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RE: Speaking In Tongues | Gifts Of The Holy Spirit, How To Receive The Gifts Of The Holyspirit And How To be Sensitive To The Spirit And Skilled In The Operations Of The Gifts

in #steemchurch7 years ago
  1. Yes it is. These gifts given to us by the spirit makes us serve God in a very much better and unique way that would please God.

  2. Being born again is when the gospel truth enters a man heart and changes it to make him accept Jesus as the lord and savior. It marks the beginning of a man having faith that Jesus is truly our savior. While being baptized in the holy spirit is when a man receives the spirit of God that will guide him, teach him, and make him grow in the faith that he accepted when he became born again.

  3. Yes the holy spirit is for all believers, even if it is possible that some believers are yet to receive the holy spirit because their unwillingness and lack of understanding of the fact that we need the holy spirit. Jesus promised the holy to his disciples when he was ascending

John 14:16 AMP
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.

And when they did receive it, they went on to preach the gospel of truth and baptized people in the holy spirit.

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