in #steemchurch6 years ago



One definition of worry according to wiki
Is the response of a person to moderate challenge when he has inadequate skills..
And that got me thinking, like
Most things we worry about are actually moderate challenges when compared to what a whole lot of people are facing out there.
But there is a striking revelation in here
And its that of the cycle of thoughts, images and emotions usually of the negative nature that comes as a result of one over analyzing the way out of a potential threat, risk or consequences that is not yet even made manifest..
As in, isn't that synonymous to dying even while still alive??
I mean, there isn't any essence of living if you die a thousand times over due to your own inabilities and inadequate skills

And so the story of a fresh young graduate earning minimum wage goes....

Fresh out of college
Got a job giving him minimum wage,
Just so he could manage.
The first few months went well with contentment
He would work daily in a fairly small office approving off merchant's consignments.
Till one cool rainy Thursday evening,
As he prepared for the closing of the day
A middle aged woman sat across him in his cubicle to get her papers signed off for approval.
'Twas then emotions and thoughts swept through his mind like a kid having a sugar rush
Emotions not of romance nor of love
It was as though concern began to simulate candy crush with his emotions..


He thought:
How can a woman, few years more advanced in age be this elegant and posh?
He began permutations in his mind
Thinking how she must have started bright
enough for her to be at this age a boss of herself, in charge of her own companies with containers of goods in different offshore sites.
This he was doing as the fair woman called out to him:
Can i get this papers signed she said?
Startled at the calm in her voice,
Yh, yeah, sh sh sure, he replied stammering..
He quickly signed off the paper and bid the woman goodbye as she takes her leave...

For weeks, this scenario was in his head stuck on replay..
He would let out a sigh as he closed for each day..
He grew in worry as he received his monthly pay.
The once young contented man overfed himself with worry till he passed out with obesity...


He quickly found himself in front of the pearly gates of the golden city..
He trembled as a hand touched him..
Do not be afraid the voice spoke to him,
For today you shall stand before Him who owns it all..
Then the one who spoke with him took him through the gates and down the hall
To the very presence of Him,
Oh! He was filled with awe
At the presence of such magnificence.
He couldn't move a muscle as he stood there in the presence of Him who preachers try desperately to describe..
During the days of his worry, he had always thought and looked forward to the day he would be in this moment and boldly state his claim for been treated with such injustice..
His wonder was quickly halted as he heard the most indescribable voice ever spoken to him:
It isn't your time yet.
You ought not to be here..
He replied again stammering
My heart is giving out
It couldn't handle the pain
He said again
My heart is giving out
In other words, i'm dying,
Dying of pain
And a life devoid of gain.
As he spoke this words,
He added a little bass in his voice
To express his seriousness at such injustice...
Life has been so unfair,
He continued
I was given that life as a torture
My cross was too heavy, my spine ruptured..
Give me a lighter cross and then you would see, I'll survive...
Okay, the "One" said letting out a smile..
Just walk down the aisle,
And u would find a room labelled cross collector by the right.
Enter and drop your cross..
Go into the room next to it labelled cross pickup and pick up a suitable one..
And when you are done
Come back here and let's see what you got...
Hurriedly he ran out with gladness,
Finally he would be free of this injustice
And emotional prejudice.
He found cross collector, dropped his cross with his eyes closed, as though to never meet again.
He slammed the door shut
Entered into the next room as he was told only to find a pile of cross...
His eyes swept through the room in a matter of minutes,
He then found one little cross lying aimlessly at one corner of the room..
This must be the size of that merchant woman he said as he picked it up.
He caressed it as he went back to the throne...
"This is what i chose"
Was the only thing he said as he kept on wondering how he was giving the other one when this laid aimlessly amidst all those..

This is same cross you dropped in the collectors room he heard,
No, it can't be. I flung it so far away that no one could ever reach..
It can't be... He said...
Actually it is,
More reason you found it lying aimlessly away from the pile.
The woman you envied is battling cancer eating up her lungs and her bile..
All her hard earned money goes on drugs,
Her life isn't perfect
She just looks posh,
Her life is rough...

No cross is easy for any man to carry
The more strength you exert on it,
The heavier it becomes..
But there is Him who is called the Son
Capable of carrying it in your stead..
Why not drop the worry
And let Him help you through your journey..

Worry is a total waste of time,
It keeps you busy doing nothing and end up stealing your joy...
Lay it down in surrender and watch your life unfold before you with ease..
All you just have to do is SURRENDER...
for by your own self, you have inadequate skills to handle it,
Only Him can carry it...
So,cast all of your cares upon Him,
For the cares for you..

I hope this piece helps someone who is really down, worried about something...


Hi @davoy!

When concern touches your door, we must look with complete certainty, these words of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Behold the birds of the air, which do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them?
Matthew 6:26


Yes!!! We are worth more to Him than any other things... He loves us.. Thanks for the encouraging words too..

Hello brother, new to Steemit? Welcome to SteemChurch.

By the way, in front of the adverse atmosphere that they could find, the first Christians put their hope in the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ. We, like them, have the certainty that, while we await his glorious coming, the Lord is also always close with his providence. There are, therefore, no reasons for concern.

Yes! Christ is our anchor that never fails

Why do we have to worry when we have God by our side, with him all worries is gone . Great post Davoy

Certain the worry can get sick we must learn to wait in the Lord, to have peace

Beautiful story, God takes care of his children

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