in #steemchurch7 years ago

Hello steemians, It is another beautiful day and the week is coming to an end, I hope you all are doing great in your various homes and place of work. Today I will be writing on a very important topic which deals with always being prepared. It is so sad to say that today in our environment and society at large people are not always ready or prepared for a task, they take almost everything for joke or just handle them with levity hands which is really bad.


Societal flaws, deep insight

I think as a human being always getting prepared something is a habit that inculcated by the parents, more like a foundational thing. What I'm saying in essence is a child can be taught on how to always be prepared right from their childhood. We see some parents who do not joke with the time their children gets to school, that means very early the child must have being up and then take care of all necessary things before going to school, doing this everyday the child will adapt and pick up that habit to always do things at the right time.

My belief is that when a child learns something at a very tender age either positive or negative that thing tends to go a long way in the child's life.

This is the more reason parents a142 3 should always watch this children closely whole growing up. Even the Bible said that there is no given time when Jesus will come, the Bible says:

Behold, he will come like a thief in the night! And it said blessed is the one who stays awake; Revelation 16:15

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Bible study of the 10 virgins

This story gives us a good example how the lord can come at anytime and so we should always be prepared so as not to miss his coming, in (Matthew 25:1-13) Jesus Christ was portrayed as the bridegroom who is coming to take the bride and so the brides ate to wait for the bridegroom and while waiting I will say the whole place was dark and then they needed to run on some lamp that would provide light. The Bible recorded that out of the 10 virgins 5 has extra oil with them, with the look of things you will agree with me that this 5 had already being fully ready from home because they know the task ahead, but the remaining 5 did not have any extra, and so they quickly rushed out to get some more oil for their lamps and in the process jesus christ came and shut the door 🚪, the other foolish five who went to look for oil came back and met the door locked. They all pleaded but all to no avail.

Story analysis with my own experience

When you take a look at people who are not always ready sometimes most are the ones without patience, they are not always focused on the task ahead. I can imagine that those five foolish virgins must have waited for so long but that moment they went out to get more oil because of they were not prepared and did not have extra, that was around the time ⌚ Jesus Christ came in. Personally I have experienced something similar in an organization. We all went for a job interview and then the boss of that organization was not around and we were asked to wait a little, but you know Nigerians a little can be 5 hours or more but still you don't mind since you are the one seeking for a job we all waited for about 3 hours and still no sign of the boss. Believe you me that just 5 mins after two people walked out the boss arrived, just a little more patience would have given them that job, I'm glad because I was prepared to face any circumstances and I got the job.

In conclusion

Brothers and sisters I must tell you that anywhere we find ourselves try to be prepared for any task ahead of us as it is very important, we should always learn to plan our movement because when we don't we tend to fail.

Thanks for reading


This is the second parable I am reading today. The parable has so many lessons for us all. I must say preparing on time is a ley to success. Learning fro the mistakes of others is another thing to do also.

You have an outstanding conclusion!

in life there is a purpose, to know the word of the Lord, because it is the way, the truth and the life.

Thanks for sharing this with SteemChurch. We need to prepare for the coming of God's Kingdom since the bible says that Jesus will come like a thief - in the sense that the date is unknown.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Who ever fails to plan, plans to fail. That is a popular saying today and it applies to our everyday life even unto the bible days.

Planning, asking the holy spirit to help you is key. You will agree that Seemingly Perfect planning can also go wrong. Plan asking God to guide you.


The story of the ten virgins teaches us to be wise amd prepared for any situation. We can be called at any time to step up and be in a place of responsibility. We should be prepared!!

We must all plan ahead and always be extra prepared for any task we are given.
Preparation and planning are key principles to succeeding in the business world and even in the church, we should be prepared for the coming of Christ because the Bible says in Revelations 16 vs 15

Behold, I am coming like a thief Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame.

Have you seen a football match won without proper game planning? No...... We need to have proper planing for the kingdom of God, we need to be to ready always

Early prepareation is always the key to achieving great things,becaise once u make it ur habit yoy will surely excel,an adage always say that early animals drinks a neat wster from the spring

As children of God we shouldn't be afraid to try because the Lord is our backup. Let us endeavour to always erase failure from our mind and focus on how to get prepared for the task ahead of us. God is ever faithful and he'll always answer

Patience and self preparation are key to success, waiting to excel is a good call... Chasing after success could be disastrous at times so we should remain focused with our goals, with God's time, we will be there

Planning is a vital key in becomming sucessful in life....alot of lesson learnt from this amazing post....God bliss #steemchurch

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