We pray with perseverance and hope.

To find the peace and joy that we long for from God depends on us, that is: we must make the determination to trust God no matter what the answer is or if he responds to our requests.
Love one another with brotherly love; as to honor, preferring one to another. 11 In what requires diligence, do not be lazy; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope; suffered in tribulation; constant in prayer; 13 sharing for the needs of the saints; practicing hospitality.
Romans 12:10-13
Maybe you are not satisfied with your life in prayer, we have seen previously that there are or we put up many obstacles that prevent fluid and free communication with the Lord, today we will see that impatience is also an obstacle that many times It does not allow us to live in peace even when we have entrusted our prayer to God.
I am sure that the same as me at some point has presented prayer, prayers and supplications to the Lord but you have not seen any results or at least the desired results (that has happened to me on several occasions. In these moments we must remember that God is not an employee who was at our disposal as someone who only exists to serve us. It is important that we realize that God sees the big picture and we can develop the capacity through the word, through knowing Him more. the ability to see the big picture as he does, in this way we would simply wait for his will in our lives.
We can say that not receiving everything we ask for is also a benefit of our favor; understanding this is a sign of our spiritual maturity.
You will show me the path of life;
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
Delights at your right hand forever.
Psalms 16:11