STEMMCHURCH: Let the "sudden" of God surprise us
The Bible mentions several experiences in which THE SUDDEN OF GOD manifested itself in a powerful way. One of them when Paul and Silas were prisoners and as they prayed and worshiped, there was an earthquake that shook the foundations and the doors of the prison were opened (Acts 16: 25-26), and so on in Acts 2: 2-4 : "Suddenly a noise like a gust of impetuous wind came from heaven and filled the whole house, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit" ... and so many more.
The key is to worship God in the midst of trial, that our faith does not depend on what we see, but on what we believe, that that promise will be fulfilled. It does not matter if everything looks worse than before, it does not matter if they tell you that it is not possible, it does not matter if you've waited a long time, it does not matter if the science says that cancer has no cure, if the bank calls to tell you they're going to take it away the car, the house, it does not matter if your husband or wife says it's the end, it does not matter what you hear or what you see ... GIVE IT TO GOD !! Do not get tired of waiting, because at that precise moment, GOD'S SUDDENLY WILL SURPRISE YOU !!!
Personally, I LOVE THE SUDDEN OF GOD ... God will never stop surprising us when we least expect it! I have lived many experiences in which I have seen THE SUDDEN OF GOD, very closely in situations that seemed impossible! And also in my humanity I came to surrender, but it was precisely at that moment when THE SUDDEN OF GOD came and became visible.
Experience (Testimony)
Dear brothers and sisters sometimes when we go through situations in each episode we are tested whether it is our character, our faith, love, fear, among other things. Personally I tell you that God suddenly arrives when sometimes we give everything for lost and it is nice because in the end his glory is manifested. In a while I came to think that God could not do anything with my marriage, I thought it was the end, but God is good and He has the last word that came suddenly and restored areas that I had not imagined, today we are not a perfect marriage but I can assure and give faith, that God has been our help in the most difficult moments, a new time came to our lives and a beautiful and better love began to emerge. Be the situation that you find yourself be patient and let yourself be surprised by the eternal God specializing in surprising us suddenly.
I share this adoration that ministers my life, only God is able to change our ruins for something glorious.
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Hi @eneidi
In steemchurch we recognize the powerful work of God to change circumstances, from evil to good and good for the best. Thank you for sharing your personal testimony in the community!
The testimony of those who live will be a blessing to others, and what good to have this means to share it. grateful Blessings.
In my Christian life I have had moments where I have not yet fulfilled the promises that God has given me, in more than one time I asked why I did not see them and on some occasion maybe I even despaired. But God has been so good that after several years he has molded me that area of my life, that of knowing how to wait for his moment.
Waiting always brings blessing, because we do not know the time or the day that God surprises us, the good thing is that in the end everything acquires meaning knowing that He is our help. blessings brother.
God's time is perfect! God restores in a moment soon that we wait.