steemchurch: Criticizing, judging and condemning
Hello brothers of @steemchurch, it's a pleasure for me to be here with you, today I'll talk about criticizing, judging and condemning
I feel in my heart the deep desire to speak to you about the sin of criticizing, judging and co-ordinating. I see that it is so easy for some to form an opinion of the other and with blind fury to make a judgment without the least fear of God. Look at what the Bible says about it: "for which you are inexcusable, oh man, whoever it is you who judge do the same" (Romans 2: 1).

Here god god is saying two things that we must take into account before becoming judges of others. First, that from the moment we have our mouths to judge someone we are self-condemning, that is, we are dictating a sentence against ourselves. And the second thing to reflect, is that by doing so, we would end up becoming what we we condemn
The only judge of the earth is God. When we point out the faults of others, we are exercising the role of the Lord; we remove him from the throne, we take his place and pronounce a sentence. Serious sin that did not escape from the divine judgment! If you criticize your neighbor and call him a thief, at some point you will also be called a thief. Watch out! because we come to be and to do the same thing that we criticize and condemn.

Christ said: "Judge not, that they may not be judged, for with the judgment with which they judge, they judge themselves judged, and with the measure with which they measured, it sounds measured to you" (Matthew 7: 1-2). By nature we do not recognize our faults and judgment with harshness to others. We sentenced them of stingy, adulterers, lazy, thieves, prostitutes, hypocrites, liars ... without knowing that we are condemning ourselves for every judgment we make. "And because you look at the straw that is in your brother's eye, and you do not have the possibility of seeing the beam that is in your own eye? [...] Hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you will see well to remove the chaff from your brother's eye "(Matthew 7: 3; 5), Jesus rebuked.
God delays his judgment to give us time to repent. Do today an examination of conscience, ask the spirit to bring you a memory the sentences you have done and repented so that this punishment does not fall on you on your children. And before criticizing, judging and condemning, remember that he was called to love, piety and mercy.
You preach that you do not have to steal, do you steal?
You say you do not have to adulterate, aduteras?
You who abhor idols, commit sacrilege?
You boast about the law, with infractions
of the law you dishonor God? "
(Romans 2: 21-23)