How Spirit Creatures Affect Us

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Are angels interested in us?

▪ We learn from Jesus that angels are very interested in people. He said, "Joy arises among the angels of God over a sinner who repents." - Luke 15:10.

Jesus revealed that angels have a responsibility to pay attention to the spiritual well-being of the servants of God. When Jesus warned his disciples not to stumble upon others, he said, "Make sure that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 18:10). By that, Jesus did not necessarily mean that each of his followers was assigned a guardian angel. But Jesus has shown that angels who work closely with God have an active interest in members of the Christian church.

How can the devil harm us?

▪ Jesus warned his followers that Satan is trying to prevent people from learning the truth about God. "Where one hears the word of the kingdom, but does not have the mind," said Jesus,

"the wicked one comes and snatches away the things that have been sown in his heart" (Matthew 13:19).

Jesus exposed a way in which Satan deceives people when he presented an illustration of a man sowing wheat seeds in his field. The man represented Jesus, and the wheat represented true Christians who will rule with Jesus in heaven. However, Jesus said that an enemy came and "weeds overgrown between the wheat plants". The weeds call false Christians. "The enemy that sowed them is the devil" (Matthew 13:25, 39). Just as weeds may look like wheat sprouts, those who claim to be Christians seem to be true worshipers. Religions that teach false doctrines deceive people into disobeying God. Satan uses false religion to rob people of friendship with Jehovah.


How can we prevent Satan from harming us?

▪ Jesus called Satan "the ruler of the world" (John 14:30). Jesus revealed in a prayer to God how we can receive protection from Satan. Through his disciples, Jesus prayed to his Heavenly Father, "Watch over them for evil, they are not part of the world, just as I am not part of the world, sanctify them through the truth, your word is truth." (John 17: 15-17) Knowledge of God's Word can protect us from being influenced by the world of humanity that governs Satan.

How do angels affect us today?

▪ "In the conclusion of the system of things," Jesus said, "the angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous" (Matthew 13:49). We are now living in "completing the system of things" and millions are responding to the good news of God's Kingdom. "(Matthew 24: 3, 14).

But not all who start to study the Word of God gain their approval. Angels guide the work of Jehovah's servants, and people who truly love God are separated from those who do not want to use what they learn. Describing those who receive God's approval, Jesus said, "These are those who, having heard the Word with a good and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with perseverance" (Luke 8:15).

Can angels help us?

God created millions of angels long before he created humans. (Job 38: 4, 7) These angels are mighty spirits in the ministry of God who are sometimes sent by Him to guide and protect His servants on the earth. (Psalm 91:10, 11) Today, angels help people to benefit from the good news that the disciples of Jesus preach (Revelation 14: 6, 7).

Should we pray to the angels for help? No. Prayer is an act of worship that belongs only to God. (Revelation 19:10) Since angels are God's servants, they respond to instructions from Him, not from humans. Therefore, we should always focus our prayers on God only through Jesus. (Read Psalm 103: 20, 21; Matthew 26:53.

Are there bad angels?
Like humans, angels were created with free will and can decide if they act right or wrong. Unfortunately, many angels rebelled against God. (2 Peter 2: 4) The first of these was Satan; Others followed and became demons. Satan and his demons have recently been driven out of heaven and thrown to earth (Revelation 12: 7-9).

The dramatic increase in malice and violence since 1914 signals that God will soon put Satan and the demons out of action. Then God will restore the earth to its rightful state. - Read Revelation 12:12; 21: 3, 4.

New Word Translation Of The Holy Scriptures.

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