in #steemchurch6 years ago


“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”(1 Cor.1:18)

The cross is the very pillar and heart of the Christian faith, and without the cross we have no Christianity at all. There is a potent power that comes out of the cross. Unfortunately many prideful people including Christians have failed to grasp this truth. That power that cures every human sickness of the heart. The POWER OF FORGIVENESS is the very core and foundation of Christianity. It is the ultimate solution to man’s ultimate need!

How could anybody dare to justify their rights when God Himself gave all He had unreservedly to save a rebellious race like us. Understanding and accepting the Message of the Cross has nothing to do with our human intellect and ability. It has only to do with God, His mercy and His Grace.


“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Is 53:6 NKJV).

He knew no sin! He was totally innocent, a lamb without blemish, yet He said let Me take the blame! I will pay the price for them to appease my God and meet the demand for the requirement of sin.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom 6:23 NKJV)

Sin corrupted mankind and crippled us with shame and condemnation. We were literally cursed; inferiority was permeating every area of our lives. We became a dysfunctional race. Sorrow and pain was the consequence of sin. But Jesus looked at us with compassion and mercy and He said “I will pay the price and set them free, I will give them back the dignity and life once again”.

When Jesus died on the cross, the blood that He shed once and for all touched the very heart of men, the root of sin. It was an inner cleansing; it was no longer an outward covering. It turned away the wrath of God and cleansed the sin of the entire human race. How could that be? In the Old Testament it is the blood of bulls and goats, in the New Testament it is the eternal blood of Jesus Christ the sinless soul which has eternal value in the eyes of God. That total perfect complete sacrifice that was able to infiltrate the root of sin.

Why did God do it this way? Because as an infinite God of infinite holiness, all sins committed against Him are infinite in magnitude. Only a gift of infinite value could turn away the infinite wrath of God. And only God Himself (in the Person of his Son) could make such an infinite gift.


What happened on the cross was a divinely ordained exchange. Your keys to your life are contained in that revelation that transpired on that cross. Many of God’s people today do not fully understand this truth and therefore they are not able to live a fully victorious Christian life.

Jesus paid an awful price for your redemption. He was your ultimate sacrifice. A bloody sacrifice indeed.

All the evil due to our rebellion came upon Jesus on the cross that all the good due to His sinless obedience might be made available to us. Or, to say it in another way, the evil came upon Jesus that the good might be made available to us.

As Christians we ought to live our lives in line with the Cross and it's power to make a difference in us, not in fear but in strength and faith so that we can enhance victory in our lives forever

God Bless You



God's love is so amazing. It is unexplainable.

True for God's love towards mankind is unexplainable and only we can do is to love Him back

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