God looks at the heart and wants the heart

in #steemchurch6 years ago

It is evident that God our Gentleman this one fullly interested in the heart this is his priority, we it can see in other parts of His Word. On the other hand the man is interested more for the physicist or exterior of the persons and not in the heart.

1 of Samuel 16:7 " because Jehová does not look at what the man looks; since the man looks what is in front of his eyes, but Jehová looks at the heart. "
The Gentleman is interested in the heart. This wants to say that it does not import our exterior appearance to God, this is, if we show off to be "good" and "pure". God knows the hearts of all of us. The pharisees were like that. They were seeming to be pure externally, but within they were hypocritical! As Jesus Christ typically said to them:
Lucas 16:15 " Then said to them: You are those that you justify yourself to you themselves in front of the men; mas God knows your hearts "
Many are ready to do many things in God's name. But what He wants is simply that him demos our heart. It does not want the fruit, our acts, but the tree that produces this fruit. If this tree - our heart - is in His hands, then the fruit that will take place will be good because it will come from a heart that has been given Him and that is directed by him.
Proverbs 23:26 " Give Me, my son, your heart, And look at your eyes for my ways. " tus ojos por mis caminos.”

It is for it that the man must love fullly God our Gentleman with the whole heart over all the things of the world, God must be our priority in our lives. This means that we must serve him and to trust fullly in.


Mateo 22:35-38 " And one of them, interpreter of the law, asked for touching him, saying: Teacher, which is the great order in the law? Jesus said to him: You will Love the Gentleman your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. "


God only wants to have the keys of the heart because He is the source of all love and He will lead us to love everything He loves. No one can cheat God!

@fiorella1! What are you waiting to participate? 😊


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