The reality of a Venezuelan teacher

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)
Good morning brothers and sisters, I have been disconnected due to internet failures, but I am already back with you.

This is a topic perhaps a bit trite by many on the situation of our country, but I want to tell you the existing reality that teachers live on a daily basis. And I speak from my perception as a colleague of what we live inside and outside of a classroom, because it is evident that we have also had to live this experience very closely.

The teacher, that person we have been taught, who every day make the greatest effort to train new generations for life, today their quality of life has impoverished.

A long time ago a teacher was proud (many are proud of what they do yet) however, at present, there are so many intermittent that have interrupted this strength and emotional energy to impart their classes.

Before a teacher could live on his salary, could enjoy a good vacation, live well, there was a motivation that led them to smile before a child.

You will wonder why I talk about this ...

A few weeks ago I felt really worried, because when dealing with children with Special Educational Needs in the service within the school, I had several interviews with the representatives of these children, who each of they talked about a specific point:

Before the teacher was more communicative with me.
My son tells me that the teacher goes one day and another does not.
I have noticed that the teacher has become very distant.
My daughter tells me that sometimes the teacher leaves early.
My son told me that he found the teacher crying when they returned from school.

We are talking about a particular teacher.

The next day I discussed the situation with my superior, to make an approach with the teacher a day later.

At the beginning, when approaching an adult, whoever he may be, he tries to defend himself. (Mechanisms of defense against fear) at the end of the interview after making recommendations relevant to the case, to give some strategies to their children since they have been affected in some way, change some strategies, etc ...

Suddenly ... when asking the last question ... Master, and how do you feel?

The teacher, broke the shell ... And while tears appear, he said:

Sometimes I do not have to eat.
Sometimes it's hard for me to get to work because I do not have cash.
My salary does not reach me ...
My two children left the country.
Sometimes I have to leave the classroom to go make a queue to buy food ...
An egg carton costs more than what I earn per month .

As I spoke, my heart broke. I could not do anything else at that moment ... just hug her. And pray for her.

Many of our representatives judge the work of the teacher today but ... have come at some point to ask ... teacher and how do you feel?

We do not know the reality that each one lives, we only judge. And the emotional situation in which the country situation has enveloped us, is even more evident ...

A teacher is a human being who also feels that he or she is working to care for their child, who cares about their child's difficulties, which is not just one: They are 41 realities within a classroom, 41 children with different thoughts, 41 unique children, 82 representatives (father and mother) with whom you have to cover many strategies for each one ... a teacher who, in some way, lives in the lives of their children .

It is difficult for a Venezuelan teacher to leave problems at home, when he is experiencing a migratory duel, when he does not have to eat, or to move to his job. How easy it would be to be able to say today: I leave in my box my problems and by the time I get home I think about it.

If each of us put ourselves in their shoes, we could contribute and help teachers, today their words would be different, knowing the reality that each one of them lives inside the school.

We have lost as much as human beings, that the country situation has only led us to think about ourselves. And they have forgotten that our mission in life, in all areas, as God said ... Help your neighbor!

We have sometimes helped, with much or little, our team and among those who are still well off ... it is a satisfaction to be able to do the will of God and be able to extend the It helps the teachers, but also all those families who for the same reasons that the teacher lives can not take their children to school. Let's demonstrate our human quality for which we were created.

... The idea is not to complain about what happens, the idea is not to judge the other, the objective is to remain united and help our brother, friend, colleague, representative ... Approach and know the reality of each representative, each teacher, I know that together we can open the way, walk the same path where we can all help and raise the fallen. God is with and among us ... and with Him nothing will be lacking.

Let's start today ... just by saying ... how you feel today ... I AM HERE IF YOU NEED ME ... words are also a source of motivation and demonstrate our human side. Let's transfer peace and prayer to those who need us.

Peace be with us

text of the Spanish language translated into English.

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