Tu corazón puede reposar. || Your heart can rest.

in #steemchurch3 months ago


Even being in the midst of GREAT difficulties, problems or illnesses that seem to have NO end, no one but NO ONE will be able to take away our hopes placed in God.

God is our protection and strength, Our present help in tribulations.

Psalms 46:1

You can read the full chapter We have examples of those who have gone through calamities and yet with their trust placed in God they have remained with their hearts at rest. This is the case of JOB

You will have confidence, because there is hope; You will look around and rest in safety.

Job 11:18

There is no comparison to having a restful heart, in this way adversity is just "adversity", we will not be moved by it, being certain that everything will pass we remain firm. I invite you to let your heart rest in the word of God, and the Holy Spirit will do his work in you.



Aún estando en medio de GRANDES dificultades, problemas o enfermedades que parecen NO tener fin, nadie pero NADIE podrá quitarnos las esperanzas puestas en Dios.

Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, Nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones.

Salmos 46:1

Puedes leer el capítulo completo Tenemos ejemplos de quienes han pasado calamidades y aún así con su confianza puesta en Dios han permanecido con el corazón reposado. Es el caso de JOB

Tendrás confianza, porque hay esperanza; Mirarás alrededor, y dormirás seguro.

Job 11:18

No existe comparación el hecho de tener un corazón reposado, de esta manera la adversidad es solo "adversidad", no seremos conmovidos por ella, teniendo certeza que todo pasará permanecemos firmes. Te invito a que tu corazón repose en la palabra de Dios, y el Espíritu Santo hará su trabajo en ti.

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