Let's be honest with God

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

A long time ago, I listened to the lecture that a pastor of a church gave to a group of people in a room, among the many things he said, he mentioned one that was very much engraved in my memory and in my heart.


He told the story of a young man who had tried to commit suicide, the family was dismayed because he never noticed that something was happening to him. His brothers suffered, their parents mutually recriminated the responsibility they had in the fact. The young man was connected to a life-threatening mechanical ventilator and in the corridors of the hospital only pain and despair are breathed. So the days went by and each time the faces became more gray. The younger sister of the young man asked permission to visit him and they allowed him. She entered the room alone and the screams alerted the relatives who were in the waiting room; frightened they opened the door to see what was happening and heard the heartrending cries of the girl saying: why did you do this to us ?, why did not you ask for help ?, why did you have to do it this way ?, I hate what you did !, look how we are suffering! They closed the door again and burst into tears. Everyone in the waiting room thought like the girl. Someone had to be honest ...

This painful story reminds me of ourselves. Most of the time we feel lonely, sad, downcast by circumstances and when they ask us how we are, we put a smile that hides our true feeling, as if it were necessary to pretend that we are always well, which is not real. perfect marriage, a perfect job, perfect family. It is possible, you say, that in Christ we have peace and permanent contentment, and I agree with you, but we can not deny that there are more difficult days than others and those do not make us less "worthy" of receiving the love of our Father. Maybe the sadness instead of lasting three days, will last us 3 hours ... but we will also experience it because our organism is programmed to feel it.

The above reminds me of the passage that appears at the beginning of the book of Nehemiah. Hanani, brother of Nehemiah tells him that the wall of Jerusalem was torn down, and that the gates were consumed by fire. Faced with this fateful news, Nehemiah answers the following:

"When I heard this, I sat down to cry. In fact, for several days I was in mourning, I fasted and prayed to the God of heaven "Nehemiah 1: 4 (NLT)

Nehemiah gives us a clear example of reaction to bad news. He was a man of God, he was tremendously brave, but before this news he CRYED LIKE ANY HUMAN BEING, moreover, DURING SEVERAL DAYS HE WAS IN DUEL and I think we all share that when you are in a duel, you are not exactly being more optimistic that treads the earth, if not quite the opposite (of course, depending on which stage of the duel we are, but initially this considers a lot of sadness and uneasiness). This man was honest with God and showed him his pain, his grief, his sadness and bitterness. All the above accompanied by prayer and fasting.

I want to emphasize this last. It is not necessary to be strong as a rock for God, it is not necessary to pretend with Him that things do not hurt us. It does not matter how fragile we look in front of Him. He will always believe that we are strong because we are His children and we have His power, but He also knows what our nature is. The word says: say the strong weak I am, because His power is perfected in our weakness. I am of the people who show me how I am before God, I give my burdens, my feelings, things that I can not carry, and I receive consolation, in some moments I will receive exhortation but always with the love of a Father, will guide us, will comfort

God is not frightened with your tears or your tantrums!

In fact, He is waiting for you to start acting. The next time you live a difficult situation, I invite you to be honest with God and if you need to cry three days in a row, do it, until he lord heal those wounds and restore that heart.



We mice believe it is very important to consider how your actions (or lack of action) may effect others. Well considered sermon Apostle Darlenys.

Honesty is one of the fundamental values of the Christian.
God knows everything, but it is necessary to come before Him and tell Him everything that we carry inside. Thanks for your teachings @darlenys.
God bless you.

That is very wonderful teachings. Thank for blessing us.

to be honest with God is to love God .. If we try to lie to him. we would lie to ourselves. @darlenys01

honesty is the basis for trust, God knows all things to Him we can not lie to Him but He wants us to show us things although He already knows it, beautiful word dear apostol @darlesnys01 because every day God keeps using you to speak to our lives

God bless you

Thank you for sharing these beautiful words. Knowing that comfort comes from the Lord, he knows what is in our hearts. God bless you sister @darlenys01

There is nothing better than telling everything to our father and friend God, in that moment we will rest for our soul. Thank you for this message Apostle Darlenys.

To stop being honest may not affect anyone but ourselves, today I read this story, it made me think of something that comes to my mind very often, and that our present actions determine our future, and if we do bad things It can not go well for us, but if we change goodness and good deeds to change, we will be rewarded by divine grace as time goes by. We must always be sincere, although sometimes the truths are not so pleasant, but being dishonest we just sink into our own sin and offend God. Let out what we think is good and more if a good brother listens to you, but better if it is our Lord who is at our side.

An honest person is a person with principles and more if he knows God

God is so special to us, that it is him we must go to when we are sad and we feel that the world is falling ... No friend will understand you as He ... Only to Him I pour out my heart and my being when I am sad and I am not ashamed to cry like a girl because I know that He loves me, that He is my father and that only He will understand how I feel at that moment.

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