Walking Together Requires Agreement

in #steemchurch5 years ago


"Will two walk together, if there is no agreement between them?" (Amos 3: 3) "
So that all may be one; and as you are, Father, in me and I in you, they also be in us; so that the world believes that you sent me. "(Jn 17:21)

Why is it difficult to see today among other things, lack of faith in Christ on earth?, The increase of illegality the love of many has cooled down, by not enduring sound doctrine and not wanting to hear Truth.
"I tell you, he will do them justice, but when the Son of Man will find faith on earth" (Luke 18: 8)
And because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24:12)

How time will come when they will not suffer sound doctrine; but, having itching in their ears, they will heap up for themselves doctors according to their own lusts.

We need to admit that we are being dragged by our wills, each one walking like an EMPEROR, each doing what seems good in his eyes and, alienated from the truth of the gospel, carried around by any type and all the wind of doctrine.

This is the generalized apostasy of the holy people of God!

Although we do not admit, the facts give account the word of God alerts us in this.

"Indeed, the Lord God will do nothing, without first revealing his secret to his servants, the prophets." (Amos 3 7)

(1) This also know, that in the last days will come dangerous times, (2) For men will be selfish, greedy, vainglorious, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, ungodly, (3) without natural affection, implacable , slanderers (4) traitors, daring, angry, more friends of the pleasures than friends of God, (5) having a form of piety, denying him, however, the power. He also flees from them. (2 Timothy 3)

Let's see the example of Jesus, the prophet of the prophets!

As the only begotten Son of God, he did not please himself, on the contrary he sanctified himself by being obedient to the Father, who had given them people with little or almost no condition.

From the beginning of that ministry of reconciliation, those were not wise, they had no prestige and, they left everything, albeit little, delivering their goods, social and family prestige, to travel with the teacher and to be with him in favor of many to love to God, being true followers and disciples, learning what was the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, brothers and sisters, in unity.

We fight and ask for understanding to do the will of God, but many times we put aside or do not listen to the clear Teachings in the Scriptures.


It is added that, we flee from sanctification - which is a separation from the things of the world and, we have allowed ourselves to be carried everywhere by MEN deviated from the truth, who deal with JUDATIC FABLES, dissuading us from seeking pleasures, rewards and living the days with badges and believing, practice, teaching, abusing the good faith of the people and keeping them in their natural state, since it suits them, for dishonest gain and make us bold claims to explain what is spiritual, outside or disturbing the Scriptures Sacred

Therefore, they resemble pig shepherds, giving spoiled food and staying in the mud, because they are grounded in the vision of the old covenant of God with a people (Jew) established with blood of goats and rams and that can not remove the sin of the world (only concealed the situation of sin) and could not save anyone, so in the new covenant, the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus who was killed on the cross, came and took the sin out of the world .

Preach another Gospel, of the cross, the body and blood and resurrection, which is the new covenant, testament and covenant amounts to "preaching another gospel" (Galatians 1: 7) false and cursed (Galatians 1: 8-9) that it deprives us of the grace of God (Hebrews 24:15).

However, this gospel requires denying ourselves and taking up the cross and walking in newness of life, but our actions may differ greatly from what has been recommended to us by Christ and, in most cases, that our wills have been excelled from God and from there and, without Christ in the heart and in the mind, we come to show and express that Jesus is not Lord of our lives, but our old man, because we do not act in agreement, on the contrary we despise, with our attitudes selfish and, exclusivists to flee from the word of truth.

"For, speaking very arrogant things of vanity, they gobbled up with the lusts of the flesh, and with dissolutions, those who walked away from those who were in error, Promising them freedom, being themselves servants of corruption, because of whom someone is vanquished In this way he becomes a servant, because if, after having escaped from the corruptions of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they were again involved in them and defeated, the last state worse than the first was converted. Because it would be better for them not to know the way of justice, which, knowing it, to deviate from the holy commandment that had been given to them, so that what came to them through a true proverb: the dog turned to its vomit, and the sow that was washed to wallow in mud. "(2 Peter 2: 18-22)

What to do ? Is there an exit?

In the prayer of Christ before going to the cross made in our favor, comes to the rescue that God gives us, as we read in John 17:

(9) It is for them that I pray; I do not pray for the world, but for those you gave me, because they are yours; (10) Pray, all my things are yours, and your things are mine; and, in them, I am glorified. (11) I am no longer in the world, but they continue in the world, while I go to you. Holy Father, keep in your name, that you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are. (12) When I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you gave me, and I protected them, and I protected them, none of them was lost, except the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled ... ( 16) They are not of the world, nor am I. (17) Sanctify in truth; your word is the truth. ... (20) I do not pray only for these, but also for those who come to believe in me, through his word; (21) so that all may be one; and as you are, Father, in me and I in you, they also be in us; so that the world believes that you sent me. ... (26) I made you know your name and I will still make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I may be in them.

God heard us the prayer of Christ?

Do not!

God sent his Son into the world to save us and walk with us every day until the end of the world we are not orphaned or helpless, he does not forget his many children, although by strangers while in the world and that distanced from his home and they were lost in the world, because of the ignorance and the hardness of the hearts and, even though they are in the pens of pigs that, in spite of being washed, they returned to the mud but, they fell into themselves and repented and do not want to stay in their sad states anymore. and that they proposed to return to the father's house and be treated as and that they use the old alliances, laws, rites and so many things that only kept us in prisons and cages and for the illicit enrichment of them, preferring to save and, there that is worth the vomited food, greed, selfishness and greed, having appearance of piety but that do nothing to satiate the hunger of the world, letting us eat of the acorns, in worse and last analysis, eat your own food. rcol food sow and they both deceiving and deceived contaminated with putrefaction and death!

It is the responsibility of each one of us to recognize our sad situation, whether it is the same as PUERCOS or DOGS, so that we repent and return to the Father's house, where there is true celebration, joy and life in abundance and eternal!


Hi @celestial15,

Yes sister, we need to apply more united to our plans.

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