The problems that overwhelm you today every day want to rob you of courage, peace and trust in God. They want you to believe that God forgot you or simply does not care.

The vast majority of problems that come to our lives serve to show the power of God in the midst of those difficult situations we are going through, serve to strengthen and increase your faith, serve to bring us closer to God.
And it is that without many of those problems maybe we were away from God, sometimes it is the problems that make us come closer to God.
While it is true there are problems that we can not do anything to avoid, there are others that were caused by our bad decisions and we must be aware of this and not blame God for something that we can provoke.
Instead of blaming God, instead of complaining or demanding, we must arrive before his presence with a submissive attitude, with an attitude that denotes our trust in him even though our human eyes do not see a solution.
The psalmist acknowledged that his help could only come from God, that sometimes there is nothing human or earthly that can get you out of the problem you are in, but a God who is an expert in solving the problems that are impossible for us. solve.
The psalmist wrote in Psalm 121: 1-2:
"I will lift my eyes to the mountains;
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from Jehovah,
Who made the heavens and the earth. "
Today I want to raise our eyes to heaven together and understand that our help, our help comes from God Almighty for whom nothing is impossible, so I invite you to repeat this prayer after me:
Eternal Father that you are in the heavens, today I come before you recognizing my dependence on you, recognizing that without you I am nothing and nothing I can, but that with you I am more than conqueror.
Sir, you know well that I am going through one of the most difficult moments of my life, only you know what I am living and only you have the power to give an answer or solution to them.
Lord, I know that you are Good and that you are also Merciful and Almighty, I know that even though I see my problem as something impossible to solve, I know that you have the power to do a miracle in my life.
I believe in you Dear Lord, I believe in what you can do, I believe that you have the power to do it, I know that in spite of my mistakes you love me and that you have never left me alone or left me.
Today I put my worries in your hands, today I put the pain that these problems cause in your hands, I deposit my feelings and my thoughts in your presence knowing in advance that you are an expert in giving peace in the midst of any circumstance.
My God, I trust you and I deposit each of my problems in your hands with the faith that you will help me out of each of them.
I thank you because I know you listen to me, because I know that you will not leave me alone and because I know you will help me to get ahead as you have done many times.
I know Lord that you have a wonderful plan for my life and that this plan will be fulfilled in your perfect time so today I rest in you.
I praise you and I adore you because there is no problem that can resist you. Thank you for giving me rest in the middle of my problems and above all thanks for giving me the faith I needed at this moment to rest and believe in what you are doing.
Thank you Lord because I know that I will soon see your answers in my life.
When we have hope in God, prayer becomes a powerful spiritual weapon @giacamila.

Thanks for sharing.