in #steemchurch6 years ago

In Luke 16, we see the parable of the unjust steward, in which the steward is accused of squandering the property of his master, who asks him for an account and says he will take away the stewardship. It is then that the steward decides to rewrite the debts of the debtors of his master for some more casualties, so that when the stewardship was taken away they would receive him in their homes.

"8 And the master praised the evil steward for doing wisely; because the children of this century are more astute in dealing with their fellowmen than the children of light. 9 And I say to you, win friends through unrighteous mammon, so that when they are lacking, they may receive you into the eternal habitations. "Luke 16: 8-9.


Jesus is teaching here how the world is more intelligent with finances than Christians; they do it badly, but they are smarter, more astute. The friends he talks about are not those of the earth; Jesus is taking this representation to a spiritual level. Jesus was saying that with the unjust riches you assure yourself eternity because, when you do not have the riches, you must have something that replaces them; and the unjust riches give you abodes in eternity.

"10 He who is faithful in a very little, is faithful also in the most; and the one who in the least is unjust, also the most unjust. 11 For if you were not faithful in the unrighteous riches, who will entrust to you the true riches? 12 And if you were not faithful in other people's things, who will give you what is yours? 13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will esteem the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and riches. "Luke 16: 10-13

When he speaks of unjust riches, what he speaks is natural riches; and how can God trust the true, the real, if you do not show that you are faithful with natural riches? How do you say you are going to be an entrepreneur, if you were not faithful at work? How do you say you are going to be a pastor, if you were not faithful in the church you attended? If you are not faithful to what is not yours, how is God going to give you something that is?

We see God praising someone who is doing something wrong; it says that we win eternal dwellings with the unjust riches. What is the Lord saying? God wants to prosper you, but it is not that the money from heaven will come to you, and you will not be responsible for it. You have to honor God with how you make money, honor him with money, and all your expenses and investments have to honor him as well. And in this parable we see 4 things that help us keep this parameter very clear:

Everyone, someday, we will have to give an account to God of everything He put in our hand. In every parable of stewards, the master always calls the stewards to account. God gives you rein, but someday He will call you to account.
Jesus admired in this man - who stole the master - the use of finances to create new opportunities. He said: This man is shrewd; He knows I'm going to throw it away, and he used the money to create a new opportunity. When you go to heaven, you lost all opportunity. The only opportunities you have, you have here on earth; and, while you're here, the money you have to use to create new opportunities while you have it; because you will not always have it. With your salary, the important thing is to create new opportunities, relationships, friendships. Do not eat lunch alone; have lunch with someone Create relationships, invest in them. Do not do it waiting for something immediately, that would be manipulation; but do it, be smart. While you have the opportunity, do with it something eternal. God is going to take care of making someone pay you someday.

The Lord says clearly that if you do not know how to handle the unjust riches, how can you give them the true ones? In the New Testament, Paul speaks of the riches of God's power, of the anointing, of the glory, which are kept for us. If you do not know how to use a dollar, how can God give you his anointing? The riches of the glory of God are wisdom, knowledge; things more powerful than money; but also more dangerous. If you do not know how to handle the knowledge you have, it is more dangerous than a dollar. And how, if you have not shown that in the small you are faithful, God can give you great anointing? People who have true anointing, authority, power in the Gospel, are generally good stewards and faithful in everything they do. Nobody comes to that place doing things wrong; and the one who does them wrong, one day pays, and when he pays, you become disappointed and realize that the anointing he had was not so much. So, if you want the true thing of God, every dollar you have in your hand you have to use it correctly.

God wants you to choose to serve Him with your stewardship. You can not have 2 gentlemen. God is never going to impose himself; His lordship does not impose on your life. He gives you money so you can choose who you serve. God is not like the government, which takes away the tax; God gives you the opportunity that you decide. Do not bite the government for the taxes you have to pay; When you pay more taxes, thank God that what it means is that you earned more. The mediocre and the poor receive every tax they pay; every time they demand it and they take it away, they have it; and God, so that you do not recite it, gives you the opportunity for you to choose if you honor him. Therefore, the one who gives must give it with joy because God loves the joyful giver. The one who decimates, what he says to God is: You are my Lord, I choose to serve you, to honor you with all that I have.
If you learn these 4 points today, finances will flow in your life. If you have them clear in your consciousness, God is going to make the windows of heaven open over your life, and pour out blessing until there is an overflow.


He who is faithful in the little, God will give him much.

We ought to learn how to manage our resources. There are many resources around us but most times, we cannot manage it. Also, we should always remember that one day we will all give account to God.

Thanks for sharing my leader

Hi Apostle Darlenys, I was always curious in this biblical passage. The importance of the administration as stewards is something that affects this life and eternity. Justice and truth make the just progress. Good post

blessings sister God Bless you to be a good steward first you have to understand that we have nothing that everything is from God.

blessings for you the stewardship we all have because God is the provider of everything we have, and to obtain a great achievement we must be faithful in the little.

greetings apostol very good your message there is multiply everything that God entrusts to us.

God bless you darlenys sister, giving is the best no greater satisfaction than seeing the face of joy of a person who receives and much more if we know that you need it.

kingdom steward that is how we children of God should contribute.

The money was made to be served.

Be selective in your decision, whether you will worship God or not. You cannot worship two Master at the same time!

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