steemchurch: Develop the habit of thanking
Our general tendency is toward complaining. We prefer to focus on what we lack, instead of thanking the blessings we receive from the Lord each day. Serious sin that God will not overlook!
The bible tells us that the Israelites wandered forty years in the desert and did not enter the promised land nor enjoy the blessings that God had contemplated for them, because of the murmuring and complaining. All the Israelites started screaming and crying. They complained against Moses and Aaron, and said: "I wish we would have died in Egypt, or in this desert! Why did God bring us to this territory? ... (Numbers 14: 1-3 TLA).

When you complain about the work, the spouse, the country, the people, you are perpetuating your stay in the desert. What unleashes the blessing, favor and power of God in a person, family and nation is gratitude. To give thanks in any situation and for all things is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18). To thank in times of health and illness, in times of abundance and scarcity, in times of peace and war, is to recognize that God is good, that his love is eternal and that his fidelity has no end (Psalm 100: 5).
You may find it difficult to be grateful when you have no work or money to pay the bills, when you are sick or when the economy of your nation is bankrupt; nevertheless, it is in these terrible circumstances that the gratitude to almighty God unleashes provicion and multiplication.

Surely you remember the biblical passage in which a child offered his lunch to more than five thousand people, which consisted of five panels of ceda and two fish. "But what is this for so many people?" , ask Andres (John 6: 9). Is not the question we ask ourselves too often: "What do I do with so little?" "What I have does not reach me." Do you remember what Jesus did with that portion of food? The Bible says:
"Jesus took the loaves in his hands and, after giving thanks to God, he divided them among those who were seated, he did the same with the fish, giving them everything they wanted" (John 6:11).
Take in your hands the provision that God has given you, be it much or little, and give thanks for it, share it with those who have less than you and see the power of multiplication over your life. Nothing will be missing. you will be satisfied; eat you, yours and those around you; You will remember what you have given thanks for in abundance.
Whatever the situation you are going through, believe God! I am like that child that with a heart full of gratitude, expectantly to receive a miracle, gave him the only thing he had. That day twelve baskets full of the loaves and fish that were left over were collected. I imagine that little boy leaping with joy, praising the name of the Lord! Do not worry. Thanks at all times because
"my God," declared Paul, "will provide you with everything you need, according to the glorious riches that you have in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
"Pray without ceasing, give thanks to God in every situation, because that is his will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5: 17-18)