STEEMCHURCH: Maintaining Spiritual Passion
The lack of passion leads us to a spiritual insensitivity, to be tired of people, of faith, and even of God.
What is spiritual passion?
It is a burning DESIRE, the fire of God in our heart, which makes us ignore fatigue or pain.
It is an ANHELO stronger than the desire for pleasure. It is intense love and ardor of spirit.
It is the IMPULSE that puts us and keeps us moving through the application of our strength.
It is the COURAGE to venture, persevere, and keep up with the danger or difficulty firmly and resolutely.
It is ZEAL, a burning desire for God, a passionate disposition for His Presence.
It is ENTHUSIASM and inspiration for God, it is a passionate emotion that fills you with strong feelings for God.
It is FERVOR of spirit, intensity of Expression, deep interest and emotion for the Kingdom of God.
SLEEPING Sometimes we experience it after a time of intense spiritual and emotional activity. The amount of energy or passion in our spirit is not inexhaustible, it has a limit. You can not do any kind of work of a spiritual nature without leaving your energy. Luke 8:46 But Jesus said: Someone touched me; because I have known that power has come from me. The anointing has to be taken care of
The anointing has to be renewed
Elijah experienced exhaustion after the victory on Mount Carmel against the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 19: 4). Exhaustion led to depression. (Take my life) Exhausted people become super-critical of themselves (I'm not better) A terrible feeling of loneliness. (I am the only one left) In this condition it is much easier to fall into sensuality.
SEQUED This condition is the result of not replacing the spiritual fuel that makes us work for a long time. It's like a car that does not get gas. The consequence: a disastrous private spiritual life
I am irritable and critical. I am impatient with others. I am annoyed by the people who ask me. I envy in my heart the successes of other ministers. Psalm 631 God, you are my God; At dawn I will look for you; My soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you, In dry and arid land where there is no water,
DISILUSION When we have a great dream, and due to different circumstances, this is not realized. When people do not understand our vision and therefore do not support it. When we invest a lot of energy and resources in a person and this fails us in a key moment. area in our lives that is not under the influence of hope (joyful expectation of the good things that come), is under the influence of a lie. The door to the lie opens after having suffered a disappointment. Pr 13:12 The hope that is delayed is torment of the heart; But the tree of life is the wish fulfilled. (RVA) Torment (chalah) = weakening, getting sick, sad. Be tired, have symptoms of illness, be hurt. Hope works in the soul as the immune system in the body. When suffering a disappointment we went through a stage of vulnerability. It is as if the immune system of your soul is weakened and you get sick easily.
- The spirit of competition (put ourselves first than others) .2. The spirit of criticism (find the faults of others) .3. The spirit of vanity (impress others) .4. The spirit of enmity (to hold a grudge against others) .5. The spirit of ambition (desire more than others) .6. The spirit of pride (believe me better than others).
The lack of passion leads us to a spiritual insensitivity, to be tired of people, of faith, and even of God.
Principles that restore the Passion
The rhythm: "And God said ..." "And God saw ..." There is a quiet time at the end of each day of creation. (Gen 1:18) Gen 2: 2,3 tells us about six days of work and one of rest. The heart experiences relaxation for each contraction. Ex 16: 21-23 Tells us about manna. Israel had been a slave for 400 years. Now God was teaching them a different concept of work.
Remember Psalm 103: 1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and bless my whole holy name. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget any of his benefits. 3 He is the one who forgives all your iniquities, He who heals all your ailments; 4 He who rescues your life from the pit, He who crowns you with favor and mercy; 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good so that you rejuvenate yourself like the eagle.
Give up one more day of work in which I can achieve more. A day of fun, the desire of the eyes, the desire for the flesh and the pride of life. 1 Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who fights abstains from everything; they, indeed, to receive a corruptible crown, but we, an incorruptible.
Refresh Exodus 31:17 A sign is forever between me and the children of Israel; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he ceased and rested. He reposed (naphash) = to breathe; passively, to be breathed upon, i.e. (figuratively) refreshed (as if by a current of air) :-( be) refresh selves (-ed) .Ex 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day I have rested, and was refreshed.
Pedro reached a point of spiritual and emotional exhaustion due to the intensity of the events he experienced in the arrest, denial and death of Jesus.
Jesus minister to his physical needs (I prepare breakfast for him) Jesus minister to his emotional needs (acceptance: I call him my son) Jesus minister to his spiritual needs (I restore him to a ministry)
If you are moving away, start doing what helped you grow in love of God at the beginning. It is not uncommon to have declines in a relationship. Peter fell in his relationship (Luke 22: 54-62), and David also (2 Samuel 11), but they got up and went in search of God one more time. Jesus, in Revelation 2: 4, says that it is not a case of "losing" someone's love, but of "leaving" someone's love. The cure is to do the "first works", those things that made us grow in the love of God at the beginning. This would include the aspects mentioned above. The first step is confession and receiving forgiveness and restoring the communion that are the result of that confession (1 John 1: 9). There is no doubt that God will bless the passionate search for him and through that he will glorify his name.

It is evident that we can not love someone we do not know. Know God and what he has done for you. Before the commandment to love God is given in Deuteronomy 6: 5, the statement is made "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Jehovah." One of the aspects of this statement is that he is unique and the more we know how he is, the easier it will be for us to love him with our whole being.
Sometimes serving God must be like a hunger, a thirst in our soul else we would not enjoy the worship of God, the truth is as Christians we must endeavour to maintain this spiritual passion
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We have to have the zeal for the things of God especially in the spiritual realm. When we worship and pray spiritually,we will understand and know more about Him.
It is completely an experience and a different life could say that extraordinary when alive passionate with God, because his spirit is greatly manifested that makes us fall in love with his power and love. Thanks for sharing
Looking for it every day is to keep a beuna connection with him, in which you can tell him to leave you as he was before.