Day 3 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth

The Bible shows us the word meekness at various times in the Scriptures. But, there is a particular text, in which I will speak:

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth," Matthew 5: 5.

Jesus teaching his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, one of the most important preaching that Jesus ever did on earth. Making an important statement, that the meek will inherit the earth.

Dear brothers, Jesus said that the meek inherit the earth. Now let me explain some of the definitions of being meek in the New Testament in Greek. Meekness is the word "praotes," which means "goodness" and "humility."

The root of this word is "praus", which means "softness". In some versions, we see that the term "praotes" is translated in Galatians 6.1, as "kindness". And as "free", in Titus 3.2.

The Bible also presents meekness as a fruit of the Spirit, fruit that was manifested in Jesus before his jails and accusers, in the midst of the beating and humiliation, does not issue word of curse, but with great demonstration of his immense meekness, said: "Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23.34).

Jesus taught meekness, showing that by the fruits we know people. Those who possess the fruits of the Spirit will be known by the fruits they bear and thus we will be known by Christ.

It is important to understand about walking in meekness. In walking like Jesus walked. Remember: Jesus taught about it. Those that are full of softness. Courtesy and kindness, those will be the ones who will inherit the earth. These are participants in his glory.


This is a challenge for the disciples and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be Manso, describes the soft, gentle, docile, sweet, benevolent, considerate and modest character. "Poor" and "Manso" It is time to submit ourselves to God, in meekness, humility, in obedience to the Lord, we will achieve bliss, from the spiritual earth.

Good teaching, thank you for sharing your knowledge about the Beatitudes of the Lord!

Love this! Blessings!

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