Motivated by love and desire to serve God.

When the desire to honor God develops in us, He will simply guide us clearly and specifically on the path, help us through life's challenges.
8 And Daniel resolved in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king's food, nor with the wine that he drank; He therefore asked the chief eunuch not to force him to defile himself. 9 And God placed Daniel in favor and good will with the chief of the eunuchs; 10 And the chief eunuch said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who appointed your food and your drink; Because as soon as he sees your faces paler than those of the boys who are similar to you, you will condemn my head to the king. 11 Then Daniel said to Melsar, who was appointed chief eunuch over Daniel, Ananias, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 Please test your servants for ten days, and give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. . 13 Then compare our faces with the faces of the boys who eat the king's portion of food, and then do to your servants as you see. 14 So he agreed with them in this, and tried with them for ten days. 15 And at the end of the ten days their faces seemed better and more robust than those of the other boys who ate the king's portion of the food. 16 So Melsar took their portion of food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.
Daniel 1:8-16