to God after acknowledging his human weakness, which he manifests in Psalm 50 that he composed. Before wanting to judge others - and wanting to remove the straw they carry in their eyes - it is necessary for me to judge myself - and to take out the beam that I carry inside many times. Sometimes we tend to be very hard with others in our judgments, looks and comments, and very tolerant and lax with ourselves.