The Beatitudes Are Already Here.

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hello dear parishioners today has been a day of excellent news.

Jesus, once again looking at his disciples, begins a discourse different from everything they had heard until then, He begins to speak of the beatitudes, of the future happiness. Discourse that contradicts all human logic of happiness, thus becoming a paradox of the grace of God.

In the blessed grace are not the rich, those who overcome "in the world", those who are at the top of society, but the poor, the failures according to the worldly pattern, those who fail to rise in life, to the needy, because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them, affirms Jesus. It is interesting to know that the Kingdom of Heaven is not heaven itself, but the whole of those who submit to a Kingdom that comes from the heavens, to a King called Jesus. To inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is, at least, to enjoy the peace that only this Kingdom can offer, feeling pleasure in hearing and attending to the voice of the ruler, the Lord. The same does not happen to the majority of those who have a lot of wealth, because, in spite of the many possessions, they do not manage to have peace in their hearts and they just can not get enough sleep.

Contrary to what the world teaches and even some religions, happy are those who are "hungry" today, now, in the day to day, because Jesus will satisfy them tomorrow. Happy are those who mourn, the hated, the persecuted, the insulted, the excluded as "bad" because of Christ. Jesus affirms that to them the reward they will receive in heaven will be great, because in the same way they treated the prophets in the past.

Funny that it is precisely those to whom the world applauds so much, that Jesus reserves the iso, the pains, the future sufferings. The rich, those who have abundance, those who laugh, those who are praised by all, those Jesus affirms, woe to you, they have already received their reward, they will starve, lament and cry, and in the same way they treated (praising and engraining them), they treated the false prophets. And here I remember what a messenger of the Grace of God says, what is exalted among men, is an abomination before God, almost always.

We can not make the mistake of believing that the logic of God is equal to the logic of man, we have already seen in that text, that sometimes the opposite can happen. Therefore, God has mercy on whom He wills, and hardens whom He wills (Romans 9:18). And it is not for us to question the action of God, nor to give to understand all his deeds, after all, He is God and we are men. By chance, what is formed can be asked by the one who formed it: why did he do it to me? (Romans 9:20)

May our conscience in Christ grow more and more as we walk with Him, always remembering that the Way is not a "path of displacement", the Way is a person: Jesus Christ. Walking with Jesus is much more than being part of a Christian group, or of a social club, it means having your mind constantly renewed by that of Christ moving on to see the world as He saw it: with the eyes of love and mercy.

Because I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor the powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. (Ro 8: 38-39)

Beatitude is here, at Telos!
At least in spirit.

The contract was created today, 5 May, on Telos, at account 'revelation21'.

Premined tokens have all been issued.

However, the ascension of the Beatitude does not begin until 30 May 2019.

Thanks to all those who have been involved in the development and creation - you know who you are. It has been a very, very long process.

You can find out more about the origin of the Telos Beatitude token here.



Great message of the Beatitudes sister, soon the beatitudes will arrive as promised.

Resteem by:

Let's keep moving forward in the SteemChurch Telos expansion! Record link here


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