"Effective" Prayer How to do it?

Prayer is a vital action in communication with God, as children of God we cannot neglect the ration.
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.
1 John 5:14-15
Let us remember that prayer directed to God is a common and normal practice for believers, for the children of God, but it is also too easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of the main purpose of prayer, which is to communicate with God. In prayer we not only speak to God, we also listen and can have greater clarity in his will for our lives.
Ultimately, prayer is vital, it is essential for us to live a full life before God and men. To have a better direction it is important that we ask ourselves different questions such as: is prayer a feeling that I communicate with God and am closer to him or is it simply a duty that I must fulfill? Are the prayers directed to God only for me or also for other people? What am I asking God to do? Am I looking for direction in his word or am I trying to convince God of something that I want? Do I pray to God only when I am in need of something, when I have an emergency?
These are some questions that help us have a better direction and understanding regarding prayer directed to God. According to what we have answered we can see a certain selfishness in our lives and let us remember that we are not the only ones. As we enter into the presence of God in prayer we learn more and more to focus and to fix our eyes on him.
If I had looked upon iniquity in my heart,
The Lord would not have listened to me.
Psalms 66:18
Let us enter into the presence of God with a clean heart, with the desire to present to Him all that we are as we are, let us not hold anything back for ourselves, let us be sincere before God. We are not perfect, we are not infallible but we have this opportunity to approach His throne at all times to find help in our need.
God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.
He said, and shall He not do it?
He spoke, and shall He not execute it?
Numbers 23:19